index_title=lemonldap WEBSSO index_elemonldap=The lemonldap $1 could not be found on your system. Maybe it is not installed, or your module configuration is incorrect. domain_manage=Domains session_manage=backend session config_manage=config cache dump_of_cache=Dump of IPC cache config ipc_warning="WARNING : THIS OPERATION WILL DELETE AND REMOVE ALL IPC CACHES FOR USER " delete_all_ipc_cache=delete and remove all IPC caches index_domains=Domains creation_domain=Create domain index_session=session storage creation_session=Create session backend line_session=contents of the session line_session_access=to access session definition line_session_dummy=create session lines index_lines=Lines index_exp=Expressions create_exp=Create new expression create_line=Create new line index_config=Config create_config=Create config add_httpd=Add those lines in confirm=confirm #################### gui4webmin ############## lemonldap_configuration=Lemonldap Configuration lemonldap_invite=You must pass by module config in order to fix your parameters about=About session_server=Session server domains=Domains timelive=Time to live welcome=Welcome in LemonLDAP configuration lab_error_0=The field \"Motif OUT\" cannot be void for the type \"Combined\" lab_error_1=is an illegal name for handlers lab_error_2=is \"multi-homed\" by the multi-homing handler lab_error_3=HANDLER name cannot be void lab_error_4=is an illegal name for domain lab_error_5=DOMAIN name cannot be void lab_error_6=contains handler(s) lab_error_7=You MUST give a name to the handler !! lab_error_8=You MUST give a name to the node !! lab_error_9=This node already exists lab_error_10=copy file error lab_error_11=IP adress required with virtual host by IP adress !!! lab_error_12=Path to conf.d is void in module config!! lab_error_13=Path to conf.d defined in module config not exists !! lab_error_14=Couldn't create file : lab_next=Next lab_prev=Previous assist_handler_0=

HELP- 000000 -HELP

texte multi lingue
et multi ligne
qui explique aux users ce qu est un handler generic/combined/multi-homing


HELP- 111111 -HELP

texte multi lingue
WHAT'S L W P ????


HELP- 222222 -HELP

texte multi lingue
WHAT'S LDAP Attrib && Application CODE ????


HELP- 333333 -HELP

texte multi lingue

#------------------------------------ TIME TO LIVE PAGE lab_0=ID lab_1=Cache file lab_1_1=(Complete name with path) lab_2=Cache duration time lab_2_2=(In seconds) lab_3=Auto detection lab_3_3=(Check date modification's file) lab_4=Server lab_4_4=(or IP adress) lab_5=Port # lab_5_5=(default 12211) lab_6=ADD lab_7=Remove lab_8=Session lab_9=Servers list lab_10=Session list lab_11=Add session lab_12=Local server lab_13=Port # lab_13_13=(default 22122) lab_14=Local servers lab_15=Timeout lab_15_15=(Session timing in sec.) lab_16=Apply lab_17=Domains lab_18=Domain lab_19=Portal lab_19_19=(Login URL page) lab_20_20=(Default: lemonldap) lab_21=LDAP server lab_21_21=(Name or IP adress) lab_22=LDAP port lab_22_22=(LDAP server port / default 389) lab_23=LDAP people branch lab_23_23=(LDAP find base) lab_24=User ID lab_24_24=(LDAP user ID) lab_25=Password lab_25_25=(LDAP user password) lab_26=Add domain lab_27=APPLY lab_28=Slave CDA lab_28_28=(CGI URL / cookie for slave domain) lab_29=Edit handlers lab_30=Handlers lab_31=Handler lab_32=LWP Proxy enabled lab_33=Ldap attrib. lab_33_33=(Main access control) lab_34=Applic. code lab_34_34=(Minor access control) lab_35=Disabled lab_36=Pubic base lab_36_36=(Public URL of ressource to protect) lab_37=Private base lab_37_37=(Private URL of ressource to protect) lab_38=Stop cookie lab_39=External proxy lab_39_39=(For access to protected ressource) lab_40=LWP Recursive lab_41_41=(File ext. processed by mod_proxy) lab_42=List of Multi-Homed handlers lab_43=List of handlers available for multi homing lab_44=Soft control lab_45=LWP Time out lab_45_45=(Proxy LWP Time out) lab_46=Header lab_46_46=(HTTP header to include) lab_47=Allow lab_47_47=(Acces autorisation) lab_48=Plug-in policy lab_48_48=(Access management) lab_49_49=(HTML rewriting management) lab_50_50=(Sessions management) lab_51_51=(Headers management) lab_49=Plug-in HTML lab_50=Plug-in backend lab_51=Plug-in header lab_52=Motif IN lab_52_52=(URL expression IN) lab_53=Motif OUT lab_53_53=(URL expression OUT) lab_54=SUBMIT lab_55=Add handler lab_56=Delete handler lab_57=Delete domain lab_58=Create with help #--------- page cluster -------- lab_0_1=Symbolic name (or blank for delete) lab_0_2=Symbolic name lab_21_22=Node of agregation lab_21_23=Simple node lab_60=Location lab_60_60=(eg : /server-status?refresh=5) lab_60_61=(eg : /server-status) lab_61=Add Node lab_62=Remode Node lab_63=Apply modifications to XML lab_64=XML config files history lab_65=Discard modifications lab_66=IP Adress lab_66_66=(Assoc. with virtual host) lab_67=Log level lab_67_67=( default 'notice' ) lab_68=NONE lab_69=Client IP check