lemonldap-ng for Debian ----------------------- Topics: 1 - Manager installation 2 - Portal installation 3 - Area protection 4 - Configuration storage 5 - Build packages 6 - Update the repository I - LEMONLDAP::NG MANAGER INSTALLATION ---------------------------------------- Package: liblemonldap-ng-manager-perl liblemonldap-ng-manager-perl installs files named manager-apache.conf and manager-apache2.conf in /etc/lemonldap-ng/. Include it in apache configuration and configure it (virtual host has to be adapt). II - LEMONLDAP::NG PORTAL INSTALLATION -------------------------------------- Package: liblemonldap-ng-portal-perl WARNING : since version 0.9.3, login form template has change. You have to change your /var/lib/lemonldap-ng/portal/index.pl file using /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/portal/index.pl liblemonldap-ng-portal-perl installs files named portal-apache.conf and portal-apache2.conf in /etc/lemonldap-ng/. Include it in apache configuration and configure it (virtual host has to be adapt). You can also customize /var/lib/lemonldap-ng/portal/index.pl to adapt it to your site. This file is protected against upgrade. III - LEMONLDAP::NG AREA PROTECTION ---------------------------------- Package: liblemonldap-ng-handler-perl liblemonldap-ng-handler-perl installs a file named MyHandler.pm in /var/lib/lemonldap-ng/handler/. See handler-apache.conf or handler-apache2.conf in /etc/lemonldap-ng/ to know how to use it. You can also copy /usr/share/doc/lemonldap-ng/examples/test.pl into /var/lib/lemonldap-ng/index.pl to see how to use Lemonldap::NG with a Perl or PHP application. IV - LEMONLDAP::NG CONFIGURATION FILES --------------------------------------- Package: liblemonldap-ng-conf-perl Note that configuration files are now grouped in /etc/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng.ini V - Build DEB packages ----------------------- Note: official packages build is now hosted on https://github.com/guimard/LemonLDAP--NG-Debian-packaging Untar the archive and launch: $ make debian-packages Packages are in /tmp Sign packages: $ dpkg-sig -p --sign builder /tmp/*.deb VI - Update DEB repository -------------------------- The DEB repository is hosted on http://lemonldap-ng.org/deb Copy all deb files: $ scp *.deb lemonldapng@lemonldap-ng.org:incoming/ Then connect on the server and launch reprepro: $ ssh lemonldapng@lemonldap-ng.org lemonldapng@lemonldap-ng.org$ cd deb/ lemonldapng@lemonldap-ng.org$ reprepro --ask-passphrase -Vb . includedeb squeeze ../incoming/*1.2.2*deb See also reprepro configuration file: 'distributions'