package My::Portal; use Test::More tests => 13; use strict; our @ISA = qw(Lemonldap::NG::Portal::IssuerDBOpenID Lemonldap::NG::Portal::OpenID::SREG); sub lmLog { my ( $self, $msg, $level ) = splice @_; #print STDERR "[$level] $msg\n"; } our $param = { confirm => 0 }; sub param { my ( $self, $key ) = splice @_; return $param->{$key}; } sub info { } sub _sub { } sub updatePersistentSession { } SKIP: { eval { require Net::OpenID::Server; }; skip( "Net::OpenID::Consumer is not installed, so " . "Lemonldap::NG::Portal::AuthOpenID will not be useable", 2 ) if ($@); use_ok('Lemonldap::NG::Portal::OpenID::Server'); use_ok('Lemonldap::NG::Portal::IssuerDBOpenID'); use_ok('Lemonldap::NG::Portal::OpenID::SREG'); my $p = bless { sessionInfo => { uid => 'test', mail => '' }, }, __PACKAGE__; my ( $r, $h ); ( $r, $h ) = $p->sregHook( '', '', 0, 0, {} ); ok( $r == 0, 'SREG: Call sregHook with untrusted request' ); $param->{confirm} = -1; ok( !$p->sregHook( '', '', 1, 1, {} ), 'SREG: call sregHook with confirm => -1' ); $param->{confirm} = 1; ok( $p->sregHook( '', '', 1, 1, {} ), 'SREG: call sregHook without arguments' ); ( $r, $h ) = $p->sregHook( '', '', 1, 1, { required => 'fullname,email', optional => 'nickname' }, ); ok( $r == 0, 'SREG: 0 returned unless required attributes are configured' ); $p->{openIdSreg_fullname} = '$uid'; $p->{openIdSreg_email} = '$mail'; $p->{openIdSreg_nickname} = '$uid'; ( $r, $h ) = $p->sregHook( '', '', 1, 1, { required => 'fullname,email', optional => 'nickname' }, ); ok( $r == 1, 'SREG: 1 returned if required attributes are configured' ); ok( ref($h), 'SREG: Parameters returned as hashref' ); ok( ( $h->{email} eq '' and $h->{fullname} eq 'test' ), 'SREG: required attributes returned' ); ok( !defined( $h->{nickname} ), 'SREG: optional parameter not returned' ); $param->{sreg_nickname} = 0; ( $r, $h ) = $p->sregHook( '', '', 1, 1, { required => 'fullname,email', optional => 'nickname' }, ); ok( !defined( $h->{nickname} ), 'SREG: optional unwanted parameter not returned' ); $param->{sreg_nickname} = 'OK'; ( $r, $h ) = $p->sregHook( '', '', 1, 1, { required => 'fullname,email', optional => 'nickname' }, ); ok( defined( $h->{nickname} ), 'SREG: optional wanted parameter returned' ); $param->{confirm} = 0; ( $r, $h ) = $p->sregHook( '', '', 1, 1, { required => 'fullname,email', optional => 'nickname' }, ); ok( ( $r == 0 and ref($h) ), 'SREG: 0 returned for unconfirmed parameters' ); }