package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Plugins::ContextSwitching; use strict; use Mouse; use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Constants qw( PE_OK PE_ERROR PE_NOTOKEN PE_REDIRECT PE_TOKENEXPIRED PE_MALFORMEDUSER PE_BADCREDENTIALS PE_SESSIONEXPIRED PE_IMPERSONATION_SERVICE_NOT_ALLOWED ); our $VERSION = '2.1.0'; extends qw( Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Plugin Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::_tokenRule Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::OtherSessions ); # INITIALIZATION has ott => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { my $ott = $_[0]->{p}->loadModule('Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::OneTimeToken'); $ott->timeout( $_[0]->{conf}->{formTimeout} ); return $ott; } ); has rule => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 0 } ); has idRule => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 1 } ); has unrestrictedUsersRule => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 0 } ); sub init { my ($self) = @_; $self->addAuthRoute( switchcontext => 'run', ['POST'] ) ->addAuthRoute( switchcontext => 'display', ['GET'] ); # Parse ContextSwitching rules $self->rule( $self->p->buildRule( $self->conf->{contextSwitchingRule}, 'contextSwitching' ) ); return 0 unless $self->rule; $self->idRule( $self->p->buildRule( $self->conf->{contextSwitchingIdRule}, 'contextSwitchingId' ) ); return 0 unless $self->idRule; $self->unrestrictedUsersRule( $self->p->buildRule( $self->conf->{contextSwitchingUnrestrictedUsersRule}, 'contextSwitchingUnrestrictedUsers' ) ); return 0 unless $self->unrestrictedUsersRule; return 1; } # RUNNING METHOD sub display { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; my ( $realSession, $realSessionId ); if ( $realSessionId = $req->userData->{"$self->{conf}->{contextSwitchingPrefix}_session_id"} ) { unless ( $realSession = $self->p->getApacheSession($realSessionId) ) { $self->userLogger->info( "ContextSwitching: session $realSessionId expired"); return $self->p->do( $req, [ sub { PE_SESSIONEXPIRED } ] ); } } # Check access rules unless ( $self->rule->( $req, $req->userData ) || $req->userData->{ "$self->{conf}->{contextSwitchingPrefix}_session_id"} ) { $self->userLogger->warn('ContextSwitching service NOT authorized'); return $self->p->do( $req, [ sub { PE_IMPERSONATION_SERVICE_NOT_ALLOWED } ] ); } if ( $req->userData->{"$self->{conf}->{contextSwitchingPrefix}_session_id"} ) { $self->logger->debug('Request to stop ContextSwitching'); if ( $self->conf->{contextSwitchingStopWithLogout} ) { $self->userLogger->notice("Stop ContextSwitching for $req->{user}"); $self->userLogger->info("Remove real session $realSessionId"); $realSession->remove; return $self->p->do( $req, [ @{ $self->p->beforeLogout }, 'authLogout', 'deleteSession' ] ); } else { $req = $self->_abortImpersonation( $req, $req->{user}, $realSession->data->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} }, 0 ); $self->p->updateSession( $req, $req->userData ); return $self->p->do( $req, [ sub { PE_REDIRECT } ] ); } } # Display form my $params = { PORTAL => $self->conf->{portal}, MAIN_LOGO => $self->conf->{portalMainLogo}, SKIN => $self->p->getSkin($req), LANGS => $self->conf->{showLanguages}, MSG => 'contextSwitching_ON', ALERTE => 'alert-danger', LOGIN => '', SPOOFID => $self->conf->{contextSwitchingRule}, TOKEN => ( $self->ottRule->( $req, {} ) ? $self->ott->createToken() : '' ) }; return $self->p->sendHtml( $req, 'contextSwitching', params => $params, ); } sub run { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; my $statut = PE_OK; my $realId = $req->{user}; my $spoofId = $req->param('spoofId') || ''; # ContextSwitching required ? my $unUser = $self->unrestrictedUsersRule->( $req, $req->userData ) || 0; # Check token if ( $self->ottRule->( $req, {} ) ) { my $token = $req->param('token'); unless ($token) { $self->userLogger->warn('ContextSwitching called without token'); return $self->p->do( $req, [ sub { PE_NOTOKEN } ] ); } unless ( $self->ott->getToken($token) ) { $self->userLogger->warn( 'ContextSwitching called with an expired/bad token'); return $self->p->do( $req, [ sub { PE_TOKENEXPIRED } ] ); } } # Check activation rule unless ( $self->rule->( $req, $req->userData ) ) { $self->userLogger->warn('ContextSwitching service NOT authorized'); $spoofId = ''; return $self->p->do( $req, [ sub { PE_IMPERSONATION_SERVICE_NOT_ALLOWED } ] ); } # ContextSwitching required -> Check user Id if ( $spoofId && $spoofId ne $req->{user} ) { $self->logger->debug("Spoofed Id: $spoofId"); unless ( $spoofId =~ /$self->{conf}->{userControl}/o ) { $self->userLogger->warn('Malformed spoofed Id'); $self->logger->debug( "ContextSwitching tried with spoofed Id: $spoofId"); return $self->p->do( $req, [ sub { PE_MALFORMEDUSER } ] ); } } else { $self->logger->debug("contextSwitching NOT required"); $req->urldc( $self->conf->{portal} ); return $self->p->do( $req, [ sub { PE_OK } ] ); } # Create spoofed session $req = $self->_switchContext( $req, $spoofId, $unUser ); $statut = ( $req->error == PE_BADCREDENTIALS ? PE_MALFORMEDUSER : $req->error ) if $req->error; # Main session $self->p->updateSession( $req, $req->sessionInfo ); $self->userLogger->notice( "ContextSwitching: Update \"$realId\" session with \"$spoofId\" session data" ); $req->mustRedirect(1); return $self->p->do( $req, [ sub { $statut } ] ); } sub _switchContext { my ( $self, $req, $spoofId, $unUser ) = @_; my $realSessionId = $req->userData->{_session_id}; my $realAuthLevel = $req->userData->{authenticationLevel}; my $realId = $req->{user}; my $raz = 0; $req->{user} = $spoofId; # Search user in database & create session $req->steps( [ 'getUser', 'setAuthSessionInfo', 'setSessionInfo', $self->p->groupsAndMacros, 'setPersistentSessionInfo', 'setLocalGroups', 'store', 'buildCookie' ] ); if ( my $error = $self->p->process($req) ) { $self->userLogger->warn( 'ContextSwitching requested for an invalid user (' . $req->{user} . ")" ) if ( $error == PE_BADCREDENTIALS ); $self->logger->debug("Process returned error: $error"); $req->error($error); $raz = 1; } # Check identities rule if ContextSwitching required $self->logger->info("\"$realId\" is an unrestricted user!") if $unUser; unless ( $unUser || $self->idRule->( $req, $req->sessionInfo ) ) { $self->userLogger->warn( 'ContextSwitching requested for an invalid user (' . $req->{user} . ")" ); $self->logger->debug('Identity NOT authorized'); $req->error(PE_MALFORMEDUSER); # Catch error to preserve protected Id $raz = 1; } $req->sessionInfo->{"$self->{conf}->{contextSwitchingPrefix}_session_id"} = $realSessionId; return $self->_abortImpersonation( $req, $spoofId, $realId, 1 ) if $raz; $self->logger->debug( "Update sessionInfo with real authenticationLevel: $realAuthLevel"); $req->sessionInfo->{authenticationLevel} = $realAuthLevel; delete $req->sessionInfo->{groups}; # Compute groups & macros again with real authenticationLevel $req->steps( [ 'setSessionInfo', $self->p->groupsAndMacros, 'setLocalGroups' ] ); if ( my $error = $self->p->process($req) ) { $self->logger->debug( "ContextSwitching: Process returned error: $error"); $req->error($error); } $self->userLogger->notice( "Start ContextSwitching: \"$realId\" becomes \"$spoofId\""); return $req; } sub _abortImpersonation { my ( $self, $req, $spoofId, $realId, $abort ) = @_; my $type = $abort ? 'sessionInfo' : 'userData'; my $realSessionId = $req->{$type}->{"$self->{conf}->{contextSwitchingPrefix}_session_id"}; my $session; unless ( $session = $self->p->getApacheSession($realSessionId) ) { $self->userLogger->info("Session $session expired"); return $req->error(PE_SESSIONEXPIRED); } if ($abort) { $self->userLogger->notice( "Abort ContextSwitching: \"$spoofId\" by \"$realId\""); if ( my $abortSession = $self->p->getApacheSession( $req->id ) ) { $abortSession->remove; } else { $self->userLogger->info( "ContextSwitching: session " . $req->id . " expired" ); } } else { $self->userLogger->notice( "Stop ContextSwitching for \"$realId\" with uid \"$spoofId\""); $self->p->deleteSession($req); } # Restore real session $req->{$type} = { %{ $session->data } }; $req->{user} = $session->data->{_user}; $req->urldc( $self->conf->{portal} ); $req->id($realSessionId); $self->p->buildCookie($req); delete $req->{$type} ->{"$self->{conf}->{contextSwitchingPrefix}_session_id"}; return $req; } sub displayLink { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; return 'OFF' if $req->userData->{"$self->{conf}->{contextSwitchingPrefix}_session_id"}; return 'ON' if $self->rule->( $req, $req->userData ); } 1;