#!/usr/bin/perl use Test::More; use strict; use IO::String; use File::Copy; use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Constants qw( PE_RESETCERTIFICATE_INVALID PE_RESETCERTIFICATE_FORMEMPTY PE_RESETCERTIFICATE_FIRSTACCESS ); BEGIN { eval { require 't/test-lib.pm'; require 't/smtp.pm'; }; } my ( $res, $user ); my $maintests = 12; SKIP: { eval 'require Email::Sender::Simple; use GD::SecurityImage; use Image::Magick; use Net::SSLeay; use DateTime::Format::RFC3339;'; if ($@) { skip 'Missing dependencies ' . $@, $maintests; } my $client = LLNG::Manager::Test->new( { ini => { logLevel => 'error', useSafeJail => 1, portalDisplayRegister => 1, authentication => 'SSL', userDB => 'Demo', passwordDB => 'Demo', registerDB => 'Custom', customRegister => '::Register::Demo', customResetCertByMail => '::CertificateResetByMail::Demo', captcha_mail_enabled => 0, portalDisplayCertificateResetByMail => 1, certificateResetByMailCeaAttribute => 'description', certificateResetByMailCertificateAttribute => 'userCertificate;binary', certificateResetByMailStep1Body => 'Click here to confirm your mail. It will expire $expMailDate', certificateResetByMailStep2Body => 'Certificate successfully reset!', certificateValidityDelay => 30 } } ); # Test form # ------------------------ ok( $res = $client->_get( '/certificateReset', accept => 'text/html' ), 'Reset form', ); my ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, '#', undef, 'mail' ); $query = 'mail=dwho%40badwolf.org'; # Post email ok( $res = $client->_post( '/certificateReset', IO::String->new($query), length => length($query), accept => 'text/html' ), 'Post mail' ); ok( mail() =~ m#a href="http://auth.example.com/certificateReset\?(.*?)"#, 'Found link in mail' ); $query = $1; my $querymail = $query; ok( $res = $client->_get( '/certificateReset', query => $query, accept => 'text/html' ), 'Post mail token received by mail' ); # print STDERR Dumper($res); ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, '#', undef, 'token' ); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ /certif/s, ' Ask for a new certificate file' ); #print STDERR Dumper($query); my %inputs = split( /[=&]/, $query ); my %querytab = split( /[=&]/, $querymail ); # Create the certificate file my $cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDdzCCAl+gAwIBAgIJAKGx8siw7lkRMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMFExCzAJBgNV BAYTAkZSMQ8wDQYDVQQIDAZGcmFuY2UxDjAMBgNVBAcMBVBBcmlzMREwDwYDVQQK DAhMaW5hZ29yYTEOMAwGA1UECwwFTElOSUQwIBcNMTkwNzA0MTcyNjI4WhgPMjEx OTA2MTAxNzI2MjhaMFExCzAJBgNVBAYTAkZSMQ8wDQYDVQQIDAZGcmFuY2UxDjAM BgNVBAcMBVBBcmlzMREwDwYDVQQKDAhMaW5hZ29yYTEOMAwGA1UECwwFTElOSUQw ggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQC3iyeNE2vpURgdY7xwxS16 xUJANPuMSrCfy1E/xpCtbP02zK0B11DkT81AnTHgvsWYuiubR1P3Phhh+JLsLRho Grzu9xjaiKXQ+kT1cAiq6skZljphykXBfKUb73W9CPntHL/zl3XyIfu+dWyCGbqa jHw0Llomi8JqU/XKB6XAYumsV3QzFMM7ECm5HeV3BxfIBwoIOwfwINDUrAGS3h4k WH/iiqwG7uSuADupSfdmOrvE7rYZupPas4YATX1m5hmON++9pRRFVEoNeOV1qyGY G7swH1uoO2hAgwKIw0vinft/pJLqe3qhrJwNCIZFHaDEx/PRERFeeEH9/6HSz5kt AgMBAAGjUDBOMB0GA1UdDgQWBBTFv6pQT/9IBWEAGhILGCcweVfHmTAfBgNVHSME GDAWgBTFv6pQT/9IBWEAGhILGCcweVfHmTAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3 DQEBCwUAA4IBAQBFYneMW5etMnsA3/PdvOqx/ijBF98aKlB4U4IKZpdDRAcsstdL BSsHRQbHXtb9VdlDWvUnNg5DmjsA8DkOXKXGPGM9ncu9tQi9EoInbOJTMaEsIr2j zrLj6PHTvazy+6Au+R/9N5u3WQtq/Z2xoN/+bbQ1dyjXgQmBZFizHP32l5AdgBDT jF7xMHxJ6Jxz9lkI+d9v0TzpxTStsaC+pbDfoouNc2deZkv84YTIrD0EPSHFDH5d u5i9b+lrWZeCtpVEPzSYpnBwGfepbZAzfVRKJm7wZPCe7KxqMGXQLVBkD8oN7vA1 lkRrWfQftwmLyNIu3HfSgXlgAZS30ymfbzBU -----END CERTIFICATE-----"; open my $FH2, '>', '/tmp/v296ZJQ_kG'; print {$FH2} "$cert"; close $FH2; $res = $client->app->( { 'plack.request.query' => bless( { 'skin' => $querytab{'skin'}, 'mail_token' => $querytab{'mail_token'} }, 'Hash::MultiValue' ), 'PATH_INFO' => '/certificateReset', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'POST', 'HTTP_ORIGIN' => 'http://auth.example.com', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => 'fr,fr-FR;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3', 'REQUEST_SCHEME' => 'http', 'HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL' => 'max-age=0', 'plack.request.merged' => bless( { 'skin' => $querytab{'skin'}, 'mail_token' => $querytab{'mail_token'}, 'url' => '', 'token' => $inputs{'token'} }, 'Hash::MultiValue' ), 'REMOTE_PORT' => '36674', 'QUERY_STRING' => $querymail, 'SERVER_SIGNATURE' => '', 'psgix.input.buffered' => 1, 'HTTP_UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS' => '1', 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundarybabRY9u6K9tERoLr', 'plack.request.upload' => bless( { 'certif' => bless( { 'headers' => bless( { 'content-disposition' => 'form-data; name="certif"; filename="user.pem"', 'content-type' => 'application/x-x509-ca-cert', '::std_case' => { 'content-disposition' => 'Content-Disposition' } }, 'HTTP::Headers' ), 'filename' => 'user.pem', 'tempname' => '/tmp/v296ZJQ_kG', 'size' => 1261 }, 'Plack::Request::Upload' ) }, 'Hash::MultiValue' ), 'psgi.streaming' => 1, 'plack.request.body' => bless( { 'skin' => 'bootstrap', 'url' => '', 'token' => $inputs{'token'} }, 'Hash::MultiValue' ), 'SCRIPT_URL' => '/certificateReset', 'SERVER_NAME' => 'auth.example.com', 'HTTP_REFERER' => 'http://auth.example.com/certificateReset?' . $querymail, 'HTTP_CONNECTION' => 'close', 'CONTENT_LENGTH' => '1759', 'SCRIPT_URI' => 'http://auth.example.com/certificateReset', 'plack.cookie.parsed' => { 'llnglanguage' => 'fr' }, 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'SERVER_NAME' => 'auth.example.com', 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '', 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (VAX-4000; rv:36.0) Gecko/20350101 Firefox', 'HTTP_COOKIE' => 'llnglanguage=fr', 'REMOTE_ADDR' => '', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/certificateReset?' . $querymail, 'plack.cookie.string' => 'llnglanguage=fr', 'SERVER_ADDR' => '', 'psgi.url_scheme' => 'http', 'psgix.harakiri' => '', 'HTTP_HOST' => 'auth.example.com' } ); ok( mail() =~ /Certificate successfully reset/, 'Certificate has been reset' ); # Test invalid certificate # Test form # ------------------------ ok( $res = $client->_get( '/certificateReset', accept => 'text/html' ), 'Reset form', ); ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, '#', undef, 'mail' ); $query = 'mail=dwho%40badwolf.org'; # Post email ok( $res = $client->_post( '/certificateReset', IO::String->new($query), length => length($query), accept => 'text/html' ), 'Post mail' ); ok( mail() =~ m#a href="http://auth.example.com/certificateReset\?(.*?)"#, 'Found link in mail' ); $query = $1; $querymail = $query; ok( $res = $client->_get( '/certificateReset', query => $query, accept => 'text/html' ), 'Post mail token received by mail' ); # print STDERR Dumper($res); ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, '#', undef, 'token' ); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ /certif/s, ' Ask for a new certificate file' ); #print STDERR Dumper($query); %inputs = split( /[=&]/, $query ); %querytab = split( /[=&]/, $querymail ); # Create the certificate file $cert = "INVALID CERTIFICATE"; open $FH2, '>', '/tmp/v296ZJQ_kG'; print {$FH2} "$cert"; close $FH2; $res = $client->app->( { 'plack.request.query' => bless( { 'skin' => $querytab{'skin'}, 'mail_token' => $querytab{'mail_token'} }, 'Hash::MultiValue' ), 'PATH_INFO' => '/certificateReset', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'POST', 'HTTP_ORIGIN' => 'http://auth.example.com', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => 'fr,fr-FR;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3', 'REQUEST_SCHEME' => 'http', 'HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL' => 'max-age=0', 'plack.request.merged' => bless( { 'skin' => $querytab{'skin'}, 'mail_token' => $querytab{'mail_token'}, 'url' => '', 'token' => $inputs{'token'} }, 'Hash::MultiValue' ), 'REMOTE_PORT' => '36674', 'QUERY_STRING' => $querymail, 'SERVER_SIGNATURE' => '', 'psgix.input.buffered' => 1, 'HTTP_UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS' => '1', 'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundarybabRY9u6K9tERoLr', 'plack.request.upload' => bless( { 'certif' => bless( { 'headers' => bless( { 'content-disposition' => 'form-data; name="certif"; filename="user.pem"', 'content-type' => 'application/x-x509-ca-cert', '::std_case' => { 'content-disposition' => 'Content-Disposition' } }, 'HTTP::Headers' ), 'filename' => 'user.pem', 'tempname' => '/tmp/v296ZJQ_kG', 'size' => 1261 }, 'Plack::Request::Upload' ) }, 'Hash::MultiValue' ), 'psgi.streaming' => 1, 'plack.request.body' => bless( { 'skin' => 'bootstrap', 'url' => '', 'token' => $inputs{'token'} }, 'Hash::MultiValue' ), 'SCRIPT_URL' => '/certificateReset', 'SERVER_NAME' => 'auth.example.com', 'HTTP_REFERER' => 'http://auth.example.com/certificateReset?' . $querymail, 'HTTP_CONNECTION' => 'close', 'CONTENT_LENGTH' => '1759', 'SCRIPT_URI' => 'http://auth.example.com/certificateReset', 'plack.cookie.parsed' => { 'llnglanguage' => 'fr' }, 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'SERVER_NAME' => 'auth.example.com', 'SERVER_PROTOCOL' => 'HTTP/1.1', 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '', 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (VAX-4000; rv:36.0) Gecko/20350101 Firefox', 'HTTP_COOKIE' => 'llnglanguage=fr', 'REMOTE_ADDR' => '', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/certificateReset?' . $querymail, 'plack.cookie.string' => 'llnglanguage=fr', 'SERVER_ADDR' => '', 'psgi.url_scheme' => 'http', 'psgix.harakiri' => '', 'HTTP_HOST' => 'auth.example.com' } ); my $trmsg = $res->[2]->[0]; # get html response my @trmsg = split( /\n/, $trmsg ); # split into lines @trmsg = grep( /trmsg="/, @trmsg ); # only get line corresponding to message $trmsg = $trmsg[0]; # get the first one only $trmsg =~ s/.*trmsg="([0-9]+)".*/$1/g; # get error code number ok( $trmsg == PE_RESETCERTIFICATE_INVALID, 'Invalid certificate' ); } count($maintests); done_testing( count() );