use Test::More; use strict; use IO::String; use MIME::Base64; BEGIN { require 't/'; } my $debug = 'error'; my ( $op, $rp, $res ); my %handlerOR = ( op => [], rp => [] ); # Initialization ok( $op = op(), 'OP portal' ); ok( $res = $op->_get('/oauth2/jwks'), 'Get JWKS, endpoint /oauth2/jwks' ); expectOK($res); my $jwks = $res->[2]->[0]; ok( $res = $op->_get('/.well-known/openid-configuration'), 'Get metadata, endpoint /.well-known/openid-configuration' ); expectOK($res); my $metadata = $res->[2]->[0]; count(3); switch ('rp'); ok( $rp = rp( $jwks, $metadata ), 'RP portal' ); count(1); # Query RP for auth ok( $res = $rp->_get( '/', accept => 'text/html' ), 'Unauth SP request' ); count(1); my ( $url, $query ) = expectRedirection( $res, qr#\?(.*)$# ); # Push request to OP switch ('op'); ok( $res = $op->_get( $url, query => $query, accept => 'text/html' ), "Push request to OP, endpoint $url" ); count(1); expectOK($res); # Try to authenticate to IdP $query = "user=french&password=french&$query"; ok( $res = $op->_post( $url, IO::String->new($query), accept => 'text/html', length => length($query), ), "Post authentication, endpoint $url" ); count(1); my $idpId = expectCookie($res); my ( $host, $tmp ); ( $host, $tmp, $query ) = expectForm( $res, '#', undef, 'confirm' ); ok( $res = $op->_post( $url, IO::String->new($query), accept => 'text/html', cookie => "lemonldap=$idpId", length => length($query), ), "Post confirmation, endpoint $url" ); count(1); ($query) = expectRedirection( $res, qr#^\?(.*)$# ); # Push OP response to RP switch ('rp'); ok( $res = $rp->_get( '/', query => $query, accept => 'text/html' ), 'Call openidconnectcallback on RP' ); count(1); my $spId = expectCookie($res); switch ('op'); ok( $res = $op->_get( '/oauth2/checksession.html', accept => 'text.html' ), 'Check session, endpoint /oauth2/checksession.html' ); count(1); expectOK($res); ok( getHeader( $res, 'Content-Security-Policy' ) !~ /frame-ancestors/, ' Frame can be embedded' ) or explain( $res->[1], 'Content-Security-Policy does not contain a frame-ancestors' ); count(1); # Verify UTF-8 switch ('rp'); ok( $res = $rp->_get("/sessions/global/$spId"), 'Get UTF-8' ); expectOK($res); ok( $res = eval { JSON::from_json( $res->[2]->[0] ) }, ' GET JSON' ) or print STDERR $@; ok( $res->{cn} eq 'Frédéric Accents', 'UTF-8 values' ) or explain( $res, 'cn => Frédéric Accents' ); count(3); # Logout initiated by OP switch ('op'); ok( $res = $op->_get( '/', query => 'logout', cookie => "lemonldap=$idpId", accept => 'text/html' ), 'Query SP for logout' ); count(1); expectOK($res); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ m#_get( '/', cookie => "lemonldap=$idpId", ), 'Test if user is reject on IdP' ); count(1); expectReject($res); #switch ('rp'); #ok( # $res = $rp->_get( # '/', # accept => 'text/html', # cookie => # "lemonldapidp=; lemonldap=$spId" # ), # 'Test if user is reject on SP' #); #count(1); #expectRedirection( $res, qr#^ ); #print STDERR Dumper($res); clean_sessions(); done_testing( count() ); no warnings 'redefine'; sub LWP::UserAgent::request { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; ok( $req->uri =~ m#http://auth.((?:o|r)p).com(.*)#, ' REST request' ); my $host = $1; my $url = $2; my ( $res, $client ); count(1); if ( $host eq 'op' ) { pass(" Request from RP to OP, endpoint $url"); $client = $op; } elsif ( $host eq 'rp' ) { pass(' Request from OP to RP'); $client = $rp; } else { fail(' Aborting REST request (external)'); return HTTP::Response->new(500); } if ( $req->method =~ /^post$/i ) { my $s = $req->content; ok( $res = $client->_post( $url, IO::String->new($s), length => length($s), type => $req->header('Content-Type'), ), ' Execute request' ); } else { ok( $res = $client->_get( $url, custom => { HTTP_AUTHORIZATION => $req->header('Authorization'), } ), ' Execute request' ); } ok( $res->[0] == 200, ' Response is 200' ); ok( getHeader( $res, 'Content-Type' ) =~ m#^application/json#, ' Content is JSON' ) or explain( $res->[1], 'Content-Type => application/json' ); my $httpResp = HTTP::Response->new( $res->[0], 'OK' ); while ( my $name = shift @{ $res->[1] } ) { $httpResp->header( $name, shift( @{ $res->[1] } ) ); } #print STDERR Dumper($res->[2]); $httpResp->content( join( '', @{ $res->[2] } ) ); count(4); return $httpResp; } sub switch { my $type = shift; pass( '==> Switching to ' . uc($type) . ' <==' ); count(1); @Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::_onReload = @{ $handlerOR{$type}; }; } sub op { return LLNG::Manager::Test->new( { ini => { logLevel => $debug, domain => '', portal => '', authentication => 'Demo', userDB => 'Same', issuerDBOpenIDConnectActivation => "1", oidcRPMetaDataExportedVars => { rp => { email => "mail", family_name => "cn", name => "cn" } }, oidcServiceMetaDataIssuer => "", oidcServiceMetaDataAuthorizeURI => "authorize", oidcServiceMetaDataCheckSessionURI => "checksession.html", oidcServiceMetaDataJWKSURI => "jwks", oidcServiceMetaDataEndSessionURI => "logout", oidcServiceMetaDataRegistrationURI => "register", oidcServiceMetaDataTokenURI => "token", oidcServiceMetaDataUserInfoURI => "userinfo", oidcServiceAllowHybridFlow => 1, oidcServiceAllowImplicitFlow => 1, oidcServiceAllowDynamicRegistration => 1, oidcServiceAllowAuthorizationCodeFlow => 1, oidcRPMetaDataOptions => { rp => { oidcRPMetaDataOptionsDisplayName => "RP", oidcRPMetaDataOptionsIDTokenExpiration => 3600, oidcRPMetaDataOptionsClientID => "rpid", oidcRPMetaDataOptionsIDTokenSignAlg => "HS512", oidcRPMetaDataOptionsBypassConsent => 0, oidcRPMetaDataOptionsClientSecret => "rpsecret", oidcRPMetaDataOptionsUserIDAttr => "", oidcRPMetaDataOptionsAccessTokenExpiration => 3600, oidcRPMetaDataOptionsLogoutUrl => '', oidcRPMetaDataOptionsLogoutType => 'front', oidcRPMetaDataOptionsLogoutSessionRequired => 0, } }, oidcOPMetaDataOptions => {}, oidcOPMetaDataJSON => {}, oidcOPMetaDataJWKS => {}, oidcServiceMetaDataAuthnContext => { 'loa-4' => 4, 'loa-1' => 1, 'loa-5' => 5, 'loa-2' => 2, 'loa-3' => 3 }, oidcServicePrivateKeySig => "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEowIBAAKCAQEAs2jsmIoFuWzMkilJaA8//5/T30cnuzX9GImXUrFR2k9EKTMt GMHCdKlWOl3BV+BTAU9TLz7Jzd/iJ5GJ6B8TrH1PHFmHpy8/qE/S5OhinIpIi7eb ABqnoVcwDdCa8ugzq8k8SWxhRNXfVIlwz4NH1caJ8lmiERFj7IvNKqEhzAk0pyDr 8hubveTC39xREujKlsqutpPAFPJ3f2ybVsdykX5rx0h5SslG3jVWYhZ/SOb2aIzO r0RMjhQmsYRwbpt3anjlBZ98aOzg7GAkbO8093X5VVk9vaPRg0zxJQ0Do0YLyzkR isSAIFb0tdKuDnjRGK6y/N2j6At2HjkxntbtGQIDAQABAoIBADYq6LxJd977LWy3 0HT9nboFPIf+SM2qSEc/S5Po+6ipJBA4ZlZCMf7dHa6znet1TDpqA9iQ4YcqIHMH 6xZNQ7hhgSAzG9TrXBHqP+djDlrrGWotvjuy0IfS9ixFnnLWjrtAH9afRWLuG+a/ NHNC1M6DiiTE0TzL/lpt/zzut3CNmWzH+t19X6UsxUg95AzooEeewEYkv25eumWD mfQZfCtSlIw1sp/QwxeJa/6LJw7KcPZ1wXUm1BN0b9eiKt9Cmni1MS7elgpZlgGt xtfGTZtNLQ7bgDiM8MHzUfPBhbceNSIx2BeCuOCs/7eaqgpyYHBbAbuBQex2H61l Lcc3Tz0CgYEA4Kx/avpCPxnvsJ+nHVQm5d/WERuDxk4vH1DNuCYBvXTdVCGADf6a F5No1JcTH3nPTyPWazOyGdT9LcsEJicLyD8vCM6hBFstG4XjqcAuqG/9DRsElpHQ yi1zc5DNP7Vxmiz9wII0Mjy0abYKtxnXh9YK4a9g6wrcTpvShhIcIb8CgYEAzGzG lorVCfX9jXULIznnR/uuP5aSnTEsn0xJeqTlbW0RFWLdj8aIL1peirh1X89HroB9 GeTNqEJXD+3CVL2cx+BRggMDUmEz4hR59meZCDGUyT5fex4LIsceb/ESUl2jo6Sw HXwWbN67rQ55N4oiOcOppsGxzOHkl5HdExKidycCgYEAr5Qev2tz+fw65LzfzHvH Kj4S/KuT/5V6He731cFd+sEpdmX3vPgLVAFPG1Q1DZQT/rTzDDQKK0XX1cGiLG63 NnaqOye/jbfzOF8Z277kt51NFMDYhRLPKDD82IOA4xjY/rPKWndmcxwdob8yAIWh efY76sMz6ntCT+xWSZA9i+ECgYBWMZM2TIlxLsBfEbfFfZewOUWKWEGvd9l5vV/K D5cRIYivfMUw5yPq2267jPUolayCvniBH4E7beVpuPVUZ7KgcEvNxtlytbt7muil 5Z6X3tf+VodJ0Swe2NhTmNEB26uwxzLe68BE3VFCsbSYn2y48HAq+MawPZr18bHG ZfgMxwKBgHHRg6HYqF5Pegzk1746uH2G+OoCovk5ylGGYzcH2ghWTK4agCHfBcDt EYqYAev/l82wi+OZ5O8U+qjFUpT1CVeUJdDs0o5u19v0UJjunU1cwh9jsxBZAWLy PAGd6SWf4S3uQCTw6dLeMna25YIlPh5qPA6I/pAahe8e3nSu2ckl -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ", oidcServicePublicKeySig => "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAs2jsmIoFuWzMkilJaA8/ /5/T30cnuzX9GImXUrFR2k9EKTMtGMHCdKlWOl3BV+BTAU9TLz7Jzd/iJ5GJ6B8T rH1PHFmHpy8/qE/S5OhinIpIi7ebABqnoVcwDdCa8ugzq8k8SWxhRNXfVIlwz4NH 1caJ8lmiERFj7IvNKqEhzAk0pyDr8hubveTC39xREujKlsqutpPAFPJ3f2ybVsdy kX5rx0h5SslG3jVWYhZ/SOb2aIzOr0RMjhQmsYRwbpt3anjlBZ98aOzg7GAkbO80 93X5VVk9vaPRg0zxJQ0Do0YLyzkRisSAIFb0tdKuDnjRGK6y/N2j6At2Hjkxntbt GQIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY----- ", } } ); } sub rp { my ( $jwks, $metadata ) = @_; return LLNG::Manager::Test->new( { ini => { logLevel => $debug, domain => '', portal => '', authentication => 'OpenIDConnect', userDB => 'Same', restSessionServer => 1, oidcOPMetaDataExportedVars => { op => { cn => "name", uid => "sub", sn => "family_name", mail => "email" } }, oidcOPMetaDataOptions => { op => { oidcOPMetaDataOptionsJWKSTimeout => 0, oidcOPMetaDataOptionsClientSecret => "rpsecret", oidcOPMetaDataOptionsScope => "openid profile", oidcOPMetaDataOptionsStoreIDToken => 0, oidcOPMetaDataOptionsDisplay => "", oidcOPMetaDataOptionsClientID => "rpid", oidcOPMetaDataOptionsConfigurationURI => "" } }, oidcOPMetaDataJWKS => { op => $jwks, }, oidcOPMetaDataJSON => { op => $metadata, } } } ); }