use Test::More; use strict; use IO::String; require 't/'; my $res; my $mainTests = 0; my $client; eval { unlink 't/userdb.db' }; SKIP: { eval { require DBI; require DBD::SQLite; }; if ($@) { skip 'DBD::SQLite not found', $mainTests; } my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=t/userdb.db"); $dbh->do('CREATE TABLE users (user text,password text,name text)'); $dbh->do("INSERT INTO users VALUES ('dvador','dvador','Test user 1')"); $dbh->do("INSERT INTO users VALUES ('rtyler','rtyler','Test user 1')"); $client = iniCmb('[Dm] or [DB]'); expectCookie( try('dwho') ); expectCookie( try('dvador') ); $client = iniCmb('[Dm] and [DB]'); expectCookie( try('rtyler') ); expectReject( try('dwho') ); $client = iniCmb('if($env->{HTTP_X} eq "dwho") then [Dm] else [DB]'); expectCookie( try('dwho') ); expectCookie( try('dvador') ); $client = iniCmb( 'if($env->{HTTP_X} eq "rtyler") then [Dm] and [DB] else if($env->{HTTP_X} eq "dvador") then [DB] else [DB]' ); expectCookie( try('rtyler') ); expectCookie( try('dvador') ); expectReject( try('dwho') ); } count($mainTests); clean_sessions(); eval { unlink 't/userdb.db' }; done_testing( count() ); sub try { my $user = shift; my $s = "user=$user&password=$user"; my $res; ok( $res = $client->_post( '/', IO::String->new($s), length => length($s), custom => { HTTP_X => $user } ), " Try to connect with login $user" ); count(1); return $res; } sub iniCmb { my $expr = shift; if ( my $res = LLNG::Manager::Test->new( { ini => { logLevel => 'error', useSafeJail => 1, authentication => 'Combination', userDB => 'Same', combination => $expr, combModules => { DB => { for => 0, type => 'DBI', }, Dm => { for => 0, type => 'Demo', }, }, dbiAuthChain => 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=t/userdb.db', dbiAuthUser => '', dbiAuthPassword => '', dbiAuthTable => 'users', dbiAuthLoginCol => 'user', dbiAuthPasswordCol => 'password', dbiAuthPasswordHash => '', dbiExportedVars => {}, demoExportedVars => {}, } } ) ) { pass(qq'Expression loaded: "$expr"'); count(1); return $res; } }