package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Plugins::Impersonation; use strict; use Mouse; use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Constants qw( PE_OK PE_BADCREDENTIALS PE_IMPERSONATION_SERVICE_NOT_ALLOWED PE_MALFORMEDUSER ); our $VERSION = '2.0.3'; extends 'Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Plugin'; # INITIALIZATION use constant endAuth => 'run'; has rule => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 1 } ); has idRule => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { 1 } ); sub hAttr { $_[0]->{conf}->{impersonationHiddenAttributes} . ' ' . $_[0]->{conf}->{hiddenAttributes}; } sub init { my ($self) = @_; my $hd = $self->p->HANDLER; # Parse activation rule $self->logger->debug( "Impersonation rule -> " . $self->conf->{impersonationRule} ); my $rule = $hd->buildSub( $hd->substitute( $self->conf->{impersonationRule} ) ); unless ($rule) { $self->error( "Bad impersonation rule -> " . $hd->tsv->{jail}->error ); return 0; } $self->rule($rule); # Parse identity rule $self->logger->debug( "Impersonation identities rule -> " . $self->conf->{impersonationIdRule} ); $rule = $hd->buildSub( $hd->substitute( $self->conf->{impersonationIdRule} ) ); unless ($rule) { $self->error( "Bad impersonation identities rule -> " . $hd->tsv->{jail}->error ); return 0; } $self->idRule($rule); return 1; } # RUNNING METHOD sub run { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; my $spoofId = $req->param('spoofId') || $req->{user}; $self->logger->debug("No impersonation required") if ( $spoofId eq $req->{user} ); my $statut = PE_OK; if ( $spoofId !~ /$self->{conf}->{userControl}/o ) { $self->userLogger->error('Malformed spoofed Id'); $self->logger->debug("Impersonation tried with spoofed Id: $spoofId"); $spoofId = $req->{user}; $statut = PE_MALFORMEDUSER; } # Check activation rule if ( $spoofId ne $req->{user} ) { $self->logger->debug("Spoofied Id: $spoofId / Real Id: $req->{user}"); unless ( $self->rule->( $req, $req->sessionInfo ) ) { $self->userLogger->error('Impersonation service not authorized'); $spoofId = $req->{user}; $statut = PE_IMPERSONATION_SERVICE_NOT_ALLOWED; } } # Fill spoof session my ( $realSession, $spoofSession ) = ( {}, {} ); $self->logger->debug("Rename real attributes..."); my $spk = ''; foreach my $k ( keys %{ $req->{sessionInfo} } ) { if ( $self->{conf}->{impersonationSkipEmptyValues} ) { next unless defined $req->{sessionInfo}->{$k}; } $spk = "$self->{conf}->{impersonationPrefix}$k"; unless ( $self->hAttr =~ /\b$k\b/ ) { $realSession->{$spk} = $req->{sessionInfo}->{$k}; $self->logger->debug("-> Store $k in realSession key: $spk"); } $self->logger->debug("Delete $k"); delete $req->{sessionInfo}->{$k}; } $spoofSession = $self->_userDatas( $req, $spoofId, $realSession ); if ( $req->error ) { if ( $req->error == PE_BADCREDENTIALS ) { $statut = PE_BADCREDENTIALS; } else { return $req->error; } } # Update spoofed session $self->logger->debug("Populating spoofed session..."); foreach (qw (_auth _userDB)) { $self->logger->debug("Processing $_..."); $spk = "$self->{conf}->{impersonationPrefix}$_"; $spoofSession->{$_} = $realSession->{$spk}; } # Merging SSO Groups and hGroups & dedup $spoofSession->{groups} ||= ''; if ( $self->{conf}->{impersonationMergeSSOgroups} ) { $self->userLogger->warn("MERGING SSO groups and hGroups..."); my $spg = "$self->{conf}->{impersonationPrefix}groups"; my $sphg = "$self->{conf}->{impersonationPrefix}hGroups"; my $separator = $self->{conf}->{multiValuesSeparator}; $realSession->{$spg} ||= ''; $self->logger->debug("Processing groups..."); my @spoofGrps = my @realGrps = (); @spoofGrps = split /\Q$separator/, $spoofSession->{groups}; @realGrps = split /\Q$separator/, $realSession->{$spg}; @spoofGrps = ( @spoofGrps, @realGrps ); my %hash = map { $_, 1 } @spoofGrps; $spoofSession->{groups} = join $separator, sort keys %hash; $self->logger->debug("Processing hGroups..."); $spoofSession->{hGroups} ||= {}; $realSession->{$sphg} ||= {}; $spoofSession->{hGroups} = { %{ $spoofSession->{hGroups} }, %{ $realSession->{$sphg} } }; } # Main session $self->p->updateSession( $req, $spoofSession ); return $statut; } sub _userDatas { my ( $self, $req, $spoofId, $realSession ) = @_; my $realId = $req->{user}; $req->{user} = $spoofId; my $raz = 0; # Compute Macros and Groups with real and spoofed sessions $req->{sessionInfo} = {%$realSession}; # Search user in database $req->steps( [ 'getUser', 'setSessionInfo', 'setMacros', 'setGroups', 'setLocalGroups' ] ); if ( my $error = $self->p->process($req) ) { if ( $error == PE_BADCREDENTIALS ) { $self->userLogger->warn( 'Impersonation requested for an unvalid user (' . $req->{user} . ")" ); } $self->logger->debug("Process returned error: $error"); $req->error($error); $raz = 1; } # Check identity rule if impersonation required if ( $realId ne $spoofId ) { unless ( $self->idRule->( $req, $req->sessionInfo ) ) { $self->userLogger->warn( 'Impersonation requested for an unvalid user (' . $req->{user} . ")" ); $self->logger->debug('Identity not authorized'); $raz = 1; } } # Same real and spoofed session - Compute Macros and Groups if ($raz) { $req->{sessionInfo} = {}; $req->{sessionInfo} = {%$realSession}; $req->{user} = $realId; $req->steps( [ 'getUser', 'setSessionInfo', 'setMacros', 'setGroups', 'setLocalGroups' ] ); $self->logger->debug('Spoofed session equal real session'); $req->error(PE_BADCREDENTIALS); if ( my $error = $self->p->process($req) ) { $self->logger->debug("Process returned error: $error"); $req->error($error); } } return $req->{sessionInfo}; } 1;