This valve is only available for tomcat 5.5 or greater An up2date documentation can be found here: COMPILATION ===================================== Required : * ant * jre > 1.4 * tomcat >= 5.5 Configure your tomcat home in files (be crareful for windosw user ... path must contains "/" . exemple c:/my hardisk/tomcat/ run ant command. ValveLemonLDAPNG.jar is created under /dist directory INSTALLATION ====================================== Copy ValveLemonLDAPNG.jar on /server/lib Add on your server.xml file a new valve entry like this (in host section) : Configure attributes. userKey : Key in the http header send by lemonLDAP in order to store user login roleKey : Key in the http header send by lemonLDAP in order to store roles. If lemonLDAP send some roles split by some commas, use roleSeparator *roleSeparator : see above *allows: You can filter remote IP, IP defined in this attributes are allows (use "," separator for multiple IP). Just set the lemonLDAP on this attribute in order to add more security. If this attribute is missed all hosts are allowed (*) Optional attributes QUICK TEST AN DEBUGGING TIPS ======================================= Download for exemple probe application (great administration tool for tomcat) Install valve and configure it. Send via lemonLDAP user with role = probeuser ... or other user with role = manager Probe doesn't ask authentification, you're logged... For debugging, this valve can print some helpfull information in debug level. Configure logging in tomcat (see ) CONTACT ======================================= swapon666 (at)