# This file describes the manager tree. # You can only use the following keys: # * title: the name of the node # * nodes: the subnodes of the node # * group: grouped subnodes (see RSAKey form for example) # * form: only for nodes, the form to display when selected # # Conf parameters are just strings in the `nodes` array # # All other ideas have to be set in Manager/Build/Attributes.pm ! # DON'T FORGET TO RUN jsongenerator.pl AFTER EACH CHANGE package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Tree; our $VERSION = '2.0.0'; # TODO: Missing: # * activeTimer # * confirmFormMethod # * redirectFormMethod sub tree { return [ { title => 'generalParameters', nodes => [ { title => 'portalParams', help => 'portal.html', nodes => [ '*portal', { title => 'portalMenu', help => 'portalmenu.html', nodes => [ { title => 'portalModules', form => 'simpleInputContainer', nodes => [ 'portalDisplayLogout', 'portalDisplayChangePassword', 'portalDisplayAppslist', 'portalDisplayLoginHistory', 'portalDisplayOidcConsents', 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'userDB', 'passwordDB' ], nodes_cond => [ { title => 'adParams', help => 'authad.html', nodes => [ 'ADPwdMaxAge', 'ADPwdExpireWarning' ] }, { title => 'choiceParams', help => 'authchoice.html', nodes => [ 'authChoiceParam', 'authChoiceModules' ] }, { title => 'apacheParams', help => 'authapache.html', form => 'simpleInputContainer', nodes => ['apacheAuthnLevel'] }, { title => 'casParams', help => 'authcas.html', nodes => ['casAuthnLevel'] }, { title => 'dbiParams', help => 'authdbi.html', nodes => [ 'dbiAuthnLevel', 'dbiExportedVars', { title => 'dbiConnection', help => 'authdbi.html#connection', nodes => [ { title => 'dbiConnectionAuth', form => 'simpleInputContainer', nodes => [ 'dbiAuthChain', 'dbiAuthUser', 'dbiAuthPassword' ] }, { title => 'dbiConnectionUser', form => 'simpleInputContainer', nodes => [ 'dbiUserChain', 'dbiUserUser', 'dbiUserPassword' ] } ] }, { title => 'dbiSchema', help => 'authdbi.html#schema', form => 'simpleInputContainer', nodes => [ 'dbiAuthTable', 'dbiUserTable', 'dbiAuthLoginCol', 'dbiAuthPasswordCol', 'dbiPasswordMailCol', 'userPivot' ] }, { title => 'dbiPassword', help => 'authdbi.html#password', nodes => [ 'dbiAuthPasswordHash', { title => 'dbiDynamicHash', help => 'authdbi.html#password', form => 'simpleInputContainer', nodes => [ 'dbiDynamicHashEnabled', 'dbiDynamicHashValidSchemes', 'dbiDynamicHashValidSaltedSchemes', 'dbiDynamicHashNewPasswordScheme' ] } ] } ] }, { title => 'demoParams', help => 'authdemo.html', nodes => ['demoExportedVars'] }, { title => 'facebookParams', help => 'authfacebook.html', nodes => [ 'facebookAuthnLevel', 'facebookExportedVars', 'facebookAppId', 'facebookAppSecret' ] }, { title => 'kerberosParams', help => 'authkerberos.html', nodes => [ 'krbKeytab', 'krbByJs', 'krbAuthnLevel' ] }, { title => 'ldapParams', help => 'authldap.html', nodes => [ 'ldapAuthnLevel', 'ldapExportedVars', { title => 'ldapConnection', help => 'authldap.html#connection', form => 'simpleInputContainer', nodes => [ 'ldapServer', 'ldapPort', 'ldapBase', 'managerDn', 'managerPassword', 'ldapTimeout', 'ldapVersion', 'ldapRaw' ] }, { title => 'ldapFilters', help => 'authldap.html#filters', form => 'simpleInputContainer', nodes => [ 'LDAPFilter', 'AuthLDAPFilter', 'mailLDAPFilter', 'ldapSearchDeref', ] }, { title => 'ldapGroups', help => 'authldap.html#groups', form => 'simpleInputContainer', nodes => [ 'ldapGroupBase', 'ldapGroupObjectClass', 'ldapGroupAttributeName', 'ldapGroupAttributeNameUser', 'ldapGroupAttributeNameSearch', 'ldapGroupRecursive', 'ldapGroupAttributeNameGroup' ] }, { title => 'ldapPassword', help => 'authldap.html#password', form => 'simpleInputContainer', nodes => [ 'ldapPpolicyControl', 'ldapSetPassword', 'ldapChangePasswordAsUser', 'ldapPwdEnc', 'ldapUsePasswordResetAttribute', 'ldapPasswordResetAttribute', 'ldapPasswordResetAttributeValue', 'ldapAllowResetExpiredPassword' ] }, ] }, { title => 'linkedinParams', help => 'authlinkedin.html', nodes => [ 'linkedInAuthnLevel', 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