# Launch SSL request tryssl = () -> path = window.location.pathname console.log 'path -> ', path console.log 'Call URL -> ', window.datas.sslHost $.ajax window.datas.sslHost, dataType: 'jsonp' # PE_BADCREDENTIALS statusCode: 401: () -> $('#lform').submit() console.log 'Error code 401' # If request succeed, cookie is set, posting form to get redirection # or menu success: (data) -> sendUrl path console.log 'Success -> ', data # Case else, will display PE_BADCREDENTIALS or fallback to next auth # backend error: () -> sendUrl path console.log 'Error' false sendUrl = (path) -> form_url = $('#lform').attr('action') if form_url.match /^#$/ form_url = path else form_url = form_url + path console.log 'form action URL -> ', form_url $('#lform').attr('action', form_url) $('#lform').submit() $(document).ready -> $('.sslclick').on 'click', tryssl