package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build; use strict; use Mouse; use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes; use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Tree; use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::CTrees; use Data::Dumper; use Regexp::Assemble; use JSON; use Getopt::Std; use IO::String; has structFile => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1 ); has confTreeFile => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1 ); has managerConstantsFile => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1 ); has managerAttributesFile => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1 ); has defaultValuesFile => ( isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', required => 1 ); my @managerAttrKeys = qw(keyTest type test msgFail default); my $format = 'Creating %-69s: '; my $reIgnoreKeys = qr/^$/; my @angularScopeVars; my @cnodesKeys; my %cnodesRe; my @ignoreKeys; my $ignoreKeys; my $mainTree; my @sessionTypes; my @simpleHashKeys; my $attributes = Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes::attributes(); my $jsonEnc = JSON->new()->allow_nonref; $jsonEnc->canonical(1); $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = sub { my ($hash) = @_; return [ ( defined $hash->{id} ? ('id') : () ), ( defined $hash->{title} ? ( 'title', ) : () ), ( grep { /^(?:id|title)$/ ? 0 : 1 } sort { return 1 if ( $a =~ /node/ and $b !~ /node/ ); return -1 if ( $b =~ /node/ ); lc($a) cmp lc($b); } keys %$hash ) ]; }; sub run { my $self = shift; $self = __PACKAGE__->new(@_) unless ref $self; # 1. confTree.js printf STDERR $format, $self->confTreeFile; $mainTree = Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::CTrees::cTrees(); my $script = 'function templates(tpl,key){' . 'var ind;' . 'var scalarTemplate=function(r){' . 'return{' . '"id":tpl+"s/"+(ind++),' . '"title":r,' . '"get":tpl+"s/"+key+"/"+r};};' . 'switch(tpl){'; # To build confTree.js, each special node is scanned from # Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::CTrees foreach my $node ( sort keys %$mainTree ) { @cnodesKeys = (); my $jsonTree = []; $self->scanTree( $mainTree->{$node}, $jsonTree, '__KEY__', '' ); my $tmp = $jsonEnc->encode($jsonTree); $tmp =~ s!"__KEY__!tpl+"s/"+key+"/"+"!mg; $tmp =~ s/"(true|false)"/$1/sg; $tmp =~ s/:\s*"(\d+)"\s*(["\}])/:$1$2/sg; $script .= "case'$node':return$tmp;"; # Second step, Manager/ file will contain datas issued from # this scan my $ra = Regexp::Assemble->new; # Build $oidcOPMetaDataNodeKeys, $samlSPMetaDataNodeKeys,... foreach my $r (@cnodesKeys) { $ra->add($r); } $cnodesRe{$node} = $ra->as_string; push @ignoreKeys, $node; } $script .= 'default:return [];}}'; open F, ">", $self->confTreeFile or die $!; print F $script; close F; print STDERR "done\n"; my $ra = Regexp::Assemble->new; foreach my $re (@ignoreKeys) { $ra->add($re); } $ignoreKeys = $ra->as_string; $reIgnoreKeys = $ra->re; # 2. struct.json printf STDERR $format, $self->structFile; $mainTree = Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Tree::tree(); my $jsonTree = []; $self->scanTree( $mainTree, $jsonTree, '', '' ); $script = 'function setScopeVars(scope){'; foreach my $v (@angularScopeVars) { $script .= "scope.$v->[0]=scope$v->[1];scope.getKey(scope.$v->[0]);"; } $script .= '}'; open F, ">>", $self->confTreeFile || die $!; print F $script; close F; open F, ">", $self->structFile || die $!; my $tmp = $jsonEnc->encode($jsonTree); $tmp =~ s/"(true|false)"/$1/sg; $tmp =~ s/:\s*"(\d+)"\s*(["\}])/:$1$2/sg; print F $tmp; close F; print STDERR "done\n"; $tmp = undef; printf STDERR $format, $self->managerConstantsFile; my $sessionTypes = join( "', '", @sessionTypes ); open F, ">", $self->managerConstantsFile or die($!); my $exportedVars = '$' . join( 'Keys $', 'simpleHash', 'specialNode', sort keys %cnodesRe ) . 'Keys $specialNodeHash @sessionTypes'; print F < [qw($exportedVars)] ); our \@EXPORT_OK = ( \@{ \$EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } ); our \@EXPORT = ( \@{ \$EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } ); our \$specialNodeHash = { virtualHosts => [qw(exportedHeaders locationRules post vhostOptions)], samlIDPMetaDataNodes => [qw(samlIDPMetaDataXML samlIDPMetaDataExportedAttributes samlIDPMetaDataOptions)], samlSPMetaDataNodes => [qw(samlSPMetaDataXML samlSPMetaDataExportedAttributes samlSPMetaDataOptions)], oidcOPMetaDataNodes => [qw(oidcOPMetaDataJSON oidcOPMetaDataJWKS oidcOPMetaDataOptions oidcOPMetaDataExportedVars)], oidcRPMetaDataNodes => [qw(oidcRPMetaDataOptions oidcRPMetaDataExportedVars)], }; our \@sessionTypes = ( '$sessionTypes' ); EOF $ra = Regexp::Assemble->new; foreach (@simpleHashKeys) { $ra->add($_); } print F "our \$simpleHashKeys = '" . $ra->as_string . "';\n" . "our \$specialNodeKeys = '${ignoreKeys}s';\n"; foreach ( sort keys %cnodesRe ) { print F "our \$${_}Keys = '$cnodesRe{$_}';\n"; } print F "\n1;\n"; close F; print STDERR "done\n"; printf STDERR $format, $self->defaultValuesFile; my $defaultValues = { map { defined $attributes->{$_}->{default} ? ( $_ => $attributes->{$_}->{default} ) : () } keys(%$attributes) }; my $defaultAttr = Dumper($defaultValues); $defaultAttr =~ s/^\$VAR1\s*=/sub defaultValues {\n return/; $defaultAttr = "# This file is generated by $0. Don't modify it by hand package Lemonldap::NG::Common::Conf::DefaultValues; our \$VERSION = '$Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes::VERSION'; $defaultAttr} 1; "; my $dst; eval { require Perl::Tidy; Perl::Tidy::perltidy( source => IO::String->new($defaultAttr), destination => \$dst ); }; $dst = $defaultAttr if ($@); open( F, ">", $self->defaultValuesFile ) or die($!); print F $dst; close F; print STDERR "done\n"; printf STDERR $format, $self->managerAttributesFile; my $managerAttr = { map { my @r; foreach my $f (@managerAttrKeys) { push @r, $f, $attributes->{$_}->{$f} if ( defined $attributes->{$_}->{$f} ); } ( $_ => {@r} ); } keys(%$attributes) }; $managerAttr = Dumper($managerAttr); $managerAttr =~ s/^\$VAR1\s*=/sub attributes {\n return/; my $managerTypes = Dumper( Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes::types() ); $managerTypes =~ s/^\$VAR1\s*=/sub types {\n return/; $managerAttr = "# This file is generated by $0. Don't modify it by hand package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Attributes; our \$VERSION = '$Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes::VERSION'; $managerTypes} $managerAttr} "; eval { Perl::Tidy::perltidy( source => IO::String->new($managerAttr), destination => \$dst ); }; $dst = $managerAttr if ($@); open( F, ">", $self->managerAttributesFile ) or die($!); print F $dst; close F; print STDERR "done\n"; } sub scanTree { my ( $self, $tree, $json, $prefix, $path ) = splice @_; unless ( ref($tree) eq 'ARRAY' ) { die 'Not an array'; } $prefix //= ''; my $ord = -1; my $nodeName = $path ? '_nodes' : 'data'; foreach my $leaf (@$tree) { $ord++; my $jleaf = {}; # Grouped leaf if ( ref($leaf) and $leaf->{group} ) { die "'form' is required when using 'group'" unless ( $leaf->{form} ); push @$json, { id => "$prefix$leaf->{title}", title => $leaf->{title}, type => $leaf->{form}, get => $leaf->{group} }; } # Subnode elsif ( ref($leaf) ) { $jleaf->{title} = $jleaf->{id} = $leaf->{title}; $jleaf->{type} = $leaf->{form} if ( $leaf->{form} ); foreach my $n (qw(nodes nodes_cond)) { if ( $leaf->{$n} ) { $jleaf->{"_$n"} = []; $self->scanTree( $leaf->{$n}, $jleaf->{"_$n"}, $prefix, "$path.$nodeName\[$ord\]" ); if ( $n eq 'nodes_cond' ) { foreach my $sn ( @{ $jleaf->{"_$n"} } ) { $sn->{show} = 'false'; } } } } $jleaf->{help} = $leaf->{help} if ( $leaf->{help} ); $jleaf->{_nodes_filter} = $leaf->{nodes_filter} if ( $leaf->{nodes_filter} ); push @$json, $jleaf; } # Leaf else { # Get data type and build tree # # Types : PerlModule bool boolOrExpr catAndAppList file hostname int # keyTextContainer lmAttrOrMacro longtext openidServerList pcre # rulesContainer samlAssertion samlAttributeContainer samlService # select text trool url virtualHostContainer word # password if ( $leaf =~ s/^\*// ) { push @angularScopeVars, [ $leaf, "$path._nodes[$ord]" ]; } push @sessionTypes, $1 if ( $leaf =~ /^(.*)(?{$leaf} or die("Missing attribute $leaf"); $jleaf = { id => "$prefix$leaf", title => $leaf }; unless ( $attr->{type} ) { print STDERR "Fatal: no type: $leaf\n"; exit; } # TODO: change this $attr->{type} =~ s/^(?:url|word|pcre|lmAttrOrMacro|hostname|PerlModule)$/text/; $jleaf->{type} = $attr->{type} if ( $attr->{type} ne 'text' ); foreach my $w (qw(default select get template)) { $jleaf->{$w} = $attr->{$w} if ( defined $attr->{$w} ); } if ( $jleaf->{default} and ref( $jleaf->{default} ) ) { $jleaf->{default} = []; my $type = $attr->{type}; $type =~ s/Container//; foreach my $k ( sort keys( %{ $attr->{default} } ) ) { push @{ $jleaf->{default} }, { id => "$prefix$leaf/$k", title => $k, type => $type, data => $attr->{default}->{$k}, ( $type eq 'rule' ? ( re => $k ) : () ), }; } } if ($prefix) { push @cnodesKeys, $leaf; } if ( $attr->{type} =~ /^(?:catAndAppList|\w+Container)$/ ) { $jleaf->{cnodes} = $prefix . $leaf; unless ( $prefix or $leaf =~ $reIgnoreKeys ) { push @simpleHashKeys, $leaf; } #if ( $opts{f} ) { # my $js = getData( $prefix . $leaf ); #} } else { #if ( $opts{f} ) { # my $file = $jleaf->{get} // $jleaf->{title}; # my $js = getData($file); # $jleaf->{get} = $file = $file . ".json"; # open F, ">app/confs/$opts{f}/$file" # or die $!; # print F $js; # close F; #} if ( $prefix and !$jleaf->{get} ) { $jleaf->{get} = $prefix . $jleaf->{title}; } } push @$json, $jleaf; } } } __END__ sub getData { die $opts{f} unless $opts{f} =~ /^\d+$/; my $k = shift; my $q = "/confs/$opts{f}/$k"; return $run->( { HTTP_ACCEPT => 'application/json', PATH_INFO => $q, QUERY_STRING => '', REQUEST_URI => $q, REQUEST_METHOD => 'GET', } )->[2]->[0]; } 1;