Captcha ======= Presentation ------------ Captcha is a security mechanism aimed to prevent robots to submit forms. Captchas are available on the following forms: - Login form: where user enters login and password to authenticate - Password reset by mail form: where user enters mail to recover a lost password - Register form: where user enters information to create a new account .. important:: We use the Perl module GD::SecurityImage to generate images, you need to install it if you enable Captcha feature. Configuration ------------- Go in ``General parameters`` > ``Portal`` > ``Captcha``: - **Activation in login form**: set to 1 to display captcha in login form - **Activation in password reset by mail form**: set to 1 to display captcha in password reset by mail form - **Activation in register form**: set to 1 to display captcha in register form - **Size**: length of captcha