Ignore some manager tests ========================= Each time you save a configuration, Manager launch a lot of tests: - unit tests for each key: they are declared in Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Attributes *(source Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes)* - more advanced tests declared in Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Conf::Tests In some case *(conf overridden in INI file,...)*, you may have to ignore some of them. You just have to list them *(space separated)* in a special key in ``lemonldap-ng.ini``, section ``[Manager]``: - ``skippedUnitTests`` for unit tests - ``skippedGlobalTests`` for global tests Example: .. code:: ini [Manager] skippedUnitTests = grantSessionRules portalSkinRules skippedGlobalTests = testApacheSession