MongoDB configuration backends ============================== `MongoDB `__ is a NoSQL database that can be used both for storing configuration and :doc:`sessions`. You need to install Perl MongoDB module to be able to use this backend. See :doc:`how to change configuration backend` to change your configuration database. Configuration ------------- To use a MongoDB backend, configure your ``lemonldap-ng.ini`` file (section configuration) : - Choose MongoDB as type - Set dbName and collectionName parameters if different than default values (llConfDB and configuration) - Set host and if needed db_name username, password and ssl fields as follow. Example : .. code:: ini [configuration] type = MongoDB dbName = llConfDB collectionName = configuration ; using a single server host = ; using a replicaSet ; host = mongodb://, ssl = 1 ; authentication parameters db_name = admin user = lluser password = llpassword ===================================================================================================================== ================================ ========== Optional parameters (see `MongoDB::MongoClient `__ man page) ===================================================================================================================== ================================ ========== Name Comment Example db_name Admin database (default: admin) admin auth_mechanism Authentication mechanism PLAIN auth_mechanism_properties connect_timeout Connection timeout 10000 ssl Boolean or hash ref (default: 0) 1 username Username to use to connect lluser password Password llpassword ===================================================================================================================== ================================ ========== Mini MongoDB howto ================== Just some commands needed to create collection and user: :: $ mongo connecting to: test > use configuration switched to db configuration > db.createCollection("configuration") ... > db.createUser({user:"lluser",pwd:"llpassword",roles:["readWrite"]}) ... > exit bye $