MongoDB session backend ======================= `Apache::Session::MongoDB `__ is a faster shareable session backend. .. important:: Use an up-to-date version of Apache::Session::MongoDB, at least 1.8.1. Setup ----- Install and launch a `MongoDB server `__. Install `Apache::Session::MongoDB `__ Perl module (version ⩾ 0.15 required). You also need a recent version of `Perl MongoDB client `__ (version ⩾ 1.00 required). In the manager: set `Apache::Session::MongoDB `__ in ``General parameters`` » ``Sessions`` » ``Session storage`` » ``Apache::Session module`` and add the following parameters (case sensitive): ============================= ============================================================================================ =============== Optional parameters ============================= ============================================================================================ =============== Name Comment Example **host** `MongoDB server URI `__ **db_name** Session database (default: sessions) llconfdb **collection** Collection (default: sessions) sessions **auth_mechanism** Authentication mechanism PLAIN **auth_mechanism_properties** **connect_timeout** Connection timeout 10000 **ssl** Boolean or hash ref (default: 0) 1 **username** Username to use to connect lluser **password** Password llpassword ============================= ============================================================================================ =============== Advanced connection parameters (Replica Sets, timeouts...) may be specified in the ``host`` parameter. `Refer to the perl MongoDB documentation for details `__ Security -------- Restrict network access to the MongoDB server. For remote servers, you can use :doc:`SOAP session backend` in cunjunction to increase security for remote server that access through an unsecure network