Connect to Renater Federation ============================= |image0| Presentation ------------ `Renater `__ provides an SAML federation for higher education in France. It is based on SAMLv2 but add some specific items like a WAYF service and a metadata bundle to list all SP and IDP from the federation. Since LL::NG 2.0, you can register into Renater federation. Register as Service Provider ---------------------------- LL::NG configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Configure LL::NG as SAML Service Provider with this :doc:`documentation`. You don't need to declare any IDP for the moment. Configure :doc:`SAML Discovery Protocol` to redirect users on WAYF Service. The endpoint URL is Metadata import ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You now need to import IDP metadata in LL::NG configuration. Use the ``importMetadata`` script that should be installed in /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin. You need to select the correct metadata bundle proposed by Renater: For Renater, you need to customize some settings of the script, copy it and edit configuration: :: cp /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin/importMetadata /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin/importMetadataRenater vi /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin/importMetadataRenater Set attributes (use the SAML Name, not FriendlyName) that are provided by IDPs, for example: .. code:: perl my $exportedAttributes = { 'cn' => '0;urn:oid:', 'eduPersonPrincipalName' => '1;urn:oid:', 'givenName' => '0;urn:oid:', 'sn' => '0;urn:oid:', 'eduPersonAffiliation' => '0;urn:oid:', 'eduPersonPrimaryAffiliation' => '0;urn:oid:', 'mail' => '0;urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3', 'supannListeRouge' => '0;urn:oid:', 'supannEtuCursusAnnee' => '0;rn:oid:', }; Adapt IDP options, for example: .. code:: perl my $idpOptions = { 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsAdaptSessionUtime' => 0, 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsAllowLoginFromIDP' => 0, 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsAllowProxiedAuthn' => 0, 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsCheckAudience' => 1, 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsCheckSLOMessageSignature' => 1, 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsCheckSSOMessageSignature' => 1, 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsCheckTime' => 1, 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsEncryptionMode' => 'none', 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsForceAuthn' => 0, 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsForceUTF8' => 1, 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsIsPassive' => 0, 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsNameIDFormat' => 'transient', 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsRelayStateURL' => 0, 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsSignSLOMessage' => -1, 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsSignSSOMessage' => -1, 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsStoreSAMLToken' => 0, 'samlIDPMetaDataOptionsUserAttribute' => 'urn:oid:', }; Then run the script: :: /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin/importMetadataRenater -m -r -i "idp-renater-" -s "sp-renater-" .. important:: You need to add this in cron to refresh metadata into LL::NG configuration. Add your SP into the federation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go to and register your SP. .. important:: Be sure to check all attributes as mandatory to be able to get them in SAML assertions. Register as Identity Provider ----------------------------- .. _llng-configuration-renater-1: LL::NG configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Configure LL::NG as SAML Identity Provider with this :doc:`documentation`. You don't need to declare any SP for the moment. .. important:: If your LL::NG server will act as SP and IDP inside Renater federation, you need to set the advanced parameter "Override Entity ID for IDP". Indeed, Renater do not allow to register a SP and an IDP with the same entityID. .. _metadata-import-1: Metadata import ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You now need to import SP metadata in LL::NG configuration. Use the ``importMetadata`` script that should be installed in /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin. You need to select the correct metadata bundle proposed by Renater: For Renater, you may need to customize some settings of the script, copy it and edit configuration: :: cp /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin/importMetadata /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin/importMetadataRenater vi /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin/importMetadataRenater Adapt IDP options, for example: .. code:: perl my $spOptions = { 'samlSPMetaDataOptionsCheckSLOMessageSignature' => 1, 'samlSPMetaDataOptionsCheckSSOMessageSignature' => 1, 'samlSPMetaDataOptionsEnableIDPInitiatedURL' => 0, 'samlSPMetaDataOptionsEncryptionMode' => 'none', 'samlSPMetaDataOptionsForceUTF8' => 1, 'samlSPMetaDataOptionsNameIDFormat' => '', 'samlSPMetaDataOptionsNotOnOrAfterTimeout' => 72000, 'samlSPMetaDataOptionsOneTimeUse' => 0, 'samlSPMetaDataOptionsSessionNotOnOrAfterTimeout' => 72000, 'samlSPMetaDataOptionsSignSLOMessage' => 1, 'samlSPMetaDataOptionsSignSSOMessage' => 1 }; Then run the script: :: /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin/importMetadataRenater -m -r -i "idp-renater" -s "sp-renater" .. important:: You need to add this in cron to refresh metadata into LL::NG configuration. Add your IDP into the federation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go to and register your IDP. .. |image0| image:: /logos/1renater.png :class: align-center