SOAP services (deprecated) ========================== LL::NG portal provide a SOAP server that can be enable to give configuration and/or session. These features can be enabled using the manager. Portal SOAP services -------------------- SOAP functions are not accessible by network by default. SOAP functions are protected by Web Server, you can change this in :doc:`portal configuration`. - Read-only functions ( or paths): - **getCookies(user,password)**: authentication system. Returns cookie(s) name and values - **getAttributes(cookieValue)**: get elements stored in session - **isAuthorizedURI(cookieValue,url)**: check if user is granted to access to the function - **getMenuApplications(cookieValue)**: return a list of authorizated applications (based on menu calculation) - Read/Write functions ( paths): - **setAttributes(cookieValue,hashtable)**: update a session - **newSession**: create a session (return attributes) - **deleteSession**: delete a session - **get_key_from_all_sessions**: list all sessions and return asked keys - Notification send function ( - **newNotification(xmlString)**: insert a notification for a user (see :doc:`Notifications system` for more) - Notification delete function: - **deleteNotification**: delete notification(s) for a user (see :doc:`Notifications system` for more) .. important:: When you use :doc:`SOAP sessions backend`, it is recommended to use read-only URL (/index.fcgi/sessions). Write session path is needed only if you use a remote session explorer or a remote portal WSDL ---- You can enable WSDL server in the manager. It will deliver WSDL file (/portal.wsdl).