package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Plugins::AdaptativeAuthenticationLevel; use strict; use Mouse; use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Constants qw( PE_OK ); our $VERSION = '2.0.10'; extends 'Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Plugin'; use constant aroundSub => { 'store' => 'adaptAuthenticationLevel' }; has rules => ( is => 'rw', default => sub { {} } ); sub init { my ($self) = @_; $self->logger->debug('Init AdaptativeAuthenticationLevel plugin'); foreach ( keys %{ $self->conf->{adaptativeAuthenticationLevelRules} // {} } ) { $self->logger->debug("adaptativeAuthenticationLevelRules key -> $_"); $self->logger->debug( "adaptativeAuthenticationLevelRules value -> " . $self->conf->{adaptativeAuthenticationLevelRules}->{$_} ); my $rule = $self->p->buildRule( $_, 'adaptativeAuthenticationLevelRules' ); next unless $rule; $self->rules->{$_} = $rule; } return 1; } sub adaptAuthenticationLevel { my ( $self, $sub, $req ) = @_; my $userid = $req->sessionInfo->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} }; $self->logger->debug("Check adaptative authentication rules for $userid"); my $authenticationLevel = $req->sessionInfo->{authenticationLevel}; $self->logger->debug( "Current authentication level for $userid is $authenticationLevel"); my $updatedAuthenticationLevel = $authenticationLevel; foreach ( keys %{ $self->rules } ) { my $rule = $_; $self->logger->debug( "Check adaptativeAuthenticationLevelRules -> $rule"); if ( $self->rules->{$_}->( $req, $req->sessionInfo ) ) { my $levelOperation = $self->conf->{adaptativeAuthenticationLevelRules}->{$_}; $self->logger->debug( "User $userid match rule, apply $levelOperation on authentication level" ); my ( $op, $level ) = ( $levelOperation =~ /([=+-])?(\d+)/ ); $updatedAuthenticationLevel = $level if ( !$op or $op eq '=' ); $updatedAuthenticationLevel += $level if ( $op and $op eq '+' ); $updatedAuthenticationLevel -= $level if ( $op and $op eq '-' ); $self->logger->debug( "Authentication level for $userid is now $updatedAuthenticationLevel" ); } } if ( $authenticationLevel ne $updatedAuthenticationLevel ) { $self->logger->debug("Authentication level has changed for $userid"); $req->sessionInfo->{authenticationLevel} = $updatedAuthenticationLevel; } return $sub->($req); } 1;