use lib 'inc'; use Test::More; # skip_all => 'CAS is in rebuild'; use strict; use IO::String; use LWP::UserAgent; use LWP::Protocol::PSGI; use MIME::Base64; BEGIN { require 't/'; } my $debug = 'error'; my ( $issuer, $res ); eval { require XML::Simple }; plan skip_all => "Missing dependencies: $@" if ($@); ok( $issuer = issuer(), 'Issuer portal' ); count(1); my $s = "user=french&password=french"; # Login ok( $res = $issuer->_post( '/', IO::String->new($s), accept => 'text/html', length => length($s), ), 'Post authentication' ); count(1); my $idpId = expectCookie($res); # Hook should make it fail with status 999 ok( $res = $issuer->_get( '/cas/login', cookie => "lemonldap=$idpId", query => 'service=', accept => 'text/html' ), 'Query CAS server' ); count(1); expectPortalError( $res, 999, "Hook rejected the request" ); ok( $res = $issuer->_get( '/cas/login', cookie => "lemonldap=$idpId", query => 'service=', accept => 'text/html' ), 'Query CAS server' ); count(1); my ($query) = expectRedirection( $res, qr#^\?hooked=1&(ticket=[^&]+)$# ); ok( $res = $issuer->_get( '/cas/p3/serviceValidate', query => 'service=' . $query, accept => 'text/html' ), 'Query CAS server' ); expectOK($res); count(1); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ m#1#, "Found hook attribute" ); count(1); clean_sessions(); done_testing( count() ); sub issuer { return LLNG::Manager::Test->new( { ini => { logLevel => $debug, domain => '', portal => '', authentication => 'Demo', userDB => 'Same', issuerDBCASActivation => 1, casAttr => 'uid', casAppMetaDataOptions => { sp => { casAppMetaDataOptionsService => '', }, }, casAppMetaDataExportedVars => { sp => { cn => 'cn', mail => 'mail', uid => 'uid', }, }, casAccessControlPolicy => 'error', multiValuesSeparator => ';', customPlugins => 't::CasHookPlugin', } } ); }