Quick start tutorial ==================== .. attention:: This tutorial will guide you into a minimal installation and configuration procedure. You need some prerequisites: - A computer with a GNU/Linux recent distribution (Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, RHEL, ...) with root privileges - A web browser - The possibility to update your local ``hosts`` file, or an easy access to your DNS server - A cup of coffee (or tea, we are open minded) Installation ------------ You should install Lemonldap::NG using packages, but you can also install it from :doc:`the tarball`. Debian / Ubuntu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: apt install apt-transport-https wget -O - https://lemonldap-ng.org/_media/rpm-gpg-key-ow2 | apt-key add - echo "deb https://lemonldap-ng.org/deb stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lemonldap-ng.list apt update apt install lemonldap-ng CentOS / RHEL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: curl https://lemonldap-ng.org/_media/rpm-gpg-key-ow2 > /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-OW2 echo "[lemonldap-ng] name=LemonLDAP::NG packages baseurl=https://lemonldap-ng.org/redhat/stable/$releasever/noarch enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-OW2" > /etc/yum.repos.d/lemonldap-ng.repo yum update yum install lemonldap-ng SSO domain configuration ------------------------ The defaut SSO domain is ``example.com``. You can keep it for your tests or change it, for example for ``mydomain.com``: :: sed -i 's/example\.com/mydomain.com/g' /etc/lemonldap-ng/* /var/lib/lemonldap-ng/conf/lmConf-1.json sed -i 's/example\.com/mydomain.com/g' /etc/nginx/conf.d/* sed -i 's/example\.com/mydomain.com/g' /etc/httpd/conf.d/* sed -i 's/example\.com/mydomain.com/g' /etc/apache2/sites-available/* In order to be able to test, update your DNS or your local ``hosts`` file to map this names to the SSO server IP: - auth.mydomain.com - manager.mydomain.com - test1.mydomain.com - test2.mydomain.com For example on your local computer: :: echo " auth.mydomain.com manager.mydomain.com test1.mydomain.com test2.mydomain.com" >> /etc/hosts Run --- Since LemonLDAP::NG 1.2, the :doc:`demonstration backend` is configured by default. Demonstration backend has hard coded user accounts: ====== ======== ============= Login Password Role ====== ======== ============= rtyler rtyler user msmith msmith user dwho dwho administrator ====== ======== ============= Open SSO session ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go on http://auth.mydomain.com and log with one of the demonstration account. Access protected application ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Try http://test1.mydomain.com or http://test2.mydomain.com Edit configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Log with the dwho account and go on http://manager.mydomain.com