package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Api::Menu::Cat; our $VERSION = '2.0.9'; package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Api; use 5.10.0; use utf8; use Mouse; use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Conf::Parser; extends 'Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Api::Common'; sub getMenuCatByConfKey { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; my $confKey = $req->params('confKey') or return $self->sendError( $req, 'confKey is missing', 400 ); $self->logger->debug( "[API] Menu Category $confKey configuration requested"); # Get latest configuration my $conf = $self->_confAcc->getConf; my $menuCat = $self->_getMenuCatByConfKey( $conf, $confKey ); # Return 404 if not found return $self->sendError( $req, "Menu category '$confKey' not found", 404 ) unless ( defined $menuCat ); return $self->sendJSONresponse( $req, $menuCat ); } sub findMenuCatByConfKey { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; my $pattern = ( defined $req->params('uPattern') ? $req->params('uPattern') : ( defined $req->params('pattern') ? $req->params('pattern') : undef ) ); return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: pattern is missing', 400 ) unless ( defined $pattern ); unless ( $pattern = $self->_getRegexpFromPattern($pattern) ) { return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: pattern is invalid', 400 ); } $self->logger->debug( "[API] Find Menu Categories by confKey regexp $pattern requested"); # Get latest configuration my $conf = $self->_confAcc->getConf; my @menuCats = map { $_ =~ $pattern ? $self->_getMenuCatByConfKey( $conf, $_ ) : () } keys %{ $conf->{applicationList} }; return $self->sendJSONresponse( $req, [@menuCats] ); } sub addMenuCat { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; my $add = $req->jsonBodyToObj; return $self->sendError( $req, "Invalid input: " . $req->error, 400 ) unless ($add); return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: confKey is missing', 400 ) unless ( defined $add->{confKey} ); return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: confKey is not a string', 400 ) if ( ref $add->{confKey} ); return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: confKey contains invalid characters', 400 ) unless ( $add->{confKey} =~ '^\w[\w\.\-]*$' ); return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: catname is missing', 400 ) unless ( defined $add->{catname} ); return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: catname is not a string', 400 ) if ( ref $add->{catname} ); $self->logger->debug( "[API] Add Menu Category with confKey $add->{confKey} requested"); # Get latest configuration my $conf = $self->_confAcc->getConf( { noCache => 1 } ); return $self->sendError( $req, "Invalid input: A Menu Category with confKey $add->{confKey} already exists", 409 ) if ( defined $self->_getMenuCatByConfKey( $conf, $add->{confKey} ) ); my $res = $self->_pushMenuCat( $conf, $add->{confKey}, $add, 1 ); return $self->sendError( $req, $res->{msg}, 400 ) unless ( $res->{res} eq 'ok' ); return $self->sendJSONresponse( $req, { message => "Successful operation" }, code => 201 ); } sub updateMenuCat { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; my $confKey = $req->params('confKey') or return $self->sendError( $req, 'confKey is missing', 400 ); my $update = $req->jsonBodyToObj; return $self->sendError( $req, "Invalid input: " . $req->error, 400 ) unless ($update); $self->logger->debug( "[API] Menu Category $confKey configuration update requested"); # Get latest configuration my $conf = $self->_confAcc->getConf( { noCache => 1 } ); my $current = $self->_getMenuCatByConfKey( $conf, $confKey ); # Return 404 if not found return $self->sendError( $req, "Menu category '$confKey' not found", 404 ) unless ( defined $current ); my $res = $self->_pushMenuCat( $conf, $confKey, $update, 0 ); return $self->sendError( $req, $res->{msg}, 400 ) unless ( $res->{res} eq 'ok' ); return $self->sendJSONresponse( $req, undef, code => 204 ); } sub replaceMenuCat { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; my $confKey = $req->params('confKey') or return $self->sendError( $req, 'confKey is missing', 400 ); my $replace = $req->jsonBodyToObj; return $self->sendError( $req, "Invalid input: " . $req->error, 400 ) unless ($replace); return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: confKey is missing', 400 ) unless ( defined $replace->{confKey} ); return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: confKey is not a string', 400 ) if ( ref $replace->{confKey} ); return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: confKey contains invalid characters', 400 ) unless ( $replace->{confKey} =~ '^\w[\w\.\-]*$' ); return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: catname is missing', 400 ) unless ( defined $replace->{catname} ); return $self->sendError( $req, 'Invalid input: catname is not a string', 400 ) if ( ref $replace->{catname} ); $self->logger->debug( "[API] Menu Category $confKey configuration replace requested"); # Get latest configuration my $conf = $self->_confAcc->getConf( { noCache => 1 } ); # Return 404 if not found return $self->sendError( $req, "Menu category '$confKey' not found", 404 ) unless ( defined $self->_getMenuCatByConfKey( $conf, $confKey ) ); my $res = $self->_pushMenuCat( $conf, $confKey, $replace, 1 ); return $self->sendError( $req, $res->{msg}, 400 ) unless ( $res->{res} eq 'ok' ); return $self->sendJSONresponse( $req, undef, code => 204 ); } sub deleteMenuCat { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; my $confKey = $req->params('confKey') or return $self->sendError( $req, 'confKey is missing', 400 ); $self->logger->debug( "[API] Menu Category $confKey configuration delete requested"); # Get latest configuration my $conf = $self->_confAcc->getConf( { noCache => 1 } ); my $delete = $self->_getMenuCatByConfKey( $conf, $confKey ); # Return 404 if not found return $self->sendError( $req, "Menu category '$confKey' not found", 404 ) unless ( defined $delete ); delete $conf->{applicationList}->{$confKey}; # Save configuration $self->_confAcc->saveConf($conf); return $self->sendJSONresponse( $req, undef, code => 204 ); } sub _getMenuCatByConfKey { my ( $self, $conf, $confKey ) = @_; # Check if confKey is defined return undef unless ( defined $conf->{applicationList}->{$confKey} ); my $menuCat = { confKey => $confKey, catname => $conf->{applicationList}->{$confKey}->{catname} }; $menuCat->{order} = $conf->{applicationList}->{$confKey}->{order} if ( defined $conf->{applicationList}->{$confKey}->{order} ); return $menuCat; } sub _pushMenuCat { my ( $self, $conf, $confKey, $push, $replace ) = @_; if ($replace) { $conf->{applicationList}->{$confKey} = {}; $conf->{applicationList}->{$confKey}->{type} = "category"; } $conf->{applicationList}->{$confKey}->{order} = $push->{order} if ( defined $push->{order} ); $conf->{applicationList}->{$confKey}->{catname} = $push->{catname} if ( defined $push->{catname} ); # Test new configuration my $parser = Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Conf::Parser->new( { refConf => $self->_confAcc->getConf, newConf => $conf, req => {}, } ); unless ( $parser->testNewConf( $self->p ) ) { return { res => 'ko', code => 400, msg => "Configuration error: " . join( ". ", map { $_->{message} } @{ $parser->errors } ), }; } # Save configuration $self->_confAcc->saveConf($conf); return { res => 'ok' }; } 1;