Table of Contents


LemonLDAP::NG provides 5 levels of error and has two kind of logs:

Each category can be handle by a different logging framework. You can choose between:

Except for Apache2 and Log4Perl, log level is defined by logLevel parameter set in lemonldap-ng.ini file. Logger configurations are defined in lemonldap-ng.ini. Exemple :

logger     = Lemonldap::NG::Common::Logger::Log4perl
userLogger = Lemonldap::NG::Common::Logger::Syslog
logLevel   = notice

You can also modify these values in each lemonldap-ng.ini section to have different values for portal, manager and handlers.

LLNG provides also a username that can be used by webservers in their access log. Pour configurer l'identifiant utilisateur dans les journaux d'accès, aller dans le manager, Paramètres généraux > Journalisation > REMOTE_USER.

Default loggers

Log levels

Technical log levels

Log levels for user actions

Logger configuration

Std logger

Nothing to configure except logLevel.

Apache2 logger

Le niveau de journalisation peut être configuré via le paramètre LogLevel d'Apache. Il peut être configuré globalement, ou dans chaque hôte virtuel.

Voir pour plus d'informations.


You can choose facility in lemonldap-ng.ini file. Default values:

syslogFacility     = daemon
userSyslogFacility = auth


You can indicate the Log4perl configuration file and the classes to use. Default values:

log4perlConfFile   = /etc/log4perl.conf
log4perlLogger     = LLNG
log4perlUserLogger = LLNG.user