Table of Contents

Platforms overview

LLNG is able to use different web servers to provide its services. Here is a resume of all possibilities. We recommend:

Portal/Manager installation

Since 2.0, both portal and manager are native FastCGI applications. They can be used on any web server that can dial with a FastCGI server. Some examples:

Apache Nginx Plack servers family
Engines mod_fcgid or mod_fastcgi FastCGI/uWSGI server Any Plack HTTP server (see our doc)
Link with webserver process External processes managed by webserver (default) External LLNG server External LLNG server Inside

Application protection overview

Applications can be protected:

To protect applications with handler, LLNG can be used in two mode:

Handler integration

Direct Application Mode

LLNG handlers can be installed on the following web servers:

Apache Nginx Plack servers family Node.js
Addon needed ModPerl Express
LLNG integration in webserver Inside Separate process: External LLNG FastCGI/uWSGI servers (auth_request) Inside Inside

ReverseProxy Mode

Apache Nginx
LLNG integration in ReverseProxy webserver Inside Separate process: External LLNG FastCGI/uWSGI servers

External servers for Nginx

Natively, Nginx supportes FastCGI and uWSGI protocoles.

Therefore, LLNG services can be provided by compatible external servers.

FastCGI or uWSGI server(s) can be installed on separate hosts. Also you can imagine a global cloud-FastCGI/uWSGI-service for all your Nginx servers. See SSO as a service (SSOaaS) for more.


By default, LLNG provides a Plack based FastCGI server able to afford all LLNG services using FCGI engine (default).

However, you can use some other FastCGI server engines:

(*) LLNG Node.js handler can be used only as Nginx `auth_request` server, not to serve Portal or Manager