package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Api::Common; our $VERSION = '2.0.10'; package Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Api; use strict; use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes; use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::CTrees; # use Scalar::Util 'weaken'; ? sub _isSimpleKeyValueHash { my ( $self, $hash ) = @_; return 0 if ( ref($hash) ne "HASH" ); foreach ( keys %$hash ) { return 0 if ( ref( $hash->{$_} ) ne '' || ref($_) ne '' ); } return 1; } sub _getDefaultValues { my ( $self, $rootNode ) = @_; my @allAttrs = $self->_listAttributes($rootNode); my $defaultAttrs = Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::Attributes::attributes(); my $attrs = {}; foreach my $attr (@allAttrs) { $attrs->{$attr} = $defaultAttrs->{$attr}->{default} if ( defined $defaultAttrs->{$attr} && defined $defaultAttrs->{$attr}->{default} ); } return $attrs; } sub _hasAllowedAttributes { my ( $self, $attributes, $rootNode ) = @_; my @allowedAttributes = $self->_listAttributes($rootNode); foreach my $attribute ( keys %{$attributes} ) { if ( length( ref($attribute) ) ) { return { res => "ko", msg => "Invalid input: Attribute $attribute is not a string." }; } unless ( grep { $_ eq $attribute } @allowedAttributes ) { return { res => "ko", msg => "Invalid input: Attribute $attribute does not exist." }; } } return { res => "ok" }; } sub _listAttributes { my ( $self, $rootNode ) = @_; my $mainTree = Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Build::CTrees::cTrees(); my $rootNodes = [ grep { ref($_) eq "HASH" } @{ $mainTree->{$rootNode} } ]; my @attributes = map { $self->_listNodeAttributes($_) } @$rootNodes; return @attributes; } sub _listNodeAttributes { my ( $self, $node ) = @_; my @attributes = map { ref($_) eq "HASH" ? $self->_listNodeAttributes($_) : $_ } @{ $node->{nodes} }; return @attributes; } sub _translateOptionApiToConf { my ( $self, $optionName, $prefix ) = @_; # For consistency $optionName =~ s/^clientId$/clientID/; return $prefix . "MetaDataOptions" . ( ucfirst $optionName ); } sub _translateOptionConfToApi { my ( $self, $optionName ) = @_; $optionName =~ s/^(\w+)MetaDataOptions//; $optionName = lcfirst $optionName; # iDToken looks ugly $optionName =~ s/^iDToken/IDToken/; # For consistency $optionName =~ s/^clientID/clientId/; return $optionName; } sub _translateValueConfToApi { my ( $self, $optionName, $optionValue ) = @_; if ( $optionName eq "oidcRPMetaDataOptionsRedirectUris" ) { return [ split( /\s+/, $optionValue, ) ]; } elsif ( $optionName eq "oidcRPMetaDataOptionsPostLogoutRedirectUris" ) { return [ split( /\s+/, $optionValue, ) ]; } else { return $optionValue; } } sub _translateValueApiToConf { my ( $self, $optionName, $optionValue ) = @_; # redirectUris is handled as an array if ( $optionName eq 'redirectUris' ) { die "redirectUris is not an array\n" unless ( ref($optionValue) eq "ARRAY" ); return join( ' ', @{$optionValue} ); } elsif ( $optionName eq 'postLogoutRedirectUris' ) { die "postLogoutRedirectUris is not an array\n" unless ( ref($optionValue) eq "ARRAY" ); return join( ' ', @{$optionValue} ); } else { return $optionValue; } } sub _getRegexpFromPattern { my ( $self, $pattern ) = @_; return unless ( $pattern =~ /[\w\.\-\*]+/ ); # . is allowed, and must be escaped $pattern =~ s/\./\\\./g; $pattern =~ s/\*/\.\*/g; # anchor string, unless * was provided $pattern = "^$pattern\$" if ( $pattern =~ /\*/ ); return qr/$pattern/; } sub _getPersistentMod { my ($self) = @_; my $mod = $self->sessionTypes->{persistent}; $mod->{options}->{backend} = $mod->{module}; return $mod; } sub _getSSOMod { my ($self) = @_; my $mod = $self->sessionTypes->{global}; $mod->{options}->{backend} = $mod->{module}; return $mod; } sub _fix_bool { my $h = shift; if ( ref($h) eq "HASH" ) { for my $k ( keys %{$h} ) { if ( JSON::is_bool( $h->{$k} ) ) { $h->{$k} = $h->{$k} ? 1 : 0; } else { _fix_bool( $h->{$k} ); } } } } sub getJsonBody { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; my $obj = $req->jsonBodyToObj; _fix_bool($obj); return $obj; } 1;