# This module loads known enabled plugins. To add custom modules, just add them # into "plugins" list in lemonldap-ng.ini, section "portal" package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Plugins; our $VERSION = '2.0.14'; package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main; use strict; use Mouse; # Plugins enabled by a simple boolean value (ordered list) # # Developers: 2FA must be loaded before Notifications # Developers: GlobalLogout must be the last loaded plugin our @pList = ( portalDisplayResetPassword => '::Plugins::MailPasswordReset', portalDisplayCertificateResetByMail => '::Plugins::CertificateResetByMail', portalStatus => '::Plugins::Status', cda => '::Plugins::CDA', notification => '::Plugins::Notifications', stayConnected => '::Plugins::StayConnected', portalCheckLogins => '::Plugins::History', bruteForceProtection => '::Plugins::BruteForceProtection', grantSessionRules => '::Plugins::GrantSession', upgradeSession => '::Plugins::Upgrade', autoSigninRules => '::Plugins::AutoSignin', checkState => '::Plugins::CheckState', portalForceAuthn => '::Plugins::ForceAuthn', checkUser => '::Plugins::CheckUser', checkDevOps => '::Plugins::CheckDevOps', contextSwitchingRule => '::Plugins::ContextSwitching', decryptValueRule => '::Plugins::DecryptValue', findUser => '::Plugins::FindUser', newLocationWarning => '::Plugins::NewLocationWarning', adaptativeAuthenticationLevelRules => '::Plugins::AdaptativeAuthenticationLevel', refreshSessions => '::Plugins::Refresh', crowdsec => '::Plugins::CrowdSec', globalLogoutRule => '::Plugins::GlobalLogout', ); ##@method list enabledPlugins # #@return list of enabled plugins sub enabledPlugins { my ($self) = @_; my $conf = $self->conf; my @res; # Search for Issuer* modules enabled foreach my $key (qw(SAML OpenID CAS OpenIDConnect Get)) { if ( $conf->{"issuerDB${key}Activation"} ) { $self->logger->debug("Issuer${key} enabled"); push @res, "::Issuer::$key"; } } # Load single session push @res, '::Plugins::SingleSession' if ( $conf->{singleSession} or $conf->{singleIP} or $conf->{singleUserByIP} or $conf->{notifyOther} ); # Load static plugin list for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @pList ; $i += 2 ) { my $pluginConf = $conf->{ $pList[$i] }; if ( ref($pluginConf) eq "HASH" ) { # Do not load plugin if config is an empty hash push @res, $pList[ $i + 1 ] if %{$pluginConf}; } else { push @res, $pList[ $i + 1 ] if $pluginConf; } } # Check if SOAP is enabled push @res, '::Plugins::SOAPServer' if ( $conf->{soapSessionServer} or $conf->{soapConfigServer} ); # Add REST (check is done by plugin itself) push @res, '::Plugins::RESTServer'; # Check if password is enabled if ( my $p = $conf->{passwordDB} ) { push @res, "::Password::$p"; } # Check if register is enabled push @res, '::Plugins::Register' if ( $conf->{registerDB} and $conf->{registerDB} ne 'Null' ); # Check if custom plugins are required if ( $conf->{customPlugins} ) { $self->logger->debug( 'Custom plugins: ' . $conf->{customPlugins} ); push @res, grep ( /\w+/, split( /[,\s]+/, $conf->{customPlugins} ) ); } # Impersonation overwrites req->step and pops 'afterData' EP. # Static and custom 'afterData' plugins will be never launched # if they are loaded after Impersonation. # This plugin must be the last 'afterData' loaded plugin. Fix #2655 push @res, '::Plugins::Impersonation' if $conf->{impersonationRule}; return @res; } 1;