package Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Plugins::MailPasswordReset; use strict; use Encode; use Mouse; use POSIX qw(strftime); use Lemonldap::NG::Common::FormEncode; use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Constants qw( PE_OK PE_MAILOK PE_NOTOKEN PE_MAILERROR PE_PASSWORD_OK PE_BADMAILTOKEN PE_CAPTCHAEMPTY PE_CAPTCHAERROR PE_MAILNOTFOUND PE_TOKENEXPIRED PE_USERNOTFOUND PE_MAILCONFIRMOK PE_MALFORMEDUSER PE_MAILFORMEMPTY PE_BADCREDENTIALS PE_MAILFIRSTACCESS PE_PASSWORDFORMEMPTY PE_PASSWORD_MISMATCH PE_PASSWORDFIRSTACCESS PE_PP_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT PE_PP_PASSWORD_TOO_YOUNG PE_PP_PASSWORD_IN_HISTORY PE_MAILCONFIRMATION_ALREADY_SENT PE_PP_INSUFFICIENT_PASSWORD_QUALITY ); our $VERSION = '2.0.10'; extends qw( Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::SMTP Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Plugin Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::_tokenRule ); # PROPERTIES # Mail timeout token generator # Form timout token generator (used even if requireToken is not set) has ott => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub { my $ott = $_[0]->{p}->loadModule('Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Lib::OneTimeToken'); $ott->timeout( $_[0]->conf->{formTimeout} ); return $ott; } ); # Captcha generator has captcha => ( is => 'rw' ); # INITIALIZATION sub init { my ($self) = @_; # Declare REST route $self->addUnauthRoute( resetpwd => 'resetPwd', [ 'POST', 'GET' ] ); # Initialize Captcha if needed if ( $self->conf->{captcha_mail_enabled} ) { $self->captcha( $self->p->loadModule('::Lib::Captcha') ) or return 0; } return 1; } # RUNNIG METHODS # Handle reset requests sub resetPwd { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; $self->p->controlUrl($req); # Check parameters $req->error( $self->_reset($req) ); # Display form my ( $tpl, $prms ) = $self->display($req); return $self->p->sendHtml( $req, $tpl, params => $prms ); } sub _reset { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; my ( $mailToken, %tplPrms ); # PASSWORD CHANGE FORM => changePwd() if ( $req->method =~ /^POST$/i and ( $req->param('newpassword') or $req->param('confirmpassword') or $req->param('reset') ) ) { return $self->changePwd($req); } # FIRST FORM $mailToken = $req->data->{mailToken} = $req->param('mail_token'); unless ( $req->param('mail') || $mailToken ) { $self->setSecurity($req); return PE_MAILFIRSTACCESS if ( $req->method eq 'GET' ); return PE_MAILFORMEMPTY; } my $searchByMail = 1; # OTHER FORMS if ($mailToken) { $self->logger->debug("Token given for password reset: $mailToken"); # Check if token is valid my $mailSession = $self->p->getApacheSession( $mailToken, kind => "TOKEN" ); unless ($mailSession) { $self->userLogger->warn('Bad reset token'); return PE_BADMAILTOKEN; } $req->{user} = $mailSession->data->{user}; $req->data->{mailAddress} = $mailSession->data->{ $self->conf->{mailSessionKey} }; $self->logger->debug( 'User associated to: ' . $req->{user} ); # Restore pdata if any $req->pdata( $mailSession->data->{_pdata} || {} ); $searchByMail = 0 unless ( $req->{user} =~ /\@/ ); } # Check for values posted else { # Use submitted value $req->{user} = $req->param('mail'); # Check if token exists my $token; if ( $self->ottRule->( $req, {} ) or $self->captcha ) { $token = $req->param('token'); unless ($token) { $self->setSecurity($req); $self->userLogger->warn('Reset try without token'); return PE_NOTOKEN; } } # Captcha for register form if ( $self->captcha ) { my $captcha = $req->param('captcha'); unless ($captcha) { $self->userLogger->notice('Reset try with captcha not filled'); # Set captcha or token $self->setSecurity($req); return PE_CAPTCHAEMPTY; } # Check captcha unless ( $self->captcha->validateCaptcha( $token, $captcha ) ) { $self->userLogger->info('Captcha failed: wrong code'); # Set captcha or token $self->setSecurity($req); return PE_CAPTCHAERROR; } $self->logger->debug('Captcha code verified'); } elsif ( $self->ottRule->( $req, {} ) ) { unless ( $self->ott->getToken($token) ) { $self->setSecurity($req); $self->userLogger->warn('Reset try with expired/bad token'); return PE_TOKENEXPIRED; } } unless ( $req->{user} =~ /$self->{conf}->{userControl}/o ) { $self->setSecurity($req); return PE_MALFORMEDUSER; } } # Search user in database $req->steps( [ 'getUser', 'setSessionInfo', $self->p->groupsAndMacros, 'setPersistentSessionInfo', 'setLocalGroups' ] ); if ( my $error = $self->p->process( $req, useMail => $searchByMail ) ) { if ( $error == PE_USERNOTFOUND or $error == PE_BADCREDENTIALS ) { $self->userLogger->warn( 'Reset asked for an invalid user (' . $req->param('mail') . ')' ); # To avoid mail enumeration, return OK # unless portalErrorOnMailNotFound is set if ( $self->conf->{portalErrorOnMailNotFound} ) { $self->setSecurity($req); return PE_MAILNOTFOUND; } my $mailTimeout = $self->conf->{mailTimeout} || $self->conf->{timeout}; my $expTimestamp = time() + $mailTimeout; $req->data->{expMailDate} = strftime( '%d/%m/%Y', localtime $expTimestamp ); $req->data->{expMailTime} = strftime( '%H:%M', localtime $expTimestamp ); return PE_MAILCONFIRMOK; } return $error; } # Build temporary session my $mailSession = $self->getMailSession( $req->{user} ); unless ( $mailSession or $mailToken ) { # Create a new session my $infos = {}; # Set _utime for session autoremove # Use default session timeout and mail session timeout to compute it my $time = time(); my $timeout = $self->conf->{timeout}; my $mailTimeout = $self->conf->{mailTimeout} || $timeout; $infos->{_utime} = $time + ( $mailTimeout - $timeout ); # Store expiration timestamp for further use $infos->{mailSessionTimeoutTimestamp} = $time + $mailTimeout; # Store start timestamp for further use $infos->{mailSessionStartTimestamp} = $time; # Store mail $infos->{ $self->conf->{mailSessionKey} } = $self->p->getFirstValue( $req->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->conf->{mailSessionKey} } ); # Store user $infos->{user} = $req->{user}; # Store type $infos->{_type} = 'mail'; # Store pdata $infos->{_pdata} = $req->pdata; # create session $mailSession = $self->p->getApacheSession( undef, kind => "TOKEN", info => $infos ); $req->id( $mailSession->id ); } elsif ($mailSession) { $self->logger->debug( 'Mail session found: ' . $mailSession->id ); $req->id( $mailSession->id ); $req->data->{mailAlreadySent} = 1; } # Send confirmation mail unless ($mailToken) { # Mail session expiration date my $expTimestamp = $mailSession->data->{mailSessionTimeoutTimestamp}; $self->logger->debug("Mail expiration timestamp: $expTimestamp"); $req->data->{expMailDate} = strftime( '%d/%m/%Y', localtime $expTimestamp ); $req->data->{expMailTime} = strftime( '%H:%M', localtime $expTimestamp ); # Mail session start date my $startTimestamp = $mailSession->data->{mailSessionStartTimestamp}; $self->logger->debug("Mail start timestamp: $startTimestamp"); $req->data->{startMailDate} = strftime( '%d/%m/%Y', localtime $startTimestamp ); $req->data->{startMailTime} = strftime( '%H:%M', localtime $startTimestamp ); # Ask if user wants an another confirmation email if ( $req->data->{mailAlreadySent} and not $req->param('resendconfirmation') ) { $self->userLogger->notice( 'Reset mail already sent to ' . $req->{user} ); # Return mail already sent only if it is allowed at previous step if ( $self->conf->{portalErrorOnMailNotFound} ) { $self->setSecurity($req); return PE_MAILCONFIRMATION_ALREADY_SENT; } } # Get mail address $req->data->{mailAddress} ||= $self->p->getFirstValue( $req->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->conf->{mailSessionKey} } ); return PE_MAILERROR unless ( $req->data->{mailAddress} ); # Build confirmation url my $req_url = $req->data->{_url}; my $skin = $self->p->getSkin($req); my $url = $self->conf->{mailUrl} . '?' . build_urlencoded( mail_token => $req->{id}, skin => $skin, ( $req_url ? ( url => $req_url ) : () ), ); # Build mail content $tplPrms{MAIN_LOGO} = $self->conf->{portalMainLogo}; my $tr = $self->translate($req); my $subject = $self->conf->{mailConfirmSubject}; unless ($subject) { $subject = 'mailConfirmSubject'; $tr->( \$subject ); } my $body; my $html; if ( $self->conf->{mailConfirmBody} ) { # We use a specific text message, no html $body = $self->conf->{mailConfirmBody}; } else { # Use HTML template $body = $self->loadMailTemplate( $req, 'mail_confirm', filter => $tr, params => \%tplPrms ); $html = 1; } # Replace variables in body $body =~ s/\$expMailDate/$req->data->{expMailDate}/ge; $body =~ s/\$expMailTime/$req->data->{expMailTime}/ge; $body =~ s/\$url/$url/g; $body =~ s/\$(\w+)/$req->{sessionInfo}->{$1} || ''/ge; $self->logger->info( "User " . $req->data->{mailAddress} . " is trying to reset his/her password" ); # Send mail unless ( $self->send_mail( $req->data->{mailAddress}, $subject, $body, $html ) ) { $self->logger->debug('Unable to send reset mail'); # Don't return an error here to avoid enumeration } return PE_MAILCONFIRMOK; } # User has a valid mailToken, allow to change password # A token is required $self->ott->setToken( $req, { %{ $req->sessionInfo }, pwdAllowed => $self->conf->{passwordResetAllowedRetries} } ); return PE_PASSWORDFIRSTACCESS if ( $req->method eq 'GET' ); return PE_PASSWORDFORMEMPTY; } sub changePwd { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; my %tplPrms; $self->logger->debug('Change password form response'); if ( my $token = $req->param('token') ) { $req->sessionInfo( $self->ott->getToken($token) ); unless ( $req->sessionInfo ) { $self->userLogger->warn( 'User tries to change password with an invalid or expired token' ); return PE_NOTOKEN; } } # These 2 cases means that a user tries to change password without # following valid links!!! else { $self->userLogger->error('User tries to change password without token'); return PE_NOTOKEN; } unless ( $req->sessionInfo->{pwdAllowed}-- ) { $self->userLogger->error( 'User tries to use another token to change a password'); return PE_NOTOKEN; } # Remove the mail token session if mail token is provided my $mailToken = $req->param('mail_token'); if ($mailToken) { $self->logger->debug("Token given for password reset: $mailToken"); # Check if token is valid my $mailSession = $self->p->getApacheSession( $mailToken, kind => "TOKEN" ); unless ($mailSession) { $self->userLogger->warn('Bad reset token'); return PE_BADMAILTOKEN; } $self->logger->debug("Delete token $mailToken"); $mailSession->remove; } # Check if user wants to generate the new password if ( $req->param('reset') ) { $self->logger->debug( "Reset password request for $req->{sessionInfo}->{_user}"); # Generate a complex password my $password = $self->gen_password( $self->conf->{randomPasswordRegexp} ); $self->logger->debug("Generated password: $password"); $req->data->{newpassword} = $password; $req->data->{confirmpassword} = $password; $req->data->{forceReset} = 1; $tplPrms{RESET} = 1; } # Else a password is required in request else { $req->data->{newpassword} = $req->param('newpassword'); $req->data->{confirmpassword} = $req->param('confirmpassword'); unless ($req->data->{newpassword} and $req->data->{confirmpassword} and $req->data->{newpassword} eq $req->data->{confirmpassword} ) { $self->ott->setToken( $req, $req->sessionInfo ); ( $req->data->{newpassword} && $req->data->{confirmpassword} ) ? return PE_PASSWORD_MISMATCH : return PE_PASSWORDFORMEMPTY; } } # Check password quality require Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Password::Base; my $cpq = $self->Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Password::Base::checkPasswordQuality( $req->data->{newpassword} ); unless ( $cpq == PE_OK ) { $self->ott->setToken( $req, $req->sessionInfo ); return $cpq; } $req->user( $req->{sessionInfo}->{_user} ); my $result = $self->p->_passwordDB->modifyPassword( $req, $req->data->{newpassword}, 1 ); $req->{user} = undef; # Mail token can be used only one time, delete the session if all is ok unless ( $result == PE_PASSWORD_OK or $result == PE_OK ) { $self->ott->setToken( $req, $req->sessionInfo ); return $result; } my $userlog = $req->sessionInfo->{ $self->conf->{whatToTrace} }; my $iplog = $req->sessionInfo->{ipAddr}; $self->userLogger->notice("Password changed for $userlog ($iplog)") if ( defined $userlog and $iplog ); # Send mail containing the new password $req->data->{mailAddress} ||= $self->p->getFirstValue( $req->{sessionInfo}->{ $self->conf->{mailSessionKey} } ); # Build mail content $tplPrms{MAIN_LOGO} = $self->conf->{portalMainLogo}; my $tr = $self->translate($req); my $subject = $self->conf->{mailSubject}; unless ($subject) { $subject = 'mailSubject'; $tr->( \$subject ); } my $body; my $html; if ( $self->conf->{mailBody} ) { # We use a specific text message, no html $body = $self->conf->{mailBody}; } else { # Use HTML template $body = $self->loadMailTemplate( $req, 'mail_password', filter => $tr, params => \%tplPrms ); $html = 1; } # Replace variables in body my $password = $req->data->{newpassword}; $body =~ s/\$password/$password/g; $body =~ s/\$(\w+)/$req->{sessionInfo}->{$1} || ''/ge; # Send mail return PE_MAILERROR unless $self->send_mail( $req->data->{mailAddress}, $subject, $body, $html ); return PE_MAILOK; } sub setSecurity { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; if ( $self->captcha ) { $self->captcha->setCaptcha($req); } elsif ( $self->ottRule->( $req, {} ) ) { $self->ott->setToken($req); } return 1; } sub display { my ( $self, $req ) = @_; my $speChars = $self->conf->{passwordPolicySpecialChar}; $speChars =~ s/\s+/ /g; $speChars =~ s/(?:^\s|\s$)//g; $self->logger->debug( 'Display called with code: ' . $req->error ); my %tplPrm = ( SKIN_PATH => $self->conf->{staticPrefix}, SKIN => $self->p->getSkin($req), SKIN_BG => $self->conf->{portalSkinBackground}, MAIN_LOGO => $self->conf->{portalMainLogo}, AUTH_ERROR => $req->error, AUTH_ERROR_TYPE => $req->error_type, AUTH_URL => $req->data->{_url}, CHOICE_VALUE => $req->{_authChoice}, EXPMAILDATE => $req->data->{expMailDate}, EXPMAILTIME => $req->data->{expMailTime}, STARTMAILDATE => $req->data->{startMailDate}, STARTMAILTIME => $req->data->{startMailTime}, MAILALREADYSENT => $req->data->{mailAlreadySent}, MAIL => ( $self->p->checkXSSAttack( 'mail', $req->{user} ) ? '' : $req->{user} ), DISPLAY_FORM => 0, DISPLAY_RESEND_FORM => 0, DISPLAY_CONFIRMMAILSENT => 0, DISPLAY_MAILSENT => 0, DISPLAY_PASSWORD_FORM => 0, DISPLAY_PPOLICY => $self->conf->{portalDisplayPasswordPolicy}, PPOLICY_MINSIZE => $self->conf->{passwordPolicyMinSize}, PPOLICY_MINLOWER => $self->conf->{passwordPolicyMinLower}, PPOLICY_MINUPPER => $self->conf->{passwordPolicyMinUpper}, PPOLICY_MINDIGIT => $self->conf->{passwordPolicyMinDigit}, PPOLICY_ALLOWEDSPECHAR => $speChars, ( $speChars ? ( PPOLICY_MINSPECHAR => $self->conf->{passwordPolicyMinSpeChar} ) : () ), DISPLAY_GENERATE_PASSWORD => $self->conf->{portalDisplayGeneratePassword}, ); if ( $req->data->{mailToken} and not $self->p->checkXSSAttack( 'mail_token', $req->data->{mailToken} ) ) { $tplPrm{MAIL_TOKEN} = $req->data->{mailToken}; } # Display captcha if it's enabled if ( $req->captcha ) { $tplPrm{CAPTCHA_SRC} = $req->captcha; $tplPrm{CAPTCHA_SIZE} = $self->conf->{captcha_size}; } if ( $req->token ) { $tplPrm{TOKEN} = $req->token; } # Display form the first time if ( ( $req->error == PE_MAILFORMEMPTY or $req->error == PE_MAILFIRSTACCESS or $req->error == PE_MAILNOTFOUND or $req->error == PE_CAPTCHAERROR or $req->error == PE_CAPTCHAEMPTY ) and not $req->data->{mailToken} ) { $self->logger->debug('Display form'); $tplPrm{DISPLAY_FORM} = 1; } # Display mail confirmation resent form elsif ( $req->error == PE_MAILCONFIRMATION_ALREADY_SENT ) { $self->logger->debug('Display resend form'); $tplPrm{DISPLAY_RESEND_FORM} = 1; } # Display confirmation mail sent elsif ( $req->error == PE_MAILCONFIRMOK ) { $self->logger->debug('Display "confirm mail sent"'); $tplPrm{DISPLAY_CONFIRMMAILSENT} = 1; } # Display mail sent elsif ( $req->error == PE_MAILOK ) { $self->logger->debug('Display "mail sent"'); $tplPrm{DISPLAY_MAILSENT} = 1; } # Display password change form elsif ( $req->data->{mailToken} and $req->error != PE_MAILERROR and $req->error != PE_BADMAILTOKEN and $req->error != PE_MAILOK ) { $self->logger->debug('Display password form'); $tplPrm{DISPLAY_PASSWORD_FORM} = 1; } # Display password change form again # - if passwords mismatch # - if password quality check fail elsif ($req->error == PE_PASSWORDFORMEMPTY || $req->error == PE_PASSWORD_MISMATCH || $req->error == PE_PP_INSUFFICIENT_PASSWORD_QUALITY || $req->error == PE_PP_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT || $req->error == PE_PP_PASSWORD_TOO_YOUNG || $req->error == PE_PP_PASSWORD_IN_HISTORY ) { $self->logger->debug('Display password form'); $tplPrm{DISPLAY_PASSWORD_FORM} = $req->sessionInfo->{pwdAllowed}; } return 'mail', \%tplPrm; } 1;