use Test::More; use strict; use IO::String; BEGIN { require MIME::Lite; require 't/'; } my $maintests = 11; my ( $res, $user, $pwd, $host, $url, $query ) = my $mailSend = 0; SKIP: { eval 'use GD::SecurityImage;use Image::Magick;'; if ($@) { skip 'Lasso not found', $maintests; } my $client = LLNG::Manager::Test->new( { ini => { logLevel => 'error', useSafeJail => 1, portalDisplayRegister => 1, registerDB => 'Demo', captcha_register_enabled => 1, } } ); # Test normal first access # ------------------------ ok( $res = $client->_get( '/register', accept => 'text/html' ), 'Unauth request', ); ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, '#', undef, 'firstname', 'lastname', 'mail' ); ok( $query =~ s/^.*token=([^&]+).*$/token=$1&firstname=foo&lastname=bar&, 'Token found' ); my $token; ok( $token = $1, ' Token value is defined' ); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ m#_post( '/register', IO::String->new($query), length => length($query), accept => 'text/html' ), 'Ask to create account' ); expectOK($res); # $query is set by MIME::Lite::send below ok( $query =~ /register_token=/, 'Found register_token' ); ok( $res = $client->_get( '/register', query => $query, accept => 'text/html' ), 'Push register_token' ); expectOK($res); # $user/$pwd are set by MIME::Lite::send below ok( $user eq 'fbar', 'Get good login' ); # Try to authenticate $query = '&user=fbar&password=fbar'; ok( $res = $client->_post( '/', IO::String->new($query), length => length($query), accept => 'text/html' ), 'Try to authenticate' ); expectCookie($res); } count($maintests); clean_sessions(); done_testing( count() ); no warnings 'redefine'; my $mail2 = 0; sub MIME::Lite::send { my ($mail) = @_; pass('Mail sent'); ok( $mail->header_as_string =~ /foobar\, 'Found dest' ) or explain( $mail->header_as_string, 'To:' ); count(2); unless ($mail2) { $mailSend = 1; ok( $mail->body_as_string =~ m#a href="\?(.*?)"#, 'Found link' ); count(1); $query = $1; $mail2++; } else { $mailSend = 2; ok( $mail->body_as_string =~ m#Your login is.+?(\w+).*?Your password is.+?(.*?)#s, 'Get login/pwd' ); ( $user, $pwd ) = ( $1, $2 ); count(1); } }