use Test::More; BEGIN { require 't/'; } my $maintests = 8; SKIP: { eval { require Digest::HMAC_SHA1; }; if ($@) { skip 'Digest::HMAC_SHA1 not found', $maintests; } init( 'Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Server', { logLevel => 'error', zimbraPreAuthKey => '1234567890', zimbraUrl => '/service/preauthtest', zimbraSsoUrl => '^/testsso', vhostOptions => { '' => { vhostHttps => 0, vhostPort => 80, vhostMaintenance => 0, vhostServiceTokenTTL => -1, }, }, exportedHeaders => { '' => { 'Auth-User' => '$uid', }, } } ); # Request a non-Zimbra URL ok( $res = $client->_get( '/test', undef, '', "lemonldap=$sessionId", VHOSTTYPE => 'ZimbraPreAuth', ), 'Non-Zimbra URL Query' ); ok( $res->[0] == 200, 'Code is 200' ) or explain( $res->[0], 200 ); # Check headers %h = @{ $res->[1] }; ok( !defined $h{'Location'}, 'Location is undefined' ) or explain( \%h, 'Location => "URL"' ); ok( $h{'Auth-User'} eq 'dwho', 'Header Auth-User is set to "dwho"' ) or explain( \%h, 'Auth-User => "dwho"' ); # Request Zimbra URL my $timestamp = time() * 1000; my $value = Digest::HMAC_SHA1::hmac_sha1_hex( "dwho|id|0|$timestamp", '1234567890' ); ok( $res = $client->_get( '/testsso', undef, '', "lemonldap=$sessionId", VHOSTTYPE => 'ZimbraPreAuth', ), 'Zimbra URL Query' ); ok( $res->[0] == 302, 'Code is 302' ) or explain( $res->[0], 302 ); # Check headers %h = @{ $res->[1] }; ok( $h{'Location'} =~ m%^/service/preauthtest\?account=dwho&by=id×tamp=$timestamp&expires=0&preauth=$value$%, 'Header Location is set to Zimbra URL' ) or explain( \%h, 'Location => "Zimbra URL"' ); ok( $h{'Auth-User'} eq 'dwho', 'Header Auth-User is set to "dwho"' ) or explain( \%h, 'Auth-User => "dwho"' ); } count($maintests); done_testing( count() ); clean();