#!/usr/bin/perl use Test::More; use strict; use warnings; use Storable qw/dclone/; require_ok('./scripts/importMetadata'); my $xml; { local $/ = undef; # Slurp mode open XML, "t/data/preview-all-test-metadata.xml" or die; $xml = ; close XML; } my $lmConf = {}; my $importConf = {}; # Run import my ( $spCounters, $idpCounters ) = transform_config( $importConf, $lmConf, $xml ); # Check statistics is_deeply( $spCounters, { 'created' => 47, 'found' => 48, 'ignored' => 0, 'rejected' => 1, 'removed' => 0, 'updated' => 0 }, "SP counters are expected" ); is_deeply( $idpCounters, { 'created' => 12, 'found' => 13, 'ignored' => 0, 'rejected' => 1, 'removed' => 0, 'updated' => 0 }, "IDP counters are expected" ); is( keys %{ $lmConf->{samlIDPMetaDataXML} }, 12, "Correct amount of providers" ); is( keys %{ $lmConf->{samlIDPMetaDataExportedAttributes} }, 12, "Correct amount of providers" ); is( keys %{ $lmConf->{samlIDPMetaDataOptions} }, 12, "Correct amount of providers" ); is( keys %{ $lmConf->{samlSPMetaDataXML} }, 47, "Correct amount of providers" ); is( keys %{ $lmConf->{samlSPMetaDataExportedAttributes} }, 47, "Correct amount of providers" ); is( keys %{ $lmConf->{samlSPMetaDataOptions} }, 47, "Correct amount of providers" ); my $idp = "idp-idp-test-insa-rennes-fr-idp-shibboleth"; my $sp = "sp-ucopia-univ-brest-fr"; is( $lmConf->{samlIDPMetaDataExportedAttributes}->{$idp} ->{eduPersonPrincipalName}, '0;eduPersonPrincipalName', "Found exported attribute" ); is( $lmConf->{samlSPMetaDataExportedAttributes}->{$sp}->{supannEtablissement}, join( ';', 0, 'urn:oid:', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri', 'supannEtablissement' ), "Found optional attribute" ); is( $lmConf->{samlSPMetaDataExportedAttributes}->{$sp}->{uid}, join( ';', 1, 'urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri', 'uid' ), "Found required attribute" ); # Check update $lmConf->{samlSPMetaDataOptions}->{$sp} ->{samlSPMetaDataOptionsCheckSSOMessageSignature} = 0; $lmConf->{samlIDPMetaDataOptions}->{$idp} ->{samlIDPMetaDataOptionsAllowProxiedAuthn} = 1; ( $spCounters, $idpCounters ) = transform_config( $importConf, $lmConf, $xml ); # Check statistics is_deeply( $spCounters, { 'created' => 0, 'found' => 48, 'ignored' => 0, 'rejected' => 1, 'removed' => 0, 'updated' => 1 }, "SP counters are expected" ); is_deeply( $idpCounters, { 'created' => 0, 'found' => 13, 'ignored' => 0, 'rejected' => 1, 'removed' => 0, 'updated' => 1 }, "IDP counters are expected" ); is( $lmConf->{samlSPMetaDataOptions}->{$sp} ->{samlSPMetaDataOptionsCheckSSOMessageSignature}, 1, "Configuration was updated" ); is( $lmConf->{samlIDPMetaDataOptions}->{$idp} ->{samlIDPMetaDataOptionsAllowProxiedAuthn}, 0, "Configuration was updated" ); # Check idempotence my $oldLmConf = dclone $lmConf; ( $spCounters, $idpCounters ) = transform_config( $importConf, $lmConf, $xml ); is_deeply( $spCounters, { 'created' => 0, 'found' => 48, 'ignored' => 0, 'rejected' => 1, 'removed' => 0, 'updated' => 0 }, "SP counters are expected" ); is_deeply( $idpCounters, { 'created' => 0, 'found' => 13, 'ignored' => 0, 'rejected' => 1, 'removed' => 0, 'updated' => 0 }, "IDP counters are expected" ); is_deeply( $lmConf, $oldLmConf ); done_testing();