
Authentication Users Password
OpenID protocol is deprecated. You should now use OpenID Connect.


LL::NG can delegate authentication to an OpenID server. This requires Perl OpenID consumer module with at least version 1.0.

LL::NG can also act as OpenID server, that allows to interconnect two LL::NG systems.

LL::NG will then display a form with an OpenID input, wher users will type their OpenID login.

OpenID authentication can proposed as an alternate authentication scheme using the authentication choice method.

LL::NG can use a white list or a black list to filter allowed OpenID domains.

If OpenID is used as users database, attributes will be requested to the server with SREG extention.


In Manager, go in General Parameters > Authentication modules and choose OpenID for authentication and/or users.

Then, go in OpenID parameters:

To configure requested attributes, edit Exported variables and define attributes:

See also exported variables configuration.