Table of Contents

France Connect


France Connect is an authentication platform made by French government.

It is for the moment only in BETA stage. This documentation will explain how to configure LL::NG with the developer reserved space.

Register on France Connect

Once OpenID Connect service is configured, you need to register to France Connect.

Use the following form:

You need to provide the callback URLs, for example

You will then get a client_id and a client_secret.

Declare France Connect in your LL::NG server

Go in Manager and create a new OpenID Connect provider. You can call it france-connect for example.

Click on Metadata and set manually the metadata of the service, using France Connect endpoints. For example:

"issuer": "",
"authorization_endpoint": "",
"token_endpoint": "",
"userinfo_endpoint": "",

You can skip JWKS data, they are not provided by France Connect. The security relies on the symmetric key client_secret.

Go in Exported attributes to choose which attributes from “identité pivot” you want to collect. See

Now go in Options: