# Methods run at request serving package Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main; use MIME::Base64; use Exporter 'import'; use Lemonldap::NG::Common::Session; use CGI::Util 'expires'; use URI::Escape; use constant UNPROTECT => 1; use constant SKIP => 2; use constant MAINTENANCE_CODE => 503; #inherits Cache::Cache #inherits Apache::Session #link Lemonldap::NG::Common::Apache::Session::SOAP protected globalStorage our $VERSION = '1.4.0'; our ( %EXPORT_TAGS, @EXPORT_OK, @EXPORT ); our $tsv = {}; # Hash ref containing thread-shared values, filled # at config reload - see Reload.pm comments to know # what it contains our $session; # Object for current user session our $datas; # Hash ref containing current user session datas our $datasUpdate; # Last time the current user session was read BEGIN { # globalStorage and locationRules are set for Manager compatibility only %EXPORT_TAGS = ( globalStorage => [qw( )], locationRules => [qw( )], jailSharedVars => [qw( $datas )], tsv => [qw( $tsv )], import => [qw( import @EXPORT_OK @EXPORT %EXPORT_TAGS )], post => [qw(postFilter)], ); push( @EXPORT_OK, @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{$_} } ) foreach ( keys %EXPORT_TAGS ); $EXPORT_TAGS{all} = \@EXPORT_OK; # For importing MP(), required modules, and constants use Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API qw(:httpCodes); Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->thread_share($tsv); } use Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Jail; use Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger; ## @rmethod protected void updateStatus(string user,string url,string action) # Inform the status process of the result of the request if it is available # @param request Apache2::RequestRec current request # @param action string Result of access control (as OK, SKIP, LOGOUT...) # @param optional user string Username to log, if undefined defaults to remote IP # @param optional url string URL to log, if undefined defaults to request URI sub updateStatus { my ( $class, $action, $user, $url ) = @_; $user ||= Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->remote_ip; $url ||= Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->uri_with_args; eval { print { $tsv->{statusPipe} } "$user => " . Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->hostname . "$url $action\n" if ( $tsv->{statusPipe} ); }; } ## @rmethod protected int forbidden(string uri) # Used to reject non authorized requests. # Inform the status processus and call logForbidden(). # @param $uri URI # @return Apache2::Const::REDIRECT or Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN sub forbidden { my $class = shift; my $uri = Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->unparsed_uri; if ( $datas->{_logout} ) { $class->updateStatus( 'LOGOUT', $datas->{ $tsv->{whatToTrace} } ); my $u = $datas->{_logout}; $class->localUnlog; return $class->goToPortal( $u, 'logout=1' ); } # Log forbidding Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "User " . $datas->{ $tsv->{whatToTrace} } . " was forbidden to access to $uri", "notice" ); $class->updateStatus( 'REJECT', $datas->{ $tsv->{whatToTrace} } ); # Redirect or Forbidden? if ( $tsv->{useRedirectOnForbidden} ) { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "Use redirect for forbidden access", 'debug' ); return $class->goToPortal( $uri, 'lmError=403' ); } else { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "Return forbidden access", 'debug' ); return FORBIDDEN; } } ## @rmethod protected void hideCookie() # Hide Lemonldap::NG cookie to the protected application. sub hideCookie { my $class = shift; Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "removing cookie", 'debug' ); my $cookie = Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->header_in('Cookie'); $cookie =~ s/$tsv->{cookieName}(http)?=[^,;]*[,;\s]*//og; if ($cookie) { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->set_header_in( 'Cookie' => $cookie ); } else { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->unset_header_in('Cookie'); } } ## @rmethod protected string encodeUrl(string url) # Encode URl in the format used by Lemonldap::NG::Portal for redirections. # @return Base64 encoded string sub encodeUrl { my ( $class, $url ) = splice @_; $url = $class->_buildUrl( $url ) if ( $url !~ m#^https?://# ); return encode_base64( $url, '' ); } ## @rmethod protected int goToPortal(string url, string arg) # Redirect non-authenticated users to the portal by setting "Location:" header. # @param $url Url requested # @param $arg optionnal GET parameters # @return Apache2::Const::REDIRECT sub goToPortal { my ( $class, $url, $arg ) = splice @_; Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "Redirect " . Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->remote_ip . " to portal (url was $url)", 'debug' ); my $urlc_init = $class->encodeUrl($url); Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->set_header_out( 'Location' => &{ $tsv->{portal} }() . "?url=$urlc_init" . ( $arg ? "&$arg" : "" ) ); return REDIRECT; } ## @rmethod protected $ fetchId() # Get user cookies and search for Lemonldap::NG cookie. # @return Value of the cookie if found, 0 else sub fetchId { my $class = shift; my $t = Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->header_in('Cookie'); my $vhost = $class->resolveAlias; my $lookForHttpCookie = $tsv->{securedCookie} =~ /^(2|3)$/ && !( defined( $tsv->{https}->{$vhost} ) ? $tsv->{https}->{$vhost} : $tsv->{https}->{_} ); my $value = $lookForHttpCookie ? ( $t =~ /$tsv->{cookieName}http=([^,; ]+)/o ? $1 : 0 ) : ( $t =~ /$tsv->{cookieName}=([^,; ]+)/o ? $1 : 0 ); $value = $tsv->{cipher}->decryptHex( $value, "http" ) if ( $value && $lookForHttpCookie && $tsv->{securedCookie} == 3 ); return $value; } ## @rmethod protected boolean retrieveSession(id) # Tries to retrieve the session whose index is id # @return true if the session was found, false else sub retrieveSession { my ( $class, $id ) = @_; # 1. Search if the user was the same as previous (very efficient in # persistent connection). return 1 if ( defined $datas->{_session_id} and $id eq $datas->{_session_id} and ( time() - $datasUpdate < 60 ) ); # 2. Get the session from cache or backend $session = Lemonldap::NG::Common::Session->new( { storageModule => $tsv->{sessionStorageModule}, storageModuleOptions => $tsv->{sessionStorageOptions}, cacheModule => $tsv->{sessionCacheModule}, cacheModuleOptions => $tsv->{sessionCacheOptions}, id => $id, kind => "SSO", } ); if ( $datas = $session->data ) { # Update the session to notify activity, if necessary $session->update( { '_lastSeen' => time } ) if ( $tsv->{timeoutActivity} ); $datasUpdate = time(); return 1; } else { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "Session $id can't be retrieved", 'info' ); return 0; } } # MAIN SUBROUTINE called by Apache (using PerlHeaderParserHandler option) ## @rmethod int run(Apache2::RequestRec r) # Main method used to control access. # Calls : # - fetchId() # - retrieveSession() # - lmSetApacheUser() # - grant() # - forbidden() if user is rejected # - sendHeaders() if user is granted # - hideCookie() # - updateStatus() # @param $cond optional Function granting access # @param $protection optional Set to 1 or 2 if access unprotected # @return Apache2::Const value (OK, FORBIDDEN, REDIRECT or SERVER_ERROR) sub run { my ( $class, $cond, $protection ) = @_; return DECLINED unless ( Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->is_initial_req ); # Direct return if maintenance mode is active if ( $class->checkMaintenanceMode ) { if ( $tsv->{useRedirectOnError} ) { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "Got to portal with maintenance error code", 'debug' ); return $class->goToPortal( '/', 'lmError=' . MAINTENANCE_CODE ); } else { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "Return maintenance error code", 'debug' ); return MAINTENANCE_CODE; } } # Cross domain authentication my $uri = Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->unparsed_uri; if ( $tsv->{cda} and $uri =~ s/[\?&;]($tsv->{cookieName}(http)?=\w+)$//oi ) { my $str = $1; Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( 'CDA request', 'debug' ); my $redirectUrl = $class->_buildUrl($uri); my $redirectHttps = ( $redirectUrl =~ m/^https/ ); Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->set_header_out( 'Location' => $redirectUrl, 'Set-Cookie' => "$str; path=/" . ( $redirectHttps ? "; secure" : "" ) . ( $tsv->{httpOnly} ? "; HttpOnly" : "" ) . ( $tsv->{cookieExpiration} ? "; expires=" . expires( $tsv->{cookieExpiration}, 'cookie' ) : "" ) ); return REDIRECT; } $uri = Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->uri_with_args; $protection = $class->isUnprotected($uri) unless ( defined $protection ); if ( $protection == SKIP ) { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "Access control skipped", 'debug' ); $class->updateStatus('SKIP'); $class->hideCookie; $class->cleanHeaders; return OK; } my $id; # Try to recover cookie and user session if ( $id = $class->fetchId and $class->retrieveSession($id) ) { # AUTHENTICATION done # Local macros my $kc = keys %$datas; # in order to detect new local macro # ACCOUNTING (1. Inform Apache) Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->set_user( $datas->{ $tsv->{whatToTrace} } ); # AUTHORIZATION return $class->forbidden unless ( $class->grant( $uri, $cond ) ); $class->updateStatus('OK', $datas->{ $tsv->{whatToTrace} } ); # ACCOUNTING (2. Inform remote application) $class->sendHeaders; # Store local macros if ( keys %$datas > $kc ) { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "Update local cache", 'debug' ); $session->update( $datas, { updateCache => 2 } ); } # Hide Lemonldap::NG cookie $class->hideCookie; # Log access granted Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "User " . $datas->{ $tsv->{whatToTrace} } . " was granted to access to $uri", 'debug' ); # Catch POST rules $class->postOutputFilter($uri); $class->postInputFilter($uri); return OK; } elsif ( $protection == UNPROTECT ) { # Ignore unprotected URIs Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "No valid session but unprotected access", 'debug' ); $class->updateStatus('UNPROTECT'); $class->hideCookie; $class->cleanHeaders; return OK; } else { # Redirect user to the portal Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "No cookie found", 'info' ) unless ($id); # if the cookie was fetched, a log is sent by retrieveSession() $class->updateStatus( $id ? 'EXPIRED' : 'REDIRECT' ); return $class->goToPortal( Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->unparsed_uri ); } } ## @rmethod protected boolean checkMaintenanceMode # Check if we are in maintenance mode # @return true if maintenance mode sub checkMaintenanceMode { my $class = shift; my $vhost = $class->resolveAlias; my $_maintenance = ( defined $tsv->{maintenance}->{$vhost} ) ? $tsv->{maintenance}->{$vhost} : $tsv->{maintenance}->{_}; if ($_maintenance) { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "Maintenance mode activated", 'debug' ); return 1; } return 0; } ## @rmethod int abort(string mess) # Logs message and exit or redirect to the portal if "useRedirectOnError" is # set to true. # @param $msg Message to log # @return Apache2::Const::REDIRECT or Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR sub abort { my ( $class, $msg ) = @_; # If abort is called without a valid request, fall to die eval { my $uri = Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->unparsed_uri; Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( $msg, 'error' ); # Redirect or die if ( $tsv->{useRedirectOnError} ) { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "Use redirect for error", 'debug' ); return $class->goToPortal( $uri, 'lmError=500' ); } else { return SERVER_ERROR; } }; die $msg if ($@); } ## @rmethod boolean grant() # Grant or refuse client using compiled regexp and functions # @param $uri URI # @param $cond optional Function granting access # @return True if the user is granted to access to the current URL sub grant { my ( $class, $uri, $cond ) = @_; return &{ $cond }() if ($cond); my $vhost = $class->resolveAlias; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $tsv->{locationCount}->{$vhost} ; $i++ ) { if ( $uri =~ $tsv->{locationRegexp}->{$vhost}->[$i] ) { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( 'Regexp "' . $tsv->{locationConditionText}->{$vhost}->[$i] . '" match', 'debug' ); return &{ $tsv->{locationCondition}->{$vhost}->[$i] }(); } } unless ( $tsv->{defaultCondition}->{$vhost} ) { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "User rejected because VirtualHost \"$vhost\" has no configuration", 'warn' ); return 0; } Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "$vhost: Apply default rule", 'debug' ); return &{ $tsv->{defaultCondition}->{$vhost} }(); } ## @cmethod private string _buildUrl(string s) # Transform / into http(s?)://:/s # @param $s path # @return URL sub _buildUrl { my ( $class, $s ) = splice @_; my $vhost = Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->hostname; my $portString = $tsv->{port}->{$vhost} || $tsv->{port}->{_} || Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->get_server_port; my $_https = ( defined( $tsv->{https}->{$vhost} ) ? $tsv->{https}->{$vhost} : $tsv->{https}->{_} ); $portString = ( $_https && $portString == 443 ) ? '' : ( !$_https && $portString == 80 ) ? '' : ':' . $portString; my $url = "http" . ( $_https ? "s" : "" ) . "://$vhost$portString$s"; Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "Build URL $url", 'debug' ); return $url; } ## @rmethod protected void localUnlog() # Delete current user from local cache entry. sub localUnlog { my $class = shift; if ( my $id = $class->fetchId ) { # Delete Apache thread datas if ( $id eq $datas->{_session_id} ) { $datas = {}; } # Delete Apache local cache if ( $tsv->{refLocalStorage} and $tsv->{refLocalStorage}->get($id) ) { $tsv->{refLocalStorage}->remove($id); } } } ## @rmethod protected int unlog() # Call localUnlog() then goToPortal() to unlog the current user. # @return Apache2::Const value returned by goToPortal() sub unlog ($$) { my $class = shift; $class->localUnlog; $class->updateStatus('LOGOUT'); return $class->goToPortal( '/', 'logout=1' ); } ## @rmethod int status # Get the result from the status process and launch a PerlResponseHandler to # display it. # @return Apache2::Const::OK sub status($$) { my $class = shift; Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "Request for status", 'debug' ); return $class->abort( "$class: status page can not be displayed" ) unless ( $tsv->{statusPipe} and $tsv->{statusOut} ); print { $tsv->{statusPipe} } "STATUS" . ( Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->args ? " " . Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->args : '' ) . "\n"; my $buf; my $statusOut = $tsv->{statusOut}; while ($statusOut) { last if (/^END$/); $buf .= $_; } Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->set_header_out( ( "Content-Type" => "text/html; charset=UTF-8" ) ); Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->print( $buf ); return OK; } ## @rmethod protected int redirectFilter(string url, Apache2::Filter f) # Launch the current HTTP request then redirects the user to $url. # Used by logout_app and logout_app_sso targets # @param $url URL to redirect the user # @param $f Current Apache2::Filter object # @return Apache2::Const::OK sub redirectFilter { my $class = shift; my $url = shift; my $f = shift; unless ( $f->ctx ) { # Here, we can use Apache2 functions instead of set_header_out # since this function is used only with Apache2. $f->r->status(REDIRECT); $f->r->status_line("303 See Other"); $f->r->headers_out->unset('Location'); $f->r->err_headers_out->set( 'Location' => $url ); $f->ctx(1); } while ( $f->read( my $buffer, 1024 ) ) { } $class->updateStatus( $f->r, 'REDIRECT', $datas->{ $tsv->{whatToTrace} }, 'filter' ); return OK; } ## @rmethod protected int isUnprotected() # @param $uri URI # @return 0 if URI is protected, # UNPROTECT if it is unprotected by "unprotect", # SKIP if is is unprotected by "skip" sub isUnprotected { my ( $class, $uri ) = @_; my $vhost = $class->resolveAlias; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $tsv->{locationCount}->{$vhost} ; $i++ ) { if ( $uri =~ $tsv->{locationRegexp}->{$vhost}->[$i] ) { return $tsv->{locationProtection}->{$vhost}->[$i]; } } return $tsv->{defaultProtection}->{$vhost}; } ## @rmethod void sendHeaders() # Launch function compiled by forgeHeadersInit() for the current virtual host sub sendHeaders { my $class = shift; my $vhost = $class->resolveAlias; if ( defined( $tsv->{forgeHeaders}->{$vhost} ) ) { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->set_header_in( &{ $tsv->{forgeHeaders}->{$vhost} } ); } } ## @rmethod void cleanHeaders() # Unset HTTP headers, when sendHeaders is skipped sub cleanHeaders { my $class = shift; my $vhost = $class->resolveAlias; if ( defined( $tsv->{headerList}->{$vhost} ) ) { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->unset_header_in( @{ $tsv->{headerList}->{$vhost} } ); } } ## @rmethod string resolveAlias # returns vhost whose current hostname is an alias sub resolveAlias { my $class = shift; my $vhost = Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->hostname; return $tsv->{vhostAlias}->{$vhost} || $vhost; } ## @rmethod protected postOutputFilter(string uri) # Add a javascript to html page in order to fill html form with fake data # @param uri URI to catch sub postOutputFilter { my ( $class, $uri ) = @_; my $vhost = $class->resolveAlias; if ( defined( $tsv->{outputPostData}->{$vhost}->{$uri} ) ) { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "Filling a html form with fake data" , "debug" ); Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->unset_header_in("Accept-Encoding"); my %postdata = &{ $tsv->{outputPostData}->{$vhost}->{$uri} }; my $js = $class->postJavascript(\%postdata); Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->addToHtmlHead($js); } } ## @rmethod protected postInputFilter(string uri) # Replace request body with form datas defined in configuration # @param uri URI to catch sub postInputFilter { my ( $class, $uri ) = @_; my $vhost = $class->resolveAlias; if ( defined( $tsv->{inputPostData}->{$vhost}->{$uri} ) ) { Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Main::Logger->lmLog( "Replacing fake data with real form data" , "debug" ); my %data = &{ $tsv->{inputPostData}->{$vhost}->{$uri} }; my $body; while ( my ($name, $value) = each ( %data ) ) { $body .= "&$name=" . uri_escape($value); } $body =~ s/^&//; Lemonldap::NG::Handler::API->setRequestBody($body); } } ## @rmethod protected postJavascript(hashref data) # build a javascript to fill a html form with fake data # @param data hashref containing input => value sub postJavascript { my ( $class, $data ) = @_; my $form ||= 'form'; my $submit ||= 1; my $javascript; while ( my ($name, $value) = each ( %$data ) ) { $value = "xxxx"; $javascript .= "form.find('input[name=$name], select[name=$name], textarea[name=$name]').val('$value')\n"; } return "\n" . "\n"; } 1;