#!/usr/bin/env perl -I pl/lib # # Test notifications explorer API use Test::More; use strict; use IO::String; use JSON qw(from_json); eval { mkdir 't/notifications' }; `rm -rf t/notifications/*`; require 't/test-lib.pm'; # Try to create a notification my $notif = '{"date":"2015-05-03","uid":"dwho","reference":"Test","xml":{"title":"Test"}}'; my $res = &client->jsonPostResponse( 'notifications/actives', '', IO::String->new($notif), 'application/json', length($notif) ); ok( $res->{result}, 'Result is true' ); count(1); # Test "actives" notification display displayTests('actives'); # Mark notification as done $notif = '{"done":1}'; $res = &client->jsonPutResponse( 'notifications/actives/dwho_Test', '', IO::String->new($notif), 'application/json', length($notif) ); ok( $res->{result} == 1, 'Result = 1' ); # Test that notification is not active now $res = &client->jsonResponse( 'notifications/actives', 'groupBy=substr(uid,1)' ); ok( $res->{result} == 1, 'Result = 1' ); ok( $res->{count} == 0, 'Count = 0' ); count(3); # Test "done" notifications display displayTests('done'); # Delete notification $res = &client->_del('notifications/done/dwho_Test_20150503_dwho_VGVzdA==.done'); $res = &client->jsonResponse( 'notifications/done', 'groupBy=substr(uid,1)' ); ok( $res->{result} == 1, 'Result = 1' ); ok( $res->{count} == 0, 'Count = 0' ); count(2); #print STDERR Dumper($res); `rm -f t/notifications/*`; done_testing( count() ); sub displayTests { my $type = shift; $res = &client->jsonResponse( "notifications/$type", 'groupBy=substr(uid,1)' ); ok( $res->{result} == 1, 'Result = 1' ); ok( $res->{count} == 1, 'Count = 1' ); ok( $res->{values}->[0]->{value} eq 'd', 'Value is "d"' ); count(3); $res = &client->jsonResponse( "notifications/$type", 'groupBy=uid' ); ok( $res->{result} == 1, 'Result = 1' ); ok( $res->{count} == 1, 'Count = 1' ); ok( $res->{values}->[0]->{value} eq 'dwho', 'Value is "dwho"' ); count(3); $res = &client->jsonResponse( "notifications/$type", 'uid=d*&groupBy=uid' ); ok( $res->{result} == 1, 'Result = 1' ); ok( $res->{count} == 1, 'Count = 1' ); ok( $res->{values}->[0]->{value} eq 'dwho', 'Value is "dwho"' ); count(3); $res = &client->jsonResponse( "notifications/$type", 'uid=d*' ); ok( $res->{result} == 1, 'Result = 1' ); ok( $res->{count} == 1, 'Count = 1' ); ok( $res->{values}->[0]->{uid} eq 'dwho', 'Value is "dwho"' ); count(3); $res = &client->jsonResponse( "notifications/$type", 'uid=dwho' ); ok( $res->{result} == 1, 'Result = 1' ); ok( $res->{count} == 1, 'Count = 1' ); ok( $res->{values}->[0]->{uid} eq 'dwho', 'Value is "dwho"' ); count(3); if ( $type eq 'actives' ) { $res = &client->jsonResponse( "notifications/$type/dwho_Test", '' ); ok( $res->{result} == 1, 'Result = 1' ); ok( $res->{count} == 1, 'Count = 1' ); ok( eval { from_json( $res->{notifications}->[0] ) }, 'Response is JSON' ) or print STDERR "Expect JSON, found:\n$res->{notifications}->[0]\n"; count(3); } } # Remove notifications directory `rm -rf t/notifications`;