OpenCTI ========= .. image:: /applications/opencti.png :class: align-center Presentation ------------ `OpenCTI `__ is an open source platform allowing organizations to manage their cyber threat intelligence knowledge and observables. OpenCTI allows SSO via the SAML or OIDC protocols, this page explains how to setup the SAML protocol. Configuring OpenCTI ------------------- Prerequisites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, generate a key/certificate pair for OpenCTI :: openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout octi-saml-key.pem -out octi-saml-cert.pem -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes Then, download the LemonLDAP::NG SAML metadata at In this certificate, extract the ``ds:X509Certificate`` element inside the ``KeyDescriptor use="signing"`` element, and remove all spaces, you will get a long Base64 string that looks like :: # On a single line, with no spaces MIIFazCCA1OgAwIBAgIUDuUn+nT550rK0Qsej28PlQpZoFkwDQYJKoZIhvcN.... Do the same with ``octi-saml-key.pem`` in order to get a long Base64 string representing the OpenCTI signing key. Regular installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In your OpenCTI configuration :: "saml": { "identifier": "saml", "strategy": "SamlStrategy", "config": { "issuer": "opencti", "entry_point": "", "saml_callback_url": "", "private_key": "MIIEvgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKgwg...", "cert": "MIICmzCCAYMCBgF2Qt3X1zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADARMQ8w...", "roles_management": { "role_attributes": ["groups"], "roles_mapping": ["my_lemonldap_group:Administrator"] } } * ``private_key`` must contain the concatenated content of ``octi-saml-key.pem`` * ``cert`` must contain the concatenated content of the LemonLDAP::NG signing certificate, from SAML metadata * The ``roles_management`` element is only useful if you want to automatically affect roles to your LemonLDAP::NG users depending on their groups. Docker ~~~~~~ In a docker setup, add the following environment variables :: - PROVIDERS__SAML__STRATEGY=SamlStrategy - "PROVIDERS__SAML__CONFIG__LABEL=Login with SAML" - PROVIDERS__SAML__CONFIG__ISSUER=opencti - PROVIDERS__SAML__CONFIG__ENTRY_POINT= - PROVIDERS__SAML__CONFIG__SAML_CALLBACK_URL= - PROVIDERS__SAML__CONFIG__CERT=MIICmzCCAYMCBgF2Qt3X1zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADARMQ8w... - PROVIDERS__SAML__CONFIG__PRIVATE_KEY=MIIEvgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKgwg... - "PROVIDERS__SAML__CONFIG__ROLES_MANAGEMENT__ROLE_ATTRIBUTES=[\"groups\"]" - "PROVIDERS__SAML__CONFIG__ROLES_MANAGEMENT__ROLES_MAPPING=[\"my_lemonldap_group:Administrator\"]" * ``PRIVATE_KEY`` must contain the concatenated content of ``octi-saml-key.pem`` * ``CERT`` must contain the concatenated content of the LemonLDAP::NG signing certificate, from SAML metadata * The ``ROLES_MANAGEMENT`` variables are only useful if you want to automatically affect roles to your LemonLDAP::NG users depending on their groups. Configuring LemonLDAP --------------------- Generating OpenCTI metadata ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edit the following template to create the metadata for OpenCTI :: ###paste the content of octi-saml-cert.pem here, without the BEGIN and END line### Don't forget to replace the ``Location=`` attribute and the content of ``X509Certificate``. Adding OpenCTI::NG to LemonLDAP configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Add a new :ref:`new SAML Service Provider to the LemonLDAP::NG configuration` with the following parameters: * **Metadata** * Copy the Metadata generated at the previous step * **Exported Attributes** * variable name: ``groups`` * attribute name: ``groups``