WebServices / API ================= Presentation ------------ WebServices and API are mostly requested by an application, and not the end-user itself. In this case, you can not rely on LL::NG standard Handler to protect the webservice, as it will expect a cookie, which is not defined in the application requesting the service. LL::NG offers several solutions to protect this kind of service. ServiceToken Handler -------------------- Two Handlers will be used: - The frontal Handler that will protect the web application, and will forge a specific token - The backend Handler that will protect the web service, and will consume the token See :doc:`ServiceToken Handler documentation`. OAuth2 endpoints ---------------- We suppose here that LL::NG is acting as :doc:`OpenID Connect provider`. The web application will then be able to get an access token from LL::NG. This token could be sent to the webservice that can then validate it against LL::NG OAuth2 endpoints. UserInfo ~~~~~~~~ You can use the UserInfo endpoint, which requires the Access Token to provide user attributes. For example: :: curl \ -H "Authorization: Bearer a74d504ec9e784785e70a1da2b95d1d2" \ https://auth.example.com/oauth2/userinfo | json_pp .. code-block:: javascript { "family_name" : "OUDOT", "name" : "Clément OUDOT", "email" : "clement@example.com", "sub" : "coudot" } Introspection ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Introspection endpoint is defined in :rfc:`7662`. It requires an authentication (same as the authentication for the tokens endpoint) and consumes an Access Token as parameter. For example: :: curl \ -H "Authorization: Basic bGVtb25sZGFwOnNlY3JldA==" \ -X POST -d "token=a74d504ec9e784785e70a1da2b95d1d2" \ https://auth.example.com/oauth2/introspect | json_pp .. code-block:: javascript { "client_id" : "lemonldap", "sub" : "coudot", "exp" : 1572446485, "active" : true, "scope" : "openid profile address email phone" } OAuth2 Handler -------------- We also suppose here that LL::NG is acting as :doc:`OpenID Connect provider`. But the webservice will be protected by the OAuth2 Handler and will just have to read the HTTP headers to know which user is connected. :: curl \ -H "Authorization: Bearer a74d504ec9e784785e70a1da2b95d1d2" \ https://oauth2.example.ccom/rest/myapi .. code-block:: javascript { "check" : "true", "user" : "coudot" } See :doc:`OAuth2 Handler documentation`.