{ "resetCertificat":"Your certificate was reset", "accountCreated":"Your account has been created, your temporary password has been sent to your mail address.", "autoMail":"This mail was sent automatically", "click2Register":"Click here to confirm your account registration", "click2Reset":"Click here to reset your password", "click2ResetCertificate":"Click here to reset your certificate", "goToPortal":"Go to portal", "hello":"Hello", "host":"Host", "location": "Location", "mail2fSubject":"[LemonLDAP::NG] Your login code", "mailConfirmSubject": "[LemonLDAP::NG] Password reset confirmation", "mailSubject": "[LemonLDAP::NG] Your new password", "newLocationWarningMailBody":"Your account was signed in to from a new location.", "newLocationWarningMailSubject":"[LemonLDAP::NG] Sign-in from a new location", "newPwdIs":"Your new password is", "pwdChanged":"Your password was changed.", "pwdIs":"Your password is", "registerConfirmSubject": "[LemonLDAP::NG] Account register confirmation", "registerDoneSubject": "[LemonLDAP::NG] Your new account", "requestIssuedFromIP":"The request was issued from IP", "resetCertificateOK":"Your certificate has been successfully reset!", "date":"Date", "yourLoginCodeIs":"Your login code is", "yourLoginIs":"Your login is" }