package Apache::Session::NoSQL; use strict; use base qw(Apache::Session); use Apache::Session::Store::NoSQL; use Apache::Session::Generate::MD5; use Apache::Session::Lock::Null; use Apache::Session::Serialize::Base64; #use Apache::Session::Serialize::Storable; use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '0.1'; sub populate { my $self = shift; $self->{object_store} = new Apache::Session::Store::NoSQL $self; $self->{lock_manager} = new Apache::Session::Lock::Null $self; $self->{generate} = \&Apache::Session::Generate::MD5::generate; $self->{validate} = \&Apache::Session::Generate::MD5::validate; $self->{serialize} = \&Apache::Session::Serialize::Base64::serialize; $self->{unserialize} = \&Apache::Session::Serialize::Base64::unserialize; #$self->{serialize} = \&Apache::Session::Serialize::Storable::serialize; #$self->{unserialize} = \&Apache::Session::Serialize::Storable::unserialize; return $self; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Apache::Session::NoSQL - An implementation of Apache::Session module for NoSQL databases =head1 SYNOPSIS use Apache::Session::NoSQL; tie %hash, 'Apache::Session::NoSQL', $id, { Driver => 'Cassandra', # or Driver => 'Redis', # optional: default to server => '', }; =head1 DESCRIPTION This module is an implementation of Apache::Session. It uses a NoSQL database to store datas. =head1 AUTHOR Thomas Chemineau, Ethomas.chemineau@gmail.comE Xavier Guimard, Ex.guimard@free.frE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2010 by Thomas Chemineau, Xavier Guimard This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =head1 SEE ALSO L =cut