Brute Force Protection plugin ============================= This plugin prevents brute force attack. Plugin DISABLED by default. After some failed login attempts, user must wait before trying to log in again. The aim of a brute force attack is to gain access to user accounts by repeatedly trying to guess the password of an user. If disabled, automated tools may submit thousands of password attempts in a matter of seconds. Configuration ------------- To enable Brute Force Attack protection: Go in Manager, ``General Parameters`` » ``Advanced Parameters`` » ``Security`` » ``Brute-force attack protection`` » ``Activation``\ and set to ``On``. Incremental lock time enabled ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You just have to activate it in the Manager : Go in Manager, ``General Parameters`` » ``Advanced Parameters`` » ``Security`` » ``Brute-force attack protection`` » ``Incremental lock times`` and set to ``On``. (DISABLED by default) or in ``lemonldap-ng.ini`` [portal] section: .. code-block:: ini [portal] bruteForceProtectionIncrementalTempo = 1 Lock time increases between each failed login attempt. To modify lock time values ('5 15 60 300 600' seconds by default) or max lock time value (900 seconds by default) edit ``lemonldap-ng.ini`` in [portal] section: .. code-block:: ini [portal] bruteForceProtectionLockTimes = '5 15 60 300 600' bruteForceProtectionMaxLockTime = 900 .. note:: Max lock time value is used by this plugin if a lock time is missing (number of failed logins higher than listed lock time values). Lock time values can not be higher than max lock time. Incremental lock time disabled ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After ``bruteForceProtectionMaxFailed`` failed login attempts, user must wait ``bruteForceProtectionTempo`` seconds before trying to log in again. To modify waiting time (30 seconds by default), MaxAge between current and last stored failed login (300 seconds by default) or number of allowed failed login attempts (3 by default) edit ``lemonldap-ng.ini`` in [portal] section: .. code-block:: ini [portal] bruteForceProtectionTempo = 30 bruteForceProtectionMaxAge = 300 bruteForceProtectionMaxFailed = 3 .. attention:: Number of failed login attempts stored in history MUST be higher than allowed failed logins for this plugin takes effect. See :doc:`History plugin`