Installation from the tarball ============================= Get the tarball --------------- Get the tarball from :doc:`download page`. You can also find on this page the SVN tarball if you want to test latest features. .. attention:: The content of the SVN tarball is not the same as the official tarball. Please see the next chapter to learn how build an official tarball from SVN files. Build the tarball from SVN -------------------------- Either checkout or export the `SVN repository `__, or extract the SVN tarball to get the SVN files on your disk. Then go to trunk directory: :: cd trunk And run the "dist" target: :: make dist The generated tarball is in the current directory. Extraction ---------- Just run the tar command: :: tar zxvf lemonldap-ng-*.tar.gz Installation ------------ First check and install the :doc:`prerequisites`. For full install: :: cd lemonldap-ng-* make make configure make test sudo make install PROD=yes .. note:: ``PROD=yes`` makes web interface use minified versions of CSS and JS files. You can modify location of default storage configuration file in configure target: :: sudo make configure STORAGECONFFILE=/etc/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng.ini You can choose other Makefile targets: - Perl libraries install : - install_libs (all Perl libraries) - install_portal_libs - install_manager_libs - install_handler_libs - Binaries install : - install_bin (/usr/local/lemonldap-ng/bin) - FastCGI server install (required for Nginx) - install_fastcgi_server (/usr/local/lemonldap-ng/sbin) - Web sites install : - install_site (all sites including install_doc_site) - install_portal_site (/usr/local/lemonldap-ng/htdocs/portal) - install_manager_site (/usr/local/lemonldap-ng/htdocs/manager) - install_handler_site (/usr/local/lemonldap-ng/handler) - Documentation install : - install_doc_site (/usr/local/lemonldap-ng/htdocs/doc) - install_examples_site (/usr/local/lemonldap-ng/examples) You can also pass parameters to the make install command, with this syntax: :: sudo make install PARAM=VALUE PARAM=VALUE ... Available parameters are: - **ERASECONFIG**: set to 0 if you want to keep your configuration files (default: 1) - **DESTDIR**: only for packaging, install the product in a jailroot (default: "") - **PREFIX**: installation directory (default: /usr/local) - **STORAGECONFFILE**: location of default storage configuration file (default: /usr/local/lemonldap-ng/etc/lemonldap-ng.ini) - **CRONDIR**: Cronfile directory (default: $PREFIX/etc/lemonldap-ng/cron.d) - **APACHEUSER**: user running Apache - **APACHEGROUP**: group running Apache - **DNSDOMAIN**: Main DNS domain (default: - **APACHEVERSION**: Apache major version (default: 2) - **VHOSTLISTEN**: how listen parameter is configured for virtual hosts in Apache (default: \*:80) - **PROD**: use minified JS and CSS files - **USEDEBIANLIBS**: use Debian packaged JS and CSS files (**Note that this options isn't yet usable** since Debian provides a too old AngularJS for now: LLNG manager needs at least version 1.4.0) - **USEEXTERNALLIBS**: use files from public CDN .. tip:: For Debian/Ubuntu with Apache2, you can use: :: make debian-install-for-apache make ubuntu-install-for-apache And with Nginx: :: make debian-install-for-nginx make ubuntu-install-for-nginx See also :doc:`Debian/Ubuntu installation documentation`. Install cron jobs ----------------- LL::NG use cron jobs (or systemd timers) to: - purge old sessions - clean Handler cache To install them on system: :: sudo ln -s /usr/local/lemonldap-ng/etc/cron.d/* /etc/cron.d/ or install .timers files in systemd directory (/lib/systemd/system) DNS --- Configure your DNS server to resolve names with your server IP: - auth.: main portal, must be public - manager.: manager, only for adminsitrators - test1., test2.: sample applications Follow the :ref:`next steps`.