Wordpress ========= |image0| Presentation ------------ `Wordpress `__ is a famous tool to create websites. A lot of authentication plugins are available. We propose here to use CAS protocol and `WP Cassify `__ plugin. CAS --- Plugin installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Go in Wordpress admin and install `WP Cassify `__ plugin. Plugin configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The full documentation is available on https://wpcassify.wordpress.com/ General settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configure CAS server and CAS version: - CAS Server base url : https://auth.example.com/cas/ - CAS Version protocol: 2 Other options are correct by default. User Roles Settings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can assign WP Roles depending on values sent by CAS. The rules syntax is quite special, you can use it or you can just define macros on LL::NG side and send them trough CAS to keep simple rules on WP side. For example create a macro ``role_wordpress_admin`` which contains ``1`` if the user is admin on WP, and send it in CAS attributes. Then create this rule on WP side: :: administrator|(CAS{role_wordpress_admin} -EQ "1") .. |image0| image:: /applications/wordpress_logo.png :class: align-center