Redis session backend ===================== `Apache::Session::Browseable::Redis `__ is the faster shareable session backend Setup ----- Install and launch a `Redis server `__. Install `Apache::Session::Browseable::Redis `__ Perl module. In the manager: set `Apache::Session::Browseable::Redis `__ in ``General parameters`` » ``Sessions`` » ``Session storage`` » ``Apache::Session module`` and add the connection parameters for your Redis server(s). This backend uses the perl bindings for Redis database provided by the `Redis perl module `__. A complete list of supported constructor/connection options can be found in the `module documentation `__. E.g., Parameters (case sensitive): ============= =========================== =============================================== Name Comment Example ============= =========================== =============================================== **server** Redis server @ IP:PORT **sock** Redis server @ unix socket unix:/path/to/redis.sock **sentinels** Redis sentinels list,, **password** password (== requirepass) ChangeMe **select** Redis DB 1 ============= =========================== =============================================== Security -------- Restrict network access to the redis server. For remote servers, you can use :doc:`SOAP session backend` in cunjunction to increase security for remote server that access through an unsecure network