use Test::More; use strict; use IO::String; use JSON qw(to_json from_json); BEGIN { require 't/'; } my $res; my $client = LLNG::Manager::Test->new( { ini => { logLevel => 'error', authentication => 'Demo', userDB => 'Same', https => 0, loginHistoryEnabled => 0, brutForceProtection => 0, portalMainLogo => 'common/logos/logo_llng_old.png', requireToken => 0, checkUser => 0, securedCookie => 0, checkUserDisplayPersistentInfo => 0, checkUserDisplayEmptyValues => 0, contextSwitchingRule => 1, contextSwitchingStopWithLogout => 0, contextSwitchingIdRule => '$uid ne "msmith"', contextSwitchingUnrestrictedUsersRule => '$uid eq "dwho"', } } ); ## Try to authenticate ok( $res = $client->_get( '/', accept => 'text/html' ), 'Get Menu', ); count(1); my ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, '#', undef, 'user', 'password' ); $query =~ s/user=/user=rtyler/; $query =~ s/password=/password=rtyler/; ok( $res = $client->_post( '/', IO::String->new($query), length => length($query), accept => 'text/html', ), 'Auth query' ); count(1); my $id = expectCookie($res); expectRedirection( $res, '' ); # Get Menu # ------------------------ ok( $res = $client->_get( '/', cookie => "lemonldap=$id", accept => 'text/html' ), 'Get Menu', ); count(1); expectOK($res); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ m%Connected as rtyler%, 'Connected as rtyler' ) or print STDERR Dumper( $res->[2]->[0] ); expectAuthenticatedAs( $res, 'rtyler' ); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ m%contextSwitching_ON%, 'Connected as rtyler' ) or print STDERR Dumper( $res->[2]->[0] ); count(2); # ContextSwitching form # ------------------------ ok( $res = $client->_get( '/switchcontext', cookie => "lemonldap=$id", accept => 'text/html' ), 'ContextSwitching form', ); ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, undef, '/switchcontext', 'spoofId' ); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ m%%, 'Found trspan="contextSwitching_ON"' ) or explain( $res->[2]->[0], 'trspan="contextSwitching_ON"' ); count(2); ## POST form $query =~ s/spoofId=/spoofId=dwho/; ok( $res = $client->_post( '/switchcontext', IO::String->new($query), cookie => "lemonldap=$id", length => length($query), accept => 'text/html', ), 'POST switchcontext' ); expectRedirection( $res, '' ); my $id2 = expectCookie($res); ok( $res = $client->_get( '/', cookie => "lemonldap=$id2", accept => 'text/html' ), 'Get Menu', ); expectAuthenticatedAs( $res, 'dwho' ); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ m%%, 'Found trspan="contextSwitching_OFF"' ) or explain( $res->[2]->[0], 'trspan="contextSwitching_OFF"' ); count(3); # Stop ContextSwitching # ------------------------ ok( $res = $client->_get( '/switchcontext', cookie => "lemonldap=$id2", accept => 'text/html' ), 'Stop context switching', ); ok( $res = $client->_get( '/', cookie => "lemonldap=$id2", accept => 'text/html' ), 'Get Menu', ); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ m%%, 'SESSIONEXPIRED' ) or explain( $res->[2]->[0], 'SESSIONEXPIRED' ); ok( $res = $client->_get( '/', cookie => "lemonldap=$id", accept => 'text/html' ), 'Get Menu', ); expectAuthenticatedAs( $res, 'rtyler' ); count(4); # ContextSwitching form # ------------------------ ok( $res = $client->_get( '/switchcontext', cookie => "lemonldap=$id", accept => 'text/html' ), 'ContextSwitching form', ); ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, undef, '/switchcontext', 'spoofId' ); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ m%%, 'Found trspan="contextSwitching_ON"' ) or explain( $res->[2]->[0], 'trspan="contextSwitching_ON"' ); count(2); ## POST form $query =~ s/spoofId=/spoofId=msmith/; ok( $res = $client->_post( '/switchcontext', IO::String->new($query), cookie => "lemonldap=$id", length => length($query), accept => 'text/html', ), 'POST switchcontext' ); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ m%%, 'MALFORMEDUSER' ) or explain( $res->[2]->[0], 'MALFORMEDUSER' ); count(2); ## Try to authenticate with an unresticted user ok( $res = $client->_get( '/', accept => 'text/html' ), 'Get Menu', ); ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, '#', undef, 'user', 'password' ); $query =~ s/user=/user=dwho/; $query =~ s/password=/password=dwho/; ok( $res = $client->_post( '/', IO::String->new($query), length => length($query), accept => 'text/html', ), 'Auth query' ); count(2); $id = expectCookie($res); expectRedirection( $res, '' ); # ContextSwitching form # ------------------------ ok( $res = $client->_get( '/switchcontext', cookie => "lemonldap=$id", accept => 'text/html' ), 'ContextSwitching form', ); ( $host, $url, $query ) = expectForm( $res, undef, '/switchcontext', 'spoofId' ); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ m%%, 'Found trspan="contextSwitching_ON"' ) or explain( $res->[2]->[0], 'trspan="contextSwitching_ON"' ); count(2); ## POST form with a forbidden identity $query =~ s/spoofId=/spoofId=msmith/; ok( $res = $client->_post( '/switchcontext', IO::String->new($query), cookie => "lemonldap=$id", length => length($query), accept => 'text/html', ), 'POST switchcontext' ); expectRedirection( $res, '' ); $id2 = expectCookie($res); ok( $res = $client->_get( '/', cookie => "lemonldap=$id2", accept => 'text/html' ), 'Get Menu', ); expectAuthenticatedAs( $res, 'msmith' ); ok( $res->[2]->[0] =~ m%%, 'Found trspan="contextSwitching_OFF"' ) or explain( $res->[2]->[0], 'trspan="contextSwitching_OFF"' ); count(3); $client->logout($id); $client->logout($id2); clean_sessions(); done_testing( count() );