Advanced PSGI usage

LLNG is build on Plack, so it can be used with any compatible server:

uWSGI and Node.js handler may provide the highest performance.

FastCGI server replacement

A llng-server.psgi is provided in example directory. It is designed to replace exactly FastCGI server. You can use it :

Starman, Twiggy,… are HTTP servers, not FCGI ones !

You can also replace only a part of it to create a specialized FastCGI server (portal,…). Look at llng-server.psgi example and take the part you want to use.

There are also some other psgi files in examples directory.

See also High performance handler for Nginx

Using uWSGI

You must install uWSGI PSGI plugin. Then for example, launch llng-server.psgi (simple example):

uwsgi --plugins psgi --socket :5000 --psgi e2e-tests/llng-server.psgi

You will find in LLNG Nginx configuration files some comments that explain how to configure Nginx to use uWSGI instead of LLNG FastCGI server.