Table of Contents

Upgrade from 1.9 to 2.0

2.0 is a major release, many things have been changed. You must read this document before upgrade.


Apache-ModPerl is no longer usable since version 2.4 (many segfaults,…). LLNG doesn't use anymore ModPerl::Registry: all is now handle by FastCGI (portal and manager).

For handlers, it is now recommended to migrate to Nginx, but Apache-2 is still supported


LLNG portal now embeds the following features:

Rules and headers

Supported servers

SOAP/REST services

Developer corner


Portal has now many REST features and includes a plugin API. See Portal manpages to see how to write auth modules, issuers or other feature.

Portal overview

Portal is no more a big CGI object. it is written for Plack/PSGI. Little resume

Portal object
  +-> auth module
  +-> userDB module
  +-> issuer modules
  +-> other plugins (notification,...)

The request is a separated object based on Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Main::Request which inherits from Lemonldap::NG::Common::PSGI::Request which inherits from Plack::Request. See manpages for more.


Handler libraries have been totally rewritten. If you've made custom handlers, they must be rewritten. See customhandlers