Table of Contents

Custom functions

Custom functions allow one to extend LL::NG, they can be used in headers, rules or form replay data.

Write custom functions library

Create your Perl module with custom functions. You can name your module as you want, for example

vi /root/
package SSOExtensions;
sub function1 {
  my (@args) = @_;
  # Your nice code here
  return $result;

Import custom functions in LemonLDAP::NG

Declare module in handler server

New method

Just declare files or Perl module that must be loaded:

require = /path/to/, /path/to/
# OR
require = My::Func1, My::Func2

Old method

This method is available but unusable by Portal under Apache. So if your rule may be used by the menu, use the new method.

Your module has to be loaded by Apache (for example after Handler load):

# Perl environment
PerlRequire Lemonldap::NG::Handler
PerlRequire /root/
PerlOptions +GlobalRequest
FastCGI server (Nginx)

You've just to incicate to LLNG FastCGI server the file to read using either -f option or CUSTOM_FUNCTIONS_FILE environment variable. Using packages, you just have to modify your /etc/default/llng-fastcgi-server (or /etc/default/lemonldap-ng-fastcgi-server) file:

# Number of process (default: 7)
#NPROC = 7
# Unix socket to listen to
# Pid file
# User and GROUP
# Custom functions file

Declare custom functions

Go in Manager, General Parameters » Advanced Parameters » Custom functions and set:

If your function is not compliant with Safe jail, you will need to disable the jail.

Use it

You can now use your function in a macro, an header or an access rule, for example:

Custom-Header => function1( $uid, $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} )