package Lemonldap::NG::Manager; use strict; use XML::Simple; use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Base; use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Conf; use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::_HTML; require Lemonldap::NG::Manager::_i18n; require Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Help; use Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Conf::Constants; use LWP::UserAgent; use Safe; use MIME::Base64; our @ISA = qw(Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Base); our $VERSION = '0.61'; sub new { my ( $class, $args ) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(); unless ($args) { print STDERR "parameters are required, I can't start so\n"; return 0; } %$self = ( %$self, %$args ); foreach (qw(configStorage dhtmlXTreeImageLocation)) { unless ( $self->{$_} ) { print STDERR qq/The "$_" parameter is required\n/; return 0; } } $self->{jsFile} ||= $self->_dir . "lemonldap-ng-manager.js"; unless ( -r $self->{jsFile} ) { print STDERR qq#Unable to read $self->{jsFile}. You have to set "jsFile" parameter to /path/to/lemonldap-ng-manager.js\n#; } unless ( __PACKAGE__->can('ldapServer') ) { Lemonldap::NG::Manager::_i18n::import( $ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE} ); } if ( $self->param('lmQuery') ) { my $tmp = "print_" . $self->param('lmQuery'); $self->$tmp; } else { my $datas; if ( $datas = $self->param('POSTDATA') ) { $self->print_upload( \$datas ); } else { return $self; } } exit; } # Subroutines to make all the work sub doall { my $self = shift; # When using header_public here, Firefox does not load configuration # sometimes. Where is the bug ? print $self->header; print $self->start_html; print $self->main; print $self->end_html; } # CSS and Javascript export sub print_css { my $self = shift; print $self->header_public( $ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME}, -type => 'text/css' ); $self->css; } sub print_libjs { my $self = shift; print $self->header_public( $self->{jsFile}, -type => 'application/x-javascript' ); open F, $self->{jsFile}; while () { print; } close F; } sub print_lmjs { my $self = shift; print $self->header_public( $ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME}, -type => 'text/javascript' ); $self->javascript; } # HELP subroutines sub print_help { my $self = shift; print $self->header_public; Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Help::import( $ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE} ) unless ( $self->can('help_groups') ); my $chap = $self->param('help'); eval { no strict "refs"; &{"help_$chap"} }; } # Configuration download subroutines sub print_conf { my $self = shift; print $self->header( -type => "text/xml", '-Cache-Control' => 'private' ); $self->printXmlConf; exit; } sub default { return { cfgNum => 0, ldapBase => "dc=example,dc=com", }; } sub printXmlConf { my $self = shift; print XMLout( $self->buildTree, #XMLDecl => "", RootName => 'tree', KeyAttr => { item => 'id', username => 'name' }, NoIndent => 1 ); } sub buildTree { my $self = shift; my $config = $self->config->getConf(); $config = $self->default unless ($config); my $tree = { id => '0', item => { id => 'root', open => 1, text => &txt_configuration . " $config->{cfgNum}", item => { generalParameters => { text => &txt_generalParameters, item => { exportedVars => { text => &txt_exportedVars, item => {}, }, macros => { text => &txt_macros, }, ldapParameters => { text => &txt_ldapParameters, item => {}, }, sessionStorage => { text => &txt_sessionStorage, item => { globalStorageOptions => { text => &txt_globalStorageOptions, } }, }, authParams => { text => &txt_authParams, item => {}, }, }, }, groups => { text => &txt_userGroups, }, virtualHosts => { text => &txt_virtualHosts, open => 1, select => 1, }, }, }, }; my $generalParameters = $tree->{item}->{item}->{generalParameters}->{item}; my $exportedVars = $tree->{item}->{item}->{generalParameters}->{item}->{exportedVars}->{item}; my $ldapParameters = $tree->{item}->{item}->{generalParameters}->{item}->{ldapParameters}->{item}; my $sessionStorage = $tree->{item}->{item}->{generalParameters}->{item}->{sessionStorage}->{item}; my $globalStorageOptions = $tree->{item}->{item}->{generalParameters}->{item}->{sessionStorage}->{item}->{globalStorageOptions}->{item}; my $authParams = $tree->{item}->{item}->{generalParameters}->{item}->{authParams}->{item}; $authParams->{authentication} = $self->xmlField( "value", $config->{authentication} || 'ldap', &txt_authenticationType, ); $authParams->{portal} = $self->xmlField( "value", $config->{portal} || 'http://portal/', "Portail" ); $authParams->{securedCookie} = $self->xmlField( "value", $config->{securedCookie} || 0, &txt_securedCookie, ); $generalParameters->{domain} = $self->xmlField( "value", $config->{domain} || '', &txt_domain, ); $generalParameters->{cookieName} = $self->xmlField( "value", $config->{cookieName} || 'lemonldap', &txt_cookieName, ); $sessionStorage->{globalStorage} = $self->xmlField( "value", $config->{globalStorage} || 'Apache::Session::File', &txt_apacheSessionModule, ); $ldapParameters->{ldapServer} = $self->xmlField( "value", $config->{ldapServer} || 'localhost', &txt_ldapServer, ); $ldapParameters->{ldapPort} = $self->xmlField( "value", $config->{ldapPort} || 389, &txt_ldapPort, ); $ldapParameters->{ldapBase} = $self->xmlField( "value", $config->{ldapBase} || ' ', &txt_ldapBase, ); $ldapParameters->{managerDn} = $self->xmlField( "value", $config->{managerDn} || ' ', &txt_managerDn, ); $ldapParameters->{managerPassword} = $self->xmlField( "value", $config->{managerPassword} || ' ', &txt_managerPassword, ); if ( $config->{exportedVars} ) { while ( my ( $n, $att ) = each( %{ $config->{exportedVars} } ) ) { $exportedVars->{$n} = $self->xmlField( "both", $att, $n ); } } else { foreach (qw(mail uid cn)) { $exportedVars->{$_} = $self->xmlField( 'both', $_, $_ ); } } if ( $config->{globalStorageOptions} ) { $tree->{item}->{item}->{generalParameters}->{item}->{sessionStorage}->{item}->{globalStorageOptions}->{item} = {}; $globalStorageOptions = $tree->{item}->{item}->{generalParameters}->{item}->{sessionStorage}->{item}->{globalStorageOptions}->{item}; while ( my ( $n, $opt ) = each( %{ $config->{globalStorageOptions} } ) ) { $globalStorageOptions->{$n} = $self->xmlField( "both", $opt, $n ); } } else { } my $indice = 1; if ( $config->{locationRules} ) { $tree->{item}->{item}->{virtualHosts}->{item} = {}; my $virtualHost = $tree->{item}->{item}->{virtualHosts}->{item}; # TODO: split locationRules into 2 arrays while ( my ( $host, $rules ) = each( %{ $config->{locationRules} } ) ) { $virtualHost->{$host} = $self->xmlField( "text", 'i', $host ); my ( $ih, $ir ) = ( "exportedHeaders_$indice", "locationRules_$indice" ); $virtualHost->{$host}->{item} = { "$ih" => { text => &txt_httpHeaders, }, "$ir" => { text => &txt_locationRules, }, }; while ( my ( $reg, $expr ) = each(%$rules) ) { my $type = ( $reg eq 'default' ) ? 'value' : 'both'; $virtualHost->{$host}->{item}->{$ir}->{item}->{"r_$indice"} = $self->xmlField( $type, $expr, $reg ); $indice++; } my $headers = $config->{exportedHeaders}->{$host}; while ( my ( $h, $expr ) = each(%$headers) ) { $virtualHost->{$host}->{item}->{$ih}->{item}->{"h_$indice"} = $self->xmlField( "both", $expr, $h ); $indice++; } } } if ( $config->{groups} ) { $tree->{item}->{item}->{groups}->{item} = {}; my $groups = $tree->{item}->{item}->{groups}->{item}; while ( my ( $group, $expr ) = each( %{ $config->{groups} } ) ) { $groups->{$group} = $self->xmlField( 'both', $expr, $group ); } } if ( $config->{macros} ) { $tree->{item}->{item}->{generalParameters}->{item}->{macros}->{item} = {}; my $macros = $tree->{item}->{item}->{generalParameters}->{item}->{macros}->{item}; while ( my ( $macro, $expr ) = each( %{ $config->{macros} } ) ) { $macros->{$macro} = $self->xmlField( 'both', $expr, $macro ); } } return $tree; } sub xmlField { my ( $self, $type, $value, $text ) = @_; $value =~ s/"/\"/g; $text =~ s/"/\"/g; return { text => $text, aCol => "#000000", sCol => "#0000FF", userdata => [ { name => 'value', content => $value }, { name => 'modif', content => $type }, ], }; } # Upload subroutines sub print_upload { my $self = shift; my $datas = shift; print $self->header( -type => "text/html" ); my $tmp = $self->upload($datas); if ($tmp) { print $tmp; } else { print 0; } } sub upload { my $self = shift; my $config = $self->tree2conf(@_); return SYNTAX_ERROR unless( $self->checkConf($config) ); return $self->config->saveConf($config); } sub tree2conf { my ( $self, $tree ) = @_; $tree = XMLin($$tree); my $config = {}; # Load config number ($config->{cfgNum}) = ($tree->{text} =~ /(\d+)$/); # Load groups while ( my ( $g, $h ) = each( %{ $tree->{groups} } ) ) { next unless ( ref($h) ); $config->{groups}->{ $h->{text} } = $h->{value}; } # Load virtualHosts while ( my ( $vh, $h ) = each( %{ $tree->{virtualHosts} } ) ) { next unless ( ref($h) ); my $lr; my $eh; foreach ( keys(%$h) ) { $lr = $h->{$_} if ( $_ =~ /locationRules/ ); $eh = $h->{$_} if ( $_ =~ /exportedHeaders/ ); } # TODO: split locationRules into 2 arrays LR: foreach my $r ( values(%$lr) ) { next LR unless ( ref($r) ); $config->{locationRules}->{$vh}->{ $r->{text} } = $r->{value}; } EH: foreach my $h ( values(%$eh) ) { next EH unless ( ref($h) ); $config->{exportedHeaders}->{$vh}->{ $h->{text} } = $h->{value}; } } # General parameters $config->{cookieName} = $tree->{generalParameters}->{cookieName}->{value}; $config->{domain} = $tree->{generalParameters}->{domain}->{value}; $config->{globalStorage} = $tree->{generalParameters}->{sessionStorage}->{globalStorage}->{value}; while ( my ( $v, $h ) = each( %{ $tree->{generalParameters}->{sessionStorage}->{globalStorageOptions} })) { next unless ( ref($h) ); $config->{globalStorageOptions}->{ $h->{text} } = $h->{value}; } while ( my ( $v, $h ) = each( %{ $tree->{generalParameters}->{macros} })) { next unless ( ref($h) ); $config->{macros}->{ $h->{text} } = $h->{value}; } foreach (qw(ldapBase ldapPort ldapServer managerDn managerPassword)) { $config->{$_} = $tree->{generalParameters}->{ldapParameters}->{$_}->{value}; $config->{$_} = '' if ( ref( $config->{$_} ) ); $config->{$_} =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*/$1/; } foreach (qw(authentication portal securedCookie)) { $config->{$_} = $tree->{generalParameters}->{authParams}->{$_}->{value}; $config->{$_} = '' if ( ref( $config->{$_} ) ); $config->{$_} =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*/$1/; } while ( my ( $v, $h ) = each( %{ $tree->{generalParameters}->{exportedVars} } ) ) { next unless ( ref($h) ); $config->{exportedVars}->{$h->{text}} = $h->{value}; } return $config; } sub checkConf { my $self = shift; my $config = shift; my $expr = ''; # Check cookie name return 0 unless( $config->{cookieName} =~ /^\w+$/ ); # Check domain name return 0 unless( $config->{domain} =~ /^[\w\.]+$/ ); # Load variables foreach(keys %{ $config->{exportedVars} }) { # Reserved words if( $_ eq 'groups' ) { print STDERR "$_ is not authorized in attribute names. Change it!\n"; return 0; } if( $_ !~ /^\w+$/ ) { print STDERR "$_ is not a valid attribute name\n"; return 0; } $expr .= "my \$$_ = '1';"; } # Load and check macros my $safe = new Safe; $safe->share( '&encode_base64' ); while( my($k, $v) = each( %{ $config->{macros} } ) ) { # Reserved words if( $k eq 'groups' ) { print STDERR "$k is not authorized in macro names. Change it!\n"; return 0; } if( $k !~ /^\w+$/ ) { print STDERR "$k is not a valid macro name\n"; return 0; } $expr .= "my \$$k = $v;"; } # Test macro values; $safe->reval( $expr ); if( $@ ) { print STDERR "Error in macro syntax: $@\n"; return 0; } # Test groups $expr .= 'my $groups;'; while( my($k,$v) = each( %{ $config->{groups} } ) ) { if( $k !~ /^[\w-]+$/ ) { print STDERR "$k is not a valid group name\n"; return 0; } $safe->reval( $expr . "\$groups = '$k' if($v);"); if( $@ ) { print STDERR "Syntax error in group $k: $@\n"; return 0; } } # Test rules while( my($vh, $rules) = each( %{ $config->{locationRules} } ) ) { unless( $vh =~ /^[-\w\.]+$/ ) { print STDERR "$vh is not a valid virtual host name\n"; return 0; } while( my($reg, $v) = each( %{ $rules } ) ) { unless( $reg eq 'default' ) { $reg =~ s/#/\\#/g; $safe->reval( $expr . "my \$r = qr#$reg#;" ); if( $@ ) { print STDERR "Syntax error in regexp ($vh -> $reg)\n"; return 0; } } unless( $v eq 'deny' or $v eq 'accept' ) { $safe->reval( $expr . "my \$r=1 if($v);"); if( $@ ) { print STDERR "Syntax error in expression ($vh -> $reg)\n"; return 0; } } } } # Test exported headers while( my($vh, $headers) = each( %{ $config->{exportedHeaders} } ) ) { unless( $vh =~ /^[-\w\.]+$/ ) { print STDERR "$vh is not a valid virtual host name\n"; return 0; } while( my($header, $v) = each( %{ $headers } ) ) { unless( $header =~ /^[\w][-\w]*$/ ) { print STDERR "$header is not a valid HTTP header name ($vh)\n"; return 0; } $safe->reval( $expr . "my \$r = $v;" ); if( $@ ) { print STDERR "Syntax error in header expression ($vh -> $header)\n"; return 0; } } } 1; } # Apply subroutines # TODO: Credentials in applyConfFile sub print_apply { my $self = shift; print $self->header( -type => "text/html" ); unless(-r $self->{applyConfFile} ) { print "


"; return; } print '

' . &txt_result . ' :

" . &txt_changesAppliedLater . "

"; } # Internal subroutines sub _dir { my $d = $ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME}; $d =~ s#[^/]*$##; return $d; } sub config { my $self = shift; return $self->{_config} if $self->{_config}; $self->{_config} = Lemonldap::NG::Manager::Conf->new( $self->{configStorage} ); unless ( $self->{_config} ) { die "Configuration not loaded\n"; } return $self->{_config}; } # Those sub are loaded en demand. With &header_public, they are not loaded each # time. *css = *Lemonldap::NG::Manager::_HTML::css; *javascript = *Lemonldap::NG::Manager::_HTML::javascript; *main = *Lemonldap::NG::Manager::_HTML::main; *start_html = *Lemonldap::NG::Manager::_HTML::start_html; __END__ =head1 NAME Lemonldap::NG::Manager - Perl extension for managing Lemonldap::NG Web-SSO system. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Lemonldap::NG::Manager; my $h=new Lemonldap::NG::Manager( { configStorage=>{ type=>'File', dirName=>"/tmp/", }, dhtmlXTreeImageLocation=> "/devel/img/", # uncomment this only if lemonldap-ng-manager.js is not in the same # directory than your script. # jsFile => /path/to/lemonldap-ng-manager.js, } ) or die "Unable to start, see Apache logs"; # Simple $h->doall(); You can also peersonalize the HTML code instead of using C: print $self->header_public; print $self->start_html ( # See CGI(3) for more about start_html -style => "/location/to/my.css", -title => " SSO configuration", ); # optional HTML code for the top of the page print "main; # optional HTML code for the footer of the page print "end_html; =head1 DESCRIPTION Lemonldap::NG::Manager provides a web interface to manage Lemonldap::NG Web-SSO system. =head2 SUBROUTINES =over =item * B (constructor): new instanciates the manager object. It takes the following arguments: =over =item * B (required): a hash reference to the description of the configuration database system. the key 'type' must be set. Example: configStorage => { type => "DBI", dbiChain => "DBI:mysql:database=session;host=", dbiUser => "lemonldap-ng", dbiPassword => "pass", } See L or L to know which keys are required. =item * B (required): the location of the directory containing dhtmlXTree images (provided in example/imgs). If this parameter isn't correct, the tree will not appear and you will have sone error in Apache error logs. =item * B (optional): the path to the file C. It is required only if this file is not in the same directory than your script. =item * B (optional): the path to a file containing parameters to make configuration reloaded by handlers. See C function in L. The configuration file must contains lines like: # Comments if wanted host http://virtual-host/reload-path When this parameter is set, an "apply" button is added to the manager menu. =back =item * B: subroutine that provide headers and the full html code. Il simply calls C, C, C
and C in this order. =item * B
: print HTTP headers. See L for more. =item * B: print HTTP headers and manage the C HTTP header. If it match to the age of the file passed in first argument, it returns C end exit. Else, it calls C
with the other arguments. By default, all elements of the manager use this mecanism except the configuration itself. =item * B: subroutine that print the HTML headers. you can add parameters to it; example; print start_html(-title => 'My SSO configuration', -author => '', -target => '_blank', -meta => {'keywords'=>'pharaoh secret mummy', 'copyright' => 'copyright 1996 King Tut'}, -style => {'src'=>'/styles/style1.css'}, -BGCOLOR => 'blue'); See start_html description in L for more. Bee carefull with C<-style> argument. You have to call it like the example above or simply like this: -style=> '/styles/style1.css', All other forms will not work. =item * B
: il produce the main HTML code needed to build the configuration interface. =item * B: close the HTML code by writing C<'E/bodyEE/htmlE'> =back Other subroutines manage the produce of CSS, Javascripts and of course the configuration tree (called with AJAX). =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L =head1 AUTHOR Xavier Guimard, Ex.guimard@free.frE =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2006-2007 by Xavier Guimard This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.8 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut