Table of Contents

Installation on Red Hat/CentOS

LL::NG requires at least Red Hat/CentOS 7


LemonLDAP::NG provides packages for Red Hat/Centos 7:

Get the packages

YUM repository

You can add this YUM repository to get recent packages:

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/lemonldap-ng.repo
name=LemonLDAP::NG packages

Run this to update packages cache:

yum update
You must also install the EPEL repository for non-core dependencies. See prerequisites and dependencies chapter for more.

Manual download

RPMs are available on the Download page.

Package GPG signature

The GPG key can be downloaded here: rpm-gpg-key-ow2

Install it to trust RPMs:

rpm --import rpm-gpg-key-ow2

Install packages

With YUM

If the packages are stored in a yum repository:

yum install lemonldap-ng

You can also use yum on local RPMs file:

yum localinstall lemonldap-ng-* perl-Lemonldap-NG-*

With RPM

Before installing the packages, install all dependencies.

You have then to install all the downloaded packages:

rpm -Uvh lemonldap-ng-* perl-Lemonldap-NG-*
You can choose to install only one component by choosing the package lemonldap-ng-portal, lemonldap-ng-handler or lemonldap-ng-manager.

Install the package lemonldap-ng-conf on all server which contains one of those packages.

First configuration steps

Change default DNS domain

By default, DNS domain is You can change it quick with a sed command. For example, we change it to

sed -i 's/example\.com/' /etc/lemonldap-ng/* /var/lib/lemonldap-ng/conf/lmConf-1.js /var/lib/lemonldap-ng/test/

Reload virtual host

To allow the manager to reload the configuration, register the reload virtual host name in the hosts of the server:

echo "" >> /etc/hosts
Adapt the reload virtual host name to the domain you configured.


If you upgraded LL::NG, check all upgrade notes.


Configure your DNS server to resolve names with your server IP.

For tests with, launch the following :
cat /etc/lemonldap-ng/for_etc_hosts >> /etc/hosts

Follow the next steps

File location

Build your packages

If you need it, you can rebuild RPMs:

%_topdir /home/user/build
%dist .el7
%rhel 7
rpmbuild -ta SOURCES/lemonldap-ng-VERSION.tar.gz