#!/usr/bin/perl use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::SharedConf; use HTML::Template; # Menu configuration my $skin = "pastel"; my $skin_dir = "__SKINDIR__"; my $appsxmlfile = "__APPSXMLFILE__"; my $appsimgpath = "apps/"; my $user_attr = "uid"; # Menu configuration use constant USER_CAN_CHANGE_PASSWORD => 1; use constant REQUIRE_OLDPASSWORD => 0; use constant DISPLAY_LOGOUT => 1; use constant AUTOCOMPLETE => "on"; my $portal = Lemonldap::NG::Portal::SharedConf->new( { # ACCESS TO CONFIGURATION # By default, Lemonldap::NG uses the default storage.conf file to know # where to find its configuration # (generaly /etc/lemonldap-ng/storage.conf) # You can specify by yourself this file : #configStorage => { File => '/path/to/my/file' }, # or set explicitely parameters : #configStorage => { # Type => 'File', # dirName => '/path/to/config/dir/' #}, # Note that YOU HAVE TO SET configStorage here if you've declared this # portal as SOAP configuration server in the manager # You can also specify directly the configuration # (see Lemonldap::NG::Handler::SharedConf(3)) #configStorage => { # type => 'File', # directory => '/usr/local/lemonldap-ng/conf/' #}, # LOG # By default, all is logged in Apache file. To log user actions by # syslog, just set syslog facility here: #syslog => 'auth', # SOAP FUNCTIONS # Remove comment to activate SOAP Functions getCookies(user,pwd) and # error(language, code) Soap => 1, # Note that getAttibutes() will be activated but on a different URI # (http://auth.example.com/index.pl/sessions) # You can also restrict attributes and macros exported by getAttributes #exportedAttr => 'uid mail', # PASSWORD POLICY # Remove comment to use LDAP Password Policy #ldapPpolicyControl => 1, # Remove comment to store password in session (use with caution) #storePassword => 1, # Remove comment to use LDAP modify password extension # (beware of compatibility with LDAP Password Policy) #ldapSetPassword => 1, # LDAP GROUPS # Set the base DN of your groups branch #ldapGroupBase => 'ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com', # CUSTOM FUNCTION # If you want to create customFunctions in rules, declare them here: #customFunctions => 'function1 function2', #customFunctions => 'Package::func1 Package::func2', # NOTIFICATIONS SERVICE # Use it to be able to notify messages during authentication #notification => 1, # Note that the SOAP function newNotification will be activated on # http://auth.example.com/index.pl/notification # If you want to hide this, just protect "/index.pl/notification" in # your Apache configuration file # OTHERS # You can also overload any parameter issued from manager # configuration. Example: #globalStorage => 'Apache::Session::File', #globalStorageOptions => { # 'Directory' => '/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/sessions/' # 'LockDirectory' => '/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/sessions/lock/' #} # Note that YOU HAVE TO SET globalStorage here if you've declared this # portal as SOAP session server in the manager #}, } ); if ( $portal->process() ) { # HTML::Template object creation my $template = HTML::Template->new( filename => "$skin_dir/$skin/menu.tpl", die_on_bad_params => 0, cache => 0, filter => sub { $portal->translate_template(@_) } ); # Menu creation use Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Menu; my $menu = Lemonldap::NG::Portal::Menu->new( { portalObject => $portal, apps => { xmlfile => "$appsxmlfile", imgpath => "$appsimgpath", }, modules => { appslist => 1, password => USER_CAN_CHANGE_PASSWORD, logout => DISPLAY_LOGOUT, }, # CUSTOM FUNCTION : if you want to create customFunctions in rules, declare them here #customFunctions => 'function1 function2', } ); $template->param( AUTH_USER => $portal->{sessionInfo}->{$user_attr} ); $template->param( AUTOCOMPLETE => AUTOCOMPLETE ); $template->param( SKIN => $skin ); $template->param( AUTH_ERROR => $menu->error ); $template->param( AUTH_ERROR_TYPE => $menu->error_type ); $template->param( DISPLAY_APPSLIST => $menu->displayModule("appslist") ); $template->param( DISPLAY_PASSWORD => $menu->displayModule("password") ); $template->param( DISPLAY_LOGOUT => $menu->displayModule("logout") ); $template->param( DISPLAY_TAB => $menu->displayTab ); $template->param( LOGOUT_URL => "$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME}?logout=1" ); $template->param( REQUIRE_OLDPASSWORD => REQUIRE_OLDPASSWORD ); if ( $menu->displayModule("appslist") ) { $template->param( APPSLIST_MENU => $menu->appslistMenu ); $template->param( APPSLIST_DESC => $menu->appslistDescription ); } print $portal->header('text/html; charset=utf-8'); print $template->output; } elsif ( my $notif = $portal->notification ) { # HTML::Template object creation my $template = HTML::Template->new( filename => "$skin_dir/$skin/notification.tpl", die_on_bad_params => 0, cache => 0, filter => sub { $portal->translate_template(@_) } ); $template->param( AUTH_ERROR => $portal->error ); $template->param( AUTH_ERROR_TYPE => $portal->error_type ); $template->param( NOTIFICATION => $notif ); $template->param( SKIN => $skin ); print $portal->header('text/html; charset=utf-8'); print $template->output; } else { # HTML::Template object creation my $template = HTML::Template->new( filename => "$skin_dir/$skin/login.tpl", die_on_bad_params => 0, cache => 0, filter => sub { $portal->translate_template(@_) } ); $template->param( AUTH_ERROR => $portal->error ); $template->param( AUTH_ERROR_TYPE => $portal->error_type ); $template->param( AUTH_URL => $portal->get_url ); $template->param( LOGIN => $portal->get_user ); $template->param( AUTOCOMPLETE => AUTOCOMPLETE ); $template->param( SKIN => $skin ); if ( USER_CAN_CHANGE_PASSWORD and ( $portal->{error} == PE_PP_CHANGE_AFTER_RESET or $portal->{error} == PE_PP_MUST_SUPPLY_OLD_PASSWORD or $portal->{error} == PE_PP_INSUFFICIENT_PASSWORD_QUALITY or $portal->{error} == PE_PP_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT or $portal->{error} == PE_PP_PASSWORD_TOO_YOUNG or $portal->{error} == PE_PP_PASSWORD_IN_HISTORY or $portal->{error} == PE_PASSWORD_MISMATCH or $portal->{error} == PE_BADOLDPASSWORD ) ) { $template->param( REQUIRE_OLDPASSWORD => 1 ); $template->param( DISPLAY_PASSWORD => 1 ); } else { $template->param( DISPLAY_FORM => 1 ); } print $portal->header('text/html; charset=utf-8'); print $template->output; }