Wiki.js ======= |image0| Presentation ------------ Wiki.js is an open-source wiki. See `the official Wiki.js website `__ for a complete presentation. It feature an OpenID Connect login that work with LemonLDAP::NG. Configuring Wiki.js ------------------- Connect to your wiki.js instance with an Admin user, in the admin panel, go to "Authentication". Click on "Add Strategy" and Choose "Generic OpenID Connect / OAuth2". Choose a Display Name. Define a Client ID and a Client Secret. * Authorization Endpoint URL : * Token Endpoint URL : * User info Endpoint URL : * Issuer : * Logout URL : Make a note of the "Callback URL" and the bottom of the screen and save the configuration. Configuring LemonLDAP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We now have to configure LemonLDAP::NG to recognize wiki.js as a valid OIDC relaying party. Add a :doc:`new OpenID Connect relaying party<..//idpopenidconnect>` with the following parameters (Options -> Basic) : * **Client ID**: the same you set in Wiki.js configuration. * **Client Secret**: the same you set in Wiki.js configuration. * **Allowed redirection addresses for login**: The "Callback URL" defined in wiki.js. \_Portal with internal CA ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. danger:: OIDC login fails when your LemonLDAP portal doesn't use a publicaly recognized certificate (Internal Corporate CA), this is because nodejs use it's own keystore. You'll need to pass "NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=" to your wiki installation. If done in docker you will have to create a new image from the official one, add your CA certificates into it, and use the env variable to use it in your wiki.js container. .. |image0| image:: /applications/wiki.js.svg :class: align-center